Latest Enemy Territory transfers!

The summer is over, the first snow is falling down and a lot of player activities are noticeable. I want to gather some of the more interesting movements and new teams in this post. Click read more for all information!

image: transfers

First of all we can start with a quite interesting case. I have already written a short article about the kReSti project so I don`t have to elaborate about the project itself but about the lineup. With Germany humM3L and Germany kReSti two known and experienced players are trying to form a new and motivated team. With them taking the Multiclasser and Rifle-position there are four spots to fill and with Finland hukk playing second Engi and Estonia Nukits, Slovenia verunA and Belgium bobax doing the dirty Medic work the lineup is complete and ready to rock 'n' roll!

United Kingdom Team Chocomel, known from their last lan performance (not ingame but partywise) is currently searching for new talented and English speaking gamers. So if you feel confident try to contact either potty, hsTE or hvK! In case they can find three suited players I do see them doing some damage in the upcoming competitions!

Two CB EuroCup teams are reforming as well. With the guys around Germany stRay parting ways the playoff roster for Germany PDEG will most likely change from an all-German lineup to an international one. Unfortunately I can`t give you more insider information about that case but stay tuned! The second team is Portugal RoyalBlood. The team was never at their best and with not winning a single match in the group stage just setupp, ag0n and ivaNN are left for the upcoming tournaments. They have done some tryouts but will probably need some more days to confirm their latest additions.

Next comes some gossip about another EuroCup team which seems to bit the dust or at least some of them. Maybe it was the loosing spree which weakened their roster and with just 5 players remaining they are in urgent need of a capable and reliable guy to get them back on track. It is your chance to help Slovenia seareal, Slovenia m1ke, Sweden forever, Finland good and Germany violy!

Besides CWG the multicultural Chile Synergy is in need of a last Medic. The guys are aiming for some good points at the ESL and CB competition and with players from three different nations one just can hope they can find a common denominator!

Estonia glitz is a name most of you will have heard of but it is just the name which stays the same all the time. The lineup is changing every now and then. And yep you are right - we can add them to the list with an Enemy Territory team trying to play a 6on6 without a real 6th in their rows. Czech Republic t4Mj just made a post and the coming days will show if it has paid off.

Last but not least we have a Polish team I want to talk about. They play under the name of Trivium and they do have the 3on3 late night player Poland sosji in their lineup. By reading their recruitment thread it is sure they don`t want a newbie coming from the 2.55 scene but rather an experienced and skilled player to attend the upcoming CGS lan with them.

That`s for now. Feel free to pm me right here on crossfire or qry Germany SPU9 @IRC #crossfire for feedback and/or insider information for further posts!
You can add in your post Major FinlandHukk has been transferred for 1,500€.
Nice post :)
80% never heard, yareally
due to the fact you seem new to et- and the community, a loud and warm welcome to crossfire, the best et community page ;)
Keep up the good work. :)
Thanks for giving chocomel the heads up! But we was pretty good ingame aswell as partying. Beating an all star winfakt side and taking 2 maps off of anexis at LAN!
u tell em potty, no one even remembers your match winning artillery.
Only because it was the day before LAN and it wasnt on ETTV. People would be talking about it today like it was drago's panzer on frostbite or Matias sniping meez! Viewers missed out HARD.
dont forget the awesome victory against mcg!!

your hardest opponents last lan
I didnt play! :D urtier sat in my chair and some random played for him :D
"By reading their recruitment thread it is sure they don`t want a newbie coming from the 2.55 scene but rather an experienced and skilled player to attend the upcoming CGS lan with them."

I like :D
I just logged in to say:

Omg hukk omg
pls gief config pls
Avi for team potty
nice one SPU9!

like Australia kewell, I am still on the free transfer list.
Nice news

keep it up :o)
suprised to see nukits ! :P gl man
Breaking news: [DRAAKJES] m4rk & [DRAAKJES] Kri have moved on to Company of Heroes. Getting called hackers and nolifers who must have played 24/7 for the last 2 years.
Europe Cloud9 back on the track!
QuoteEstonia glitz is a name most of you will have heard of but it is just the name which stays the same all the time.

Poor Poland cHiLd_aBuSeR
nothing about no respect or high5, but you mention "trivium" :D
i dont have any infos about no respect ?? and high5 is around for some weeks already... thus i thought it is a bit late to put them in ;)
time to go top, hukk
Summer transfer window is closed!

Good luck in your future ET endevours Hukk :),spud you sure that karrde is new to all of this?
hukk best fintard who can play rifle :D
team plowtty please!
good news, keep up the great job! :)
no offence but everyone who browses cf once a week notices this anyway :p
Quote by Kallisosji got a better aim than you ever had/will have without any need of a bot like those polaks lately do
he actually didn't bot, he was busted for a wallhack, can't comment it further though as I don't know about the case, but at least he did well on lan
Quote by Kallisosji got a better aim than you ever had/will have without any need of a bot like those polaks lately do
Hukk is awesome!
Kresti :

you should be around med skilled / no cheater history

maybe he just got enough of playing with fucking faggots like you

no, we love each other
GL Hukk!
funny to read all the names in here, know them all by playing against, searching med-...
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