RtCW Fall Cup 2012 bringing you first live matches!

It is November guys and girls and that means the 31st of October has passed and the sign-ups for the RtCW Anniversary Cup 2012 are closed!
With a staggering 24 teams signing up we see some RtCW activity we haven’t seen in years!
Just to see blasts from the past like BeneluxKreaturen and NetherlandsAmnesia to compete alongside some heroes of the future coming down from the ET scene, it tells us we are in for one hell of a ride people!

image: rtcw234

When we coined the idea to organize another RtCW cup our hopes were to get 12 active teams to play. Now doubling that amount it has exceeded all of our expectations. When facing such unexpected success and attention it is important to guarantee the validity of the teams. Various people with experience in hosting cups suggested we’d get all signed teams to play at least one game before the start of the cup.
So that is exactly what we’re going to do in the upcoming week pushing back the starting date of the cup to the 11th of November.

Over the course of the past couple of weeks it has proven difficult for teams to fill in their entire line-up on ClanBase. Whether this had to do with teams not being able to retrieve their old account or players not being able to sign up, it was just a hassle.
Because we’re playing an 11 year old game which offers nothing more than shits and giggles, we don’t want to force problems or unnecessary stress on people trying to fix their line-ups on ClanBase.
It is therefore we decided to settle the line-ups on Crossfire. Every team has to send a PM to EstoniaZeD with the full line-up for this cup before Sunday the 11th of November.

Not only will this extra week prove the teams are ready, United States of AmericaWarWitch and his amazing team of shoutcasters (CanadaBoomerman, CanadaDeeAy, United States of AmericaJustice, United States of AmericaVradi and United KingdomCaemare) do not mind a few practice runs their selves. Starting off this Sunday with the first validation match being covered by WarWitch and Boomerman , we’ll see one of the favorites to make it to the finals EuropeoverPowered face darkhorse and oldschoolers GermanyHighBot. With the broadcast starting at 21.00 CET and the match at 22.00, you’ll be able to tune in to WarWitch’ channel here: http://www.twitch.tv/warwitchtv/b/336477806

Validation Matches
Having teams play a validation match will not only give us an idea about their intent on playing this cup, it will also give us on some insight on their current state of play.
Based on the line-ups, recent activity and previous experiences we’ve matched all teams vs an opponent which we think will give us an idea of what to expect from them this cup and how to seed them into the groups.
We ask every team to play their game before Sunday the 11th and inform one of the admins about your match. For the European teams this will be EstoniaZeD and Netherlandsvoice, the NA and AUS teams can turn to United States of Americaparcher. On that note, we’re still looking for 2-3 admins who’re willing to assist us with this cup.

The Matches:
BelgiumBooZZe vs. NetherlandsSDI
Germanya.ToOn.eu vs. EuropeCWG
Europexeimos vs. United Kingdomone.soldier
SwedenKiH vs. Hungarycave
BeneluxKreaturen vs. NetherlandsAmnesia
United States of Americatehbirds vs. Australiaubik
EstoniaSquad.ee vs. NetherlandsUnforgiven Multigaming
EuropeFallanx vs. EuropeBadazz
United States of Americastable vs. EuropeaZe
EuropeMortifactor vs. NetherlandsUnforgiven Group
United States of AmericaNaturally Gifted vs. SwedenTBA

For this cup we'll make use of the standard rules used in the 6 vs 6 format over the past years.
Later this week we'll make another announcement regarding the rules to refresh some peoples memories ;)!

Important Links
Cup Link: http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12928
WarWitch Bunker (where all the magic takes place) www.twitch.tv/WarWitchTV
RtCW Pack 1.4(includes everything): http://www.crossfire.nu/tutorials/198/rtcw-14-pack-2012
List of signed up teams with lineups: http://www.crossfire.nu/threads/46097/rtcw-fall-cup-2012-lineups-and-players

Visit us on irc @ quakenet.org #rtcw.wars and query me if any questions or you want to be part of this epic adventure!
feel free to make a ticket on ClanBase if you need help with gaining access to an old account :)
shame our game got switched from KiH to xeimos, would have been fun.
I'm sure you'll get your chance :P
hey merlinator since u know the most shizzle about rtcw are there commands which i need to modify in my cfg if i use it for RTCW? D: .<
or are they the same :P?
class binds are different, cvars are the same.

just go onto a match server and do pb_cvarlist and max out the r_ commands (brightness etc) and then /writeconfig x

movement binds work exactly the same.
unknown command +prone ;-D
prone isnt movement! :P its the complete opposite :D
yea it sucks! would have been awesome!
I agree merl :D should be KiH vs one :D legend game haha but it will still be fun. prepare to be destroyed merly ;)
Please say that there's going to be wtv and not just that Warwitch cast page?!

