Clanbase Fall Season 2012: What's going on?

I have prepared a small update to let you know what is happening in this season's Clanbase Fall cups such as the most important EuroCup XXVI and OpenCup in both 6on6 and 3on3 format.

image: fall2009

Let's start with EuroCup XXVI. The group stage is already behind us and we had to say goodbye to 8 teams that didn't make it to the further phase. Two weeks ago we entered to the final stage of this tournament - Playoffs.image: cbecxxvi_medium

7 teams are still competing for a best team of this season's EuroCup. France sticked is already knocked out after they had lost to Devilry and Loca. Upper bracket games are a bit ahead of the lower bracket ones and there is only one game remaining before a Grand Final. In an Upper Bracket Final we have a clash between previously mentioned team Poland Devilry and the main favorite for the final victory Europe kings. The date is still unknown.
In a lower part of the bracket we have two games ahead of us, Europe TAG will fight against Europe In Ya Ass (tune in tonight - LINK ) for a place in LB Round 2 game versus another polish team Poland high5. Whereas in the second LB Round 2 game we have a french team France Loca against Europe bSTURZ who lost few days ago to kingz with just 2:4.

We encourage all teams to schedule their games as soon as possible and please do not delay this tournament and try to finish this before Christmas!

Visit Clanbase page to check the whole brackets: EuroCup XXVI: Brackets. Also don't forget to visit GamesTV in order to check exact dates of all games. EuroCup XXVI at GamesTV

image: trenn

Besides EuroCup there is always an OpenCup going on Clanbase. This time we have only two formats, 6on6 and 3on3. Except 6on6 Premier League the rest of the leagues are already in the final phase - Grand Final and Bronze Final, what is very nice to see!image: opencup3

In a 6on6 Premier League we already know the two finalist that will compete in a Upper Bracket Final, it's a polish team Poland head-hunters and an european mix led by laNgo Germany Lost Soldiers. Both teams have already met in a group stage where :h won 4:0. Will this time be different? In a lower bracket games we are at the level of LB Round 2 games. Two very interesting games coming, Finland KRP versus Germany mMonkeys and Europe inSpiron against Netherlands Effectus that will take place tonight!

In a Second League two games still need to be played, in a Grand Final we have a clash between another polish team Poland Boozers and team Europe Cat in a hat that hasn't lost a single game yet. Europe enhanced and Finland Z Salamapartio will fight for a 3rd place.

One of the third league finalist also stays unbeaten from the begining of the cup, it's a german team Germany PowerMaurerClanGermany that will battle it out in the final against Europe Controlled Gaming. In a bronze final we have Poland Orzel7 and a team that will play their another offi under they very creative name Europe offi only.

We already know the top2 positions in a fourth league. The golden pocal is in Finland pocket whereas Europe teamALBERT took the silver one. The czech team Czech Republic iabg will face Europe ETL-gaming this night to find out who will take the 3rd place!
image: trenn

In a 3on3 format we already know the winner of the whole cup, the new OpenCup 3on3 Premier League winner is Netherlands Team Decerto that won against Finland Big Booty Bitches in a Grand Final. Europe bSTURZ and Europe wFon will fight in a bronze final game for the third place.image: opencup3

Second league final is taking place tonight in a game between Finland Improper Bastards and Europe inSpiron. The date of the bronze final game between Germany Komakolonne and Netherlands gentleMen is still unknown.

In a third league grand final we have a battle between unbeaten Scandinavian team Norway Fact Is Fiction and Germany German Gaming Club. The game is going to be played tonight! Finland Z Salamapartio took the 3rd place in a game against iNTENSiTY.

Another grand final will take place tonight - click, the 4th league finalist will be known after the game between Belgium Unplugged - Team Pries and Finland Bronze pocal goes to United States of America THE BEST.

Finland, that has been mentioned in this news already, have a chance to get another golden pocal. They will fight in a fifth league grand final against team Europe Chaos. Bronze final will be played between Germany Team Infinity and Europe eNigma.

In a last league's grand final we have a game between polish team Poland x7-Enzo and Finland UseMF, they will battle it out this night! Europe Number One Gaming will fight versus Europe seurakunta oc for a third place game.

image: trenn

Besides Fall cups information, Clanbase is looking for National Team Managers for upcoming NationsCups. image: cblogo_160w

After introducing the role of National Team Manager many seasons ago, we are again looking for people dedicated to help us with the organisational aspects of the national teams. Currently we are updating the previous season list of National Team Mangers as well as searching for new ones. The task of the National Team Manager is to uphold the high standard of a national team - from managing the clan ID to monitoring the cups and acting as a link between ClanBase Crew and the squad Captains.

If you want to read more about this visit this link: ClanBase is looking for National Team Managers
Good write-up

(asslicker lolxd)
The date of the bronze final game between Komakolonne and gentleMen is still unknown.

K&K didn't show up
IYA vs TAG was forced for tomorrow and no forfeit while high5 vs Devilry is forfeit. WTF IS THIS
because next possible date for devilry is Sunday and admin didn't agree to give next 7 days
Well, we had to wait 3 more days to play the game from mon-wed, when we could've played (wanted to), but kings vs TAG had problems.... so CB gave them 3 extra days, which now fucked us (IYA) over.
Silly CB is silly.
fucked you in your ass? ;)
because high5 accepted devilry's challenge so it's their fault they didn't show up, whereas IYA-TAG was forced by admin.
just fuck CB admins
Would rather not, but I do see your point.
GL PolandOrzeu!
gj fanatic
Nicely written, but so low viewerpeaks

What happened et?!
nothing happened - the reason for "so low viewerpeaks" is that most ETTV viewers were watching kingz vs decerto, which lasted 3.5 hours or so
Wow 120 views for a final and just one game, the et glory days are back now!
what is your problem? I realize that you have put a lot of time into RtCW and are consequently a bit jealous that more people still play ET than play your pre-historic video game, but there is still no reason to act like a child
nevermind sir, artstar already answered my question

edit: i don't hate et, nor am i jealous about it or anything.
there's no way even if the server was filled with butchji maus mystic ferus tekoa that ET would get 1000 viewers on ETTV anymore. people don't want to connect to an IP to watch an unshoutcasted match.

if ET would put effort into streaming the top matches however, and some caster like toss would show up we'd have some much bigger viewer peaks like BFB2 final (800 viewers) only 4-5 months ago.

streaming is pretty much the future for viewer peaks in all games but et never took that step, even rtcw has done it now. before that you guys were getting around 40 max viewers.
thx for the answer :) now i atleast know why!
ETTV/WTV thing of the past :( think even the CS TV client was dwindling too. such nice features too, so sad.
yup, but i understand why tho
more like 65-75 last tournaments. But WW already surpassed obv with like 180-340 each time.
that's streamviewers, precisely my point. :D
RTCW happened!
nice summary
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