SplashDamage announce DirtyBomb

SplashDamage have returned to the PC FPS Realm with their latest title DirtyBomb. To be launched on the Unreal 3 engine the game is a made for PC FPS title that in the words of Paul Wedgewood when I bumped into at Gamescom 'you guys will really like'.

The trailer reveals the game is set in a futuristic London and its quick cut scenes suggest its intending to be a fast based team FPS. There was no accompanying press release by Splash Damage only the recent hiring of Unreal 3 engine coders and the big 'Unreal' logo on the end of the trailer give that fact away! Its also suggested that due to Warchest being involved it will be a Free to Play game.
Hope this will be better than Brink
Brink wasn't that bad, it's just because some key features were missing to become a successful esport game.
+1, they should have released a mod package ( or however it's called ) way earlier
The support was shit though.
Well, they did listen to the community before the game came out, but they didn't pull through once it was released. Like Piegie said, they should've released a big patch or mod to fix the stuff that had to be fixed. Even though they did listen to use before the release, they still missed big standard features like first person view in spectator mode. Like, seriously? Third person spectator only in a first person shooter? Stuff like that can ruin a game and.. it did.
Yeah, that's what I mean exactly.
They should take a good look at what valve is doing before they released CS:GO. Once the game is 'done' for them, let 'pro' players try out the game and see if the game actually works and is balanced. Players who play on a high level have a so much better view on what works and what doesn't. This way they will have a way better game on release, but the key is listening to the community after the game is done. I've seen so many games fail because of easy mistakes :(
It's sad and it's bad for them. (Money, effort etc.)
Well, the game will be free to play, not? So I guess they will need to listen to the community to make it successful. They will most likely have some kind of microtransaction system like those other F2P FPS games to make money out of it. So the more people play it, the more money they will earn. Good example: League of Legends.
I can agree on that, I enjoyed the game for a while but in the end it was just missing something.
not just an esport game but a game in general...
but hopefully the good bits of Brink will be in this
Well at least it isn't IDTech4.
+ fucking one!!
idtech5 (read RAGE) is awesome though I want to see more games using that :<
avi for dirtybomb team

soz 2 low for secret project
ok if you train hard between now and release, there is a chance at 3rd backup.

no promises though.
Challenge accepted!
avi, dont wanna risk getting stabbed again m8
Yeah true that mate....true that
I haven't played any game with the U3 engine (I think!). Is it ANY good actually or are we gonna get another spongy, slow, sticky, 'wait-until-autoaction-is-done' experience?

Edit: Oh, and let's hope for dedicated servers...
It's piece of shit.

Even single player games on that engine feel like shit.
Never played Tribes Ascend? I believe that's U3 Engine ( not entirely sure tho, Borderlands is U3 as well I think ).
yeh if you aint sure of the facts, then leave m8
QuoteTribes: Ascend, developed using the Unreal 3 engine, is being positioned as the multi-player successor to the much lauded Tribes 2 and a re-introduction of the franchise to the gaming world.

QuoteBorderlands was developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games. It runs on a modified Unreal Engine 3
Turns out I'm right, now gtfo!
"Never played Tribes Ascend?" Yes and will never again. Imo its not even playable.
And why's that?
U3 engine never felt good for me, pretty spongy or 'moving through jello' physics. But then if they modify the engine a bit it might be better. And i've had mixed feelings on stuff like the response to keys being pressed and weapon switching etc. Been a while since i played an U3 game tho so dunno really. Engine never seemed particularly good or bad.
mass effect is alright imo
dedicated servers seem to be the in-thing at the moment.. thankfully
Good good. Will see some good comebacks to ET when this game ends up sucking like other attempts.
inb4 "Looks great, let's hope it's a fun game!", followed by 6 months of "game isn't even out yet, how can you say it's bad?" followed by 1 week of "give it time, it's a new game" after release, followed by 2 weeks of promod building, followed by "yeah, this is shit, what were we thinking?!"
History repeats itself :(
Why isn't there a "like" or "+1" button on Crossfire :-(
thought the same ^^
have hope my friend... hope
Another "PRESS X TO REVIVE TEAMMATE" console piece of shit from developers of W:ET and ET:QW (they forgot to add BRINK in trailer)
Saw that too, but I wouldn't put it on my resumé either.
they don;t have a long resume to be fair
even snuck RtCW in there when what they added has been played 1% of the time.
If its a "made for PC" title I doubt it will be a port somehow ;)
Since all games were missing important things or just shit i say , this is shit.
reserved my nick xD

tbh i liked brink & wolfenstein, there was just smth rly competitive missing there :(
The good:
-Not a console port
-Not using idtech4