WTV chat and comments were half the fun during tournaments...
guess its video stream only, costs no money and not as much of a hassle to setup + might get more viewers overall.
ask BaZ for a wtv server, im sure he wants to set one up!
It's not just about the setting up of a WTF server, you also need some willing person to cam, man ;)
Would be nice if he could :)
i think it would be way more interesting for warwitch to cast either:

xeimos vs one soldier
cave vs kih

(based on old lineups & around the same skill level)

cause hb are gonna get raped hard tbh :p and these 2 matches are gonna be way more interesting to watch & cast
I guess they will cast more then just the sunday - hope so anyway. That game has just been forced/arranged that day for the cast etc. but indeed you are right, will be quite one sided as HB not played for years and OP have been playing a lot in that time.
QuoteWarWitch and his amazing team of shoutcasters (Boomerman, DeeAy, Vradi and Caemare
With that line up of shoutcasters, I am sure they are capable of covering more than just a coupe of games :)
I think they are mainly all from NA though, so unless they have some no work days or early finishes - could be maybe sunday only :(
We have one WTV server available although this generally will be used for the games without stream.
As for the games you mentioned homiee, if you can give us a time and date we'll try and get shoutcast :)!
awesome! i'll contact kih and talk about it ;)
edit: im up for doing that frags of the week video shit!
A Frags of the Week (FotW) would be good, but we should also add in a few 'less well played' moments too.

Let's be fair, given how long it's been there might just be a few of these - and they would be good entertainment!
something like fail of the week :D?
just put one.soldier vs KIH and we will consider it as "the never played final" from rtcw-cup3 or 4 dunno. would be cool :D
So excited, whoppa!
Good luck highbot, they will need it!
amnesia aren't participating
Would rather see one play oP for the showmatch, Overpowered will absolutely batter highbot.
Listening to Warwitch again makes me want to finger myself.
Disguiting Simon ''Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake with smelly finger.'' Go figure Ooops finger.
one.soldier for the win
It would be nice for the community to have WolfTV for those games I'm not able to cover with my fellow broadcasting soldiers. This is about everyone having fun and enjoying the game we love so much. I'll do my best to cover what I can. I work A LOT, but Sundays are wide open for me and I'm devoting that time to RtCW.
Fair effort for anyone to make, no-one can ask more than that.

Warwitch cast = sexual, Warwitch cast + WTV = EPIC.
set maps or elimination?
We'll have set maps for each week during the group stages. Once we reach the knock-out stage it'll be elimination.

-edit- The maps for this week are free to choose for obvious reasons :)!
buybuy cwg noobies
:DD ab wann bist du da?
digge drecks comtech hat mir das netzteil immernoch nichtgeschickt :D haha vllt erst nächste woche
bis zum 11ten müssen wir das erste spiel gespielt haben ._.
Habe Mo Di Mi frei , am Do Fr So muss ich arbeitn. also erst ca am So 21:15 zuhause :x , Do um 20uhr! ^^ Falls es euch/uns was bringt^^
mir ist das egal solange es nicht am we ist :)
Gut das ich es nicht geschrieben habe :D ... So, isja kein wochenende :p
bin arbeiten bibuy
ja bis am 11. hab ich das ding :)
excited? :D
GAMESTV LINK SHOWMATCH SUNDAY OP VS HB: http://www.gamestv.org/event/36132
I am available too as backup to play.
Wish i could have played. Hope it's a fun tourny, one.soldier to win! Just need chronos blasting some tunes on teamspeak and things will be back to normal.
Who's playing for Kreaturen?
Alleen maar oldskoolers :D

Netherlands Lun4t1C
Netherlands Azzor
Netherlands M1lk
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands xPERia
Belgium dAv1d
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands Jehuty
oh I think I peed in my pants :B

image: 3632140_1
needs more you
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