Return to Castle Warwitch tonight!

As we all know it's sunday night and sunday night is for some Return to Castle Wolfenstein action! Tonight is a bit special show since there's quite few surprises for the viewers, to find out which, well in that case you MUST tune in to the stream at 20.00 CET!

image: rtcw234

So moving on, tonight we will see 2 matches.

1st starting at 21.30CET - Europe badazz vs. Germany HighBot
and the 2nd match starting 22.30CET between no other than Europe mortis vs. Estonia !

GTV Information:

image: game36428


image: game36512

Both matches will be streamed by United States of America WarWitch and this weeks maps are mp_beach & mp_village!

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-8d75b69652e0779a-640x125

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image: 704516_3853019484475_518783378_o

Just incase you missed the current rankings in groupstage, image: groups
So make sure you tune in at 20.00 CET!
Grab your pringles and coke. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

Official RtCW channel @ quakenet is #rtcw.wars


cya there. and pls give all server info to warwitch this time!
nice write-up =]
I only watch this for Natalia!!!!!!!!!!
You're in luck. She's getting a uniform and a full show starting next week on Mondays. She wanted to play longer than 20 minutes :)
You are one lucky man sir, not me. You are a great shoutcaster, and she is a great woman. I hope your kids going to earn both parents talents. Skill from the father and beauty and softness from the mother
damn dat chick
her eyes match the latex
we need tosspot in zee stream! would be nice combo warwitch toss! :)
spraying cum everywhere
thats dangerous malm... u know what would happen???

image: image

Never worked with Tosspot I don't think, but I have nothing but 100% respect for him. It would be fun to work together.
Loving Warwitch's casting!
Awesome coverage again. Unlucky with some of the glitches but don't worry, keep calm, chive on! ;}
Great casting. Warwitch always delivers a really professional cast. One thing is that the stream seemed kind of choppy and I didn't like to watch that to be honest but everything else top notch.
when u listen warwitch & co, stream doesn't care how it looks :D and come on ww's know, and hes making this for luv ;) stream was watchable in the end
did you watch any WTV games on sunday? upload if you did bro! =)
I heard it was a bit choppy but the recording is very smooth, so I think my buffer may have been set a bit too high and it was causing lag. Each week I make adjustments. Eventually I'll get it perfect :)
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