The bad:

Shit until proven otherwise!
Unreal engine is pretty nice as well - at least it was in Borderlands.
u think? i still felt it was sorta slow/unresponsive bit spongy. Not that it was that bad, i've seen worse.
that was the low grav settings they had on it :P I meant like graphically it is nicer for a wider range of PCs which is great, especially for a free to play.
oh yeah i defo think its graphically sound. Am just not entirely convinced on the physics part yet. But then i guess most ET players are spoiled by the Q3 enginge which is just so much faster than most other engines out there.
+ new game
+ expectations
+ hope

-MODERN FPS -> like there is not enough of them every month..
there arent that many free to play fps games with these kind of graphics though.

But obviously graphics dont matter that much to the ET community, its all about dat gameplay
If i want to play that game vs. someone (i mean multiplayer obviously) i dont give a shit about graphics.
Its about all features,gameplay/teamplay/classes/etc.

Only in singleplayer does graphic mean something..
and that is exactly the point i was making...
thank you for this enlightenment
dude, stop crying about graphics :/ Why do you want sick graphics, we dont care. Srsly, stop crying over the graphics now :S:S:S:S:S:S
Will be as successful as Brink.
game trailers =/= video ingame
w:et for life
jesus christ...this is proper shite
Very "Brink" like but they fail to mention that they developed it, rather, they mention their more popular successes. "SMART" marketing?

As long as the gunplay is solid and there is competitive customization and support i'm in. The shooting needs to be skill based so do away with the ridiculously random cone of fire they included in QW and Brink (most likely won't happen)

If that stuff isn't there 100% on day 1 I am going to have to be incredibly bored to play it. Not to say I am not pumped for it, but QW was a let down (although fun), and brink was a massive failure.

Enemy Territry has a large fan base (so does QW, to a much lesser extent). If they fail to win over those fans the game won't enjoy much success :/
Quoterandom cone of fire

whats that?
image: cone

tip of cone = end of gun
rest = how bullets spread away, like hipfire in cod

ET = more of a straight line, hence why it's more skill based
so kinda like spray and pray?
Exactly so
my kind of game =D
I wonder why ;)
I'm very catholic, I like to pray.
and young boys
Young girls Joshm8! :p
that's Jimmy Saville...
not needing to control spread isnt skilled, its sandbox mode.
Well it's nice that there is another title coming for our FPS path choice, any judgement early is quite foolish ^_^ hoping for the best though, not been anything good for practically a decade.
Great news Tosspot , thank you for this
lets wait and see ;)
looks fine for me, fits pretty well for the todays standards i guess. doesn't matter if it lasts forever or just for a season, as long as the top team will be et related (e.g Ati & jo0f @ arctic combat - am so jelly about g-star and korea overall :I ). am happy whenever i read about successes of my native community's playaz (despite the game itself).
The title is awful.
thought the same, sounds like some shit game mode in Mario Party
Splash Damage hasn't made a single good game except ET which begun as a bad RtCW rip-off until it was modded..

gtfo SD, you cant make games for shit and this game will be just as bad
inb4 nerds praccing it 24/7 to win few euros and quit after first tournament coz the game is shit
that's what 95% of polaks do, working 24/7 for few euros.
I think I'm going to have to sit this one out.
no you're gonna play with me
haha :p you neva know
Dis be the game I'm gonna go pro in; €€€ incoming
i can see some of brink's crumbs there.
anyway ill give it a try when it gets released only because they made ET
did somebody say brink?
ET:QW was actually a really good game, it's just that 75% of the teams had already moved on by the time the promod came out. It made the game more playable and it felt alot smoother.

