Clash between Team Decerto and Kings!

With 29 matches broadcasted on the past Sunday may enter the hall of fame as one of the more entertaining evenings. But the new week was not bad either. Ten matches overall on a Monday with one being a close and excited CB EuroCup game between Estonia k1ck and Poland high5 which ended 2:4 in favor of high5. Today is Tuesday and an explosive match is on every image: et Enemy Territory fan`s agenda.
image: deckings
The ESL Storm Assault upper bracket final between Netherlands Team-Decerto and Europe kingz is scheduled for today, 22.00 CET and by looking through the lineups we can see on the kingz side a composition from some Adroit lan winners and runner-ups as well as two Finish star players and on the other side some unlucky 3rd placed Adroit players with the addition of superb and also lan winner razz and a newer face to the high-end competition playing under the nick "Cupra". Both last named one`s are just helping saKen and co out due to the two other core players of Decerto having other appointments. But as we all know ET is about teamplay and today is a whole different day so all the mentioned lan trophy` are nice to have but not a secret of success. Thus I advice you to head over to the page and grab one of the ETTv-IP`s and enjoy some outstanding gamers fighting for some cool Spire Corp prizes! And just as a side note the loser will drop to the lower bracket where the guys from Poland tMoe are already waiting - so it is not the last clash in this ESL tournament!

And before I`ll post the basic facts, GamesTV link and lineups I want to add the captain`s statement:
QuoteWell today should be a thrilling encounter; something which I am looking forward to after Lan. It will be a close game, but i believe they have some lineup difficulties, so due to our individual capabilities I am going to go for a 4-0 victory for us. - United Kingdom R0SS

QuotePlaying for a spot in the grand final always adds something extra to a game. Unfortunately we´re missing two of our starters but with the help of Cupra and razz I hope we´ll still be able to put up a fight. - Netherlands saKen

Netherlands Team Decerto
  • Netherlands saKen
  • Netherlands JALLAAAAAA
  • France kARnAJ
  • Germany sTOWNAGE
  • United Kingdom razz
  • Netherlands Cupra

Time: 22.00 CET
Maps: TBA
image: game36034

Europe Kings
  • United Kingdom R0SS
  • Finland olBaa
  • Finland Salaneuvos
  • United Kingdom koop
  • Finland squalli
  • United Kingdom sqzz

To round this newspost off I gathered some player opinions:
QuoteDecerto seem to have changed their line up after the lan, so I would say that they are not the favorites to win this battle. Kingz is basically a mix of top players in each of their positions and they have played together for couple of officials and they should have no problems with teamplay since they are so familiar with each other. I do think decerto will take a map, but that's about it... 4:2 kingz. - Latvia Clown

QuoteThis is going to be a nice match, both teams have strong lineups and good teamplay. But I'm pretty sure it will a one-sided match, since kingz have 3 finnish pwnerds and sqzz. I guess kingz take it 4-0 with no problems. - Estonia subbi

QuoteIt should be a close game if decerto steps up their game, but with sqzz in kingz... I dont see saKen and co winning, maybe they can surprise and take one map but that`s it. 4:2 for kingz. - Belgium PlAyer

Quote I am pretty sure that both of those clans are inactive atm so its gonna come down to individual player skills rather than teamwork. I think the mix of players for kings is just too much for decerto to handle. My prediction is easy bash for kings with olbaa rolling nerds hard. - Poland syriusZ

QuoteBoth teams seem to have a pretty good lineup. Considering the experience that Kingz player have been shown to us facing final games, plus the latest results of some of their players, i think Kingz will take it 4-0, perhaps a 4-2 depending on the map. Decerto have a different lineup than usual, their are lacking the rifle skill (An7ho is missing), might cause some teamplay problems, don't know.. - Portugal ag0n

QuoteBy looking on the lineups both teams seem more like a mix than an actual team so I would say this game can go either way, all depending on individual performance. - Estonia Raul

QuoteShould be a pretty good game, 4-2 is most likely on the cards and I see Kingz just edging it but decerto could easily take the win for themselves. koop has a good chance of making the difference as the rifle seems to be the biggest difference between the two teams. - United Kingdom MerlinatoR
this decerto is weak... where are An7ho and Lampje? kingz is very strong, but koop :D play with rifle?? so easy for decerto :)))
as said above, the two missing players have other appointments (gf and soccer game/attending a soccer area...)... thus razz and cupra are replacing them
An7ho is working :P l4mpje football game
An7ho policeman? :D
cancelling my party for this
Nice write up dude,
keep it coming!
Should be easy for Kingz
clash between nerds and nerds
I so want to hit you in the face
you probably hurt your hand and get your ass whoop'd!
Had to do a double check on the Cupra thing

let's play cod4 later.
2 izi for Cupra
but that is not team decerto
Nice post SPU9 Dont no if we even have 6 though ! :(
Clash between Team Decerto and Kings

R0SS gets rolled, proceeds with forfeit-threats

meanwhile kings chry is in ettv chat flaming saken


I love ET.
and the match is paused..we need a new welcome to et movie!
you need to have some laugh in this game with reallife nerds like saken double chinning up
Saken for refusing players in a fun game
why didn't u play m8?
you not allowing :D
We never said you couldn't play
I would never have taken a forfeit win; once again people cant understand "banter"

I didnt invite the ESL admin to come - even after the loss on SD we continued to play and i even unpaused when the admin wanted to clear the situation.

I never get rolled.
gg guys ^^
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