Adroits LAN: Your highlights?

As most of you are aware, Adroits LAN took place last month and we saw £1 Fish take the title in a close last map vs. Team Rockit. However, that wasn't the only close or great moment of the event and we want to know which moments stood out for you. We'll take the best suggestions and add them to the special video we're creating for the event.

This video will feature all aspects of the LAN from ET to QL & FIFA to footage of the players playing and should be finalised before Christmas!

To submit your suggestions, just leave a comment on this news post with the link from Adroits LAN match list, the time in the demo which the frag happened, who the frag(s) belong to and which side they're on (axis/allies) and lastly, a short description of the frag itself. Check the example below if you're unclear;

  • Match link: match link goes here
  • Player: razz (allies)
  • Time: 06:54
  • Short description of the kill: 4 man thompson within 7 seconds
Thanks for your contribution to this video <3
Adroits ET Masters 2013 :[
With an RTCW tournament on the side please!
Flaming sambucas
"fuck you blindi" lulz
was really fun thanks for the experience guys
didnt notice any good frags, sorry.
Robert, you so low at LAN? :((((

Come on, be honest... I bet you have at least one trillion frags!
I devoted myself into playing games, didnt pay any attention to possible fragsprees.
That's how hardcore I am.
HardCore Focused Best TeamPlayer Ever.
if you havent got any frags:

Match link:
Player: koop (axis) GOLDRUSH
Time: 8:40 then 8:08
Short description of the kill: 4 man within 5 seconds, then about 10 seconds later going to main for 2 man rifle (6 all together)

Match link:
Player: koop (allies) RADAR
Time: 6:40
Short description of the kill: laying the smackdown with sniper, 3man
+ sneaky truck build on bremen

Match link:
Player: koop (allies) RADAR
Time: 6:40
Short description of the kill: laying the smackdown with sniper, 3man

Match link:
Player: koop (axis) GOLDRUSH
Time: 2:15 - 1:10
Short description of the kill: 8 man within the time listed above ^

Match link:
Player: koop (allies) SUPPLY
Time: at the very start
Short description of the kill: rifleshot from allies first spawn to cp killing engi (piegie :PPPP)
Better include my ingame comment to that.
Piegie: koop mong
dont have a specific frga in mind tbh, since i didnt see that many games myself :(

and my personal favorite is GermanyMYS vs £1 Fish
since it was our best performance ;)
Shouldn't you make a promo video BEFORE the event? :D

Or does this mean this will be a promo video for ANOTHER event
he needs material for facebook propaganda obviously
Why bother from something there won't be an actual succesful event for anyway?
Maybe to promote his recent work to new investors for other adroits events with different gaymes?
1 games' ''succes'' does not guarantee the same for another, or is he actually aiming for the scenery around the game in stead of the multikills or so lol
I think he just wants to show some of his work on facebook (a video with views) so he can say he hosted a succesful event
or maybe he just wants a video with highlights of the event d:
for no reason ;)
Actually there are many reasons.

1) For future events.
2) A memory of the event, sort of like a souvenir
3) Promoting ET in general
More about creating a video memory for everybody who was there, watched from home and even myself. It's like any other reason people take photos, videos, memoires etc. of an event in their life. It's nice to remember, and it's nice to document.

Will I show it to sponsors for other events as well? For sure I will, but it's not the primary, secondary or even tertiary reason for the creation of this video. Perhaps not a reason at all.
Where does it say this is a promo video?

It's a video to highlight the LAN. Yeah, lets make that before the event...
So what will you use it for then, not for promo?
Highlighting a LAN that has already took place to me only needs to be done to promote the next event by showing what the other one was like. Which is promotional I guess.

And I was merely wondering whether that would be for the ET part only or just the whole LAN-scene, cuz if it was for the ET part, then I stick to my opinion.
Or wait, did I just read it was about making a lan fragmovie? Cuz that does sound a lot different lol
Yes, it's a post-event highlight movie from all games.
is the example a real one or will it be a koop only movie? [:
Koop + Quake & FIFA :D
My 4/5 man lugerkill vs EUNd on Goldrush.
Hit me with the infoz!

Goldrush, devastation defence, near the end of the round iirc :)
Match link:
Short description of the kill:

Don't let me down Tom Cena!
Match link:
Player: ironic
Time: Goldrush (2nd map), defence (2nd round) 2:53
Short description of the kill: 1 MP40, 3 luger, 1 Thompson

Also, you could make a fragmovie from Kevin's frags only :P
i didnt read the POST do i still have time for it ?
eventhough i've seen almost every game, i cant remember anything from them :/

Player: An7ho(allies)
Time: 06:04
Short description of the kill: 4 man mg within 4 secondes which led to the end of the round
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