I guess thats a requirement for it to be a competitive game.
Time to win some money again
avi4team /q ironic`
"free to play"

you know who will like this news :D
I don't enjoy pay to win :(
Me neither, and I doubt this'll be pay-to-win.
Yes, lets get our hopes up. Like Q4. Or ETQW. And Wolfenstein. And Brink. Maybe they should focuss less on making money and more on making a good product.
I can't believe any company would focus on making money in this day and age. How unreasonable.
True, but maybe they should first make decent games and then earn money instead of the other way around.
Agreed. I'd argue it's more profitable to make a decent game that actually has some future value rather than the X amount of money it makes in the first 4 weeks.
I think the fact that it's F2P means they are not focusing on making money.
Sorry, I stopped reading at "SplashDamage have returned to the PC FPS Realm with their latest title DirtyBomb."
I don't think you need to apologise. Best thing to do in future is to read it in full before commenting, that way you won't look as stupid as you did this time.
Because Riot is piss poor and Hi-Rez is piss poor and Sony Online is piss poor, etc. F2P can be a successful business model and it will potentially continue to be. Now Splash Damage wants a piece of the cake, which I'm fine with, as long as they put out decent material.
nice :),

When does the game will be playable ?
inb4 pay2win only league of legends managed to make a profitable f2p game without pay2win (and tf2)
TF2 wasn't always F2P.
fair point but the hat system is what keeps it profitable now
from the trailer u can already see u prolly cant shoot while sprinting

will prolly be shit ;d
Fuck it, I'm optimistic. Hopefully there will be a alpha/beta test so that people can give them some feedback during development. Surely they'll learn from their mistakes.
Step one in learning from mistakes, they did not use the same engine as their last failures.

They have however opted for an engine that is nothing like the quake engine so don't expect anything similar in terms of movement.
It's possible to mimic Quake movement in UE3.
I have seen a few games made with UE3 with faster movement etc. but nothing like the fluency experienced in Q3 engine games.
No doubt that it will take fine tuning, but it's definitely possible.
Well yeah here is hoping but after burning their faithful so many times with recent titles you can understand my tone of apprehension :p
Oh, I totally understand. My concerns were the same until somebody explained to me how it can be done in UE3. I want a game with the same movement we have in Quake, ET etc. If it doesn't have that, I can probably deal with it, but won't enjoy it as much.

Also, BRINK was a failure due to Bethesda more than Splash Damage, and now SD really want to redeem themselves. I've heard they are funding this themselves entirely. This mean they have full control of development, marketing & publishing. I don't get excited about games ever, but I feel something in my bones with this one.
Ah well that is pleasing news! Bethesda ran an extremely good marketing campaign which proved successful in terms of sales but they clearly gave the development team no room to move.
I really liked W:ET and ET:QW so I guess I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully they follow the example they've set with RAD Soldiers (lol ipad/iphone game) and host a public beta. Even better might be a rolling release as the game will be free2play anyway.
If you want the ear of the developers you just need for fork out $320. Maybe we should nominate a community member and chip in so we can get some real representation?

i am here to help ;D
this image is so beautiful I could cry
the Uwe Boll of games is releasing yet another titles that is doomed to fail.
for a good game you need:
- fast movement / with strafe jumps (more or less)
- no strewing guns
- no alternative weapon mode with smg (just sniper)
- health points
- dedicated servers
- personal configuration (config)
- the title must be wolfenstein ;)

but the qout "PC FPS" gives me some hope at least
but its not et
ironsight ? no thx
avii :)

look nice :)
Bit short to see what will happen
If brink fails this will, Brink was fucking epic. All these crying bastards killed brink who couldnt even run the machine themselvs, everyone who had brink who I know loved the game. yet these shitty faggots on crossfire cried about it when they didnt own the game.

Either cheap bastards or their pc couldnt handle it but thats there fault. You will never get a game like ET again many have tried and many have failed.

But people will download this game then cry over smth like its to slow or smth IDK faggots <3

ps. Trailer didnt show anything rofl.
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