Sunday night RtCW carnage!

Hello ladies & gentleman! It's been more than enough to wait for new newspost about RtCW Fall Cup 2012. I am truly sorry for all the followers there. But here are the news and things whats going on in this week.

image: rtcw234

Ok so tonight is another RtCW night with stream. United States of America Warwitch has a small present for you guys. Its regarding the stream so keep your ears opened. Tonight we have two great matches between 4 great teams. Currently these 2 games wont decide anything important in their groups but might cause some trouble to the other teams. We will have great matches tonight and equal matchups. This weeks maps are mp_assault & te_frostbite. Close and exciting are the words for those two maps. Will be interesting matches tonight so don't forget to dial in and enjoy!
PS. There is also two other matches going on tonight - Europe badazz vs. Europe cWg & United States of America radd vs. Netherlands n0 ! We'll see if there will be WTV aswell. So if your intrested there plenty of games tonight to choose from. Make sure you don't forget to watch them!

image: game36601


image: game36531

Both of these matches will be broadcasted on !

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-8d75b69652e0779a-640x125

Show starts at 20 CET!

Also I would like to give you heads up on the rankings currently in the group stage and its the end of matchweek 3 so heres the current
image: groups

Important Links
Cup Link -
WarWitch Bunker (where all the magic takes place) -
RtCW Pack 1.4(includes everything) -

Visit us on irc @ #rtcw.wars and query me if any questions or you want to be part of this epic adventure!
gl Francekarnaj x::d:x::d:x:d:d:xd
Sunday night RtCW Francecarnage!
:s sorry im losin it
nice, have fun teams!
QuotePS. There is also two other matches going on tonight - Europe badazz vs. Europe cWg

PS'ing our games :{

Good luck to the others, especially voice :$
I always enjoy these matches with shoutcasting! Nice coverage.
i cant wait till it starts!
Needs some stream!
go cave :)
love it, best cast ever! :)
Was great fun to a part of! A couple of really good matches too.
need stable LU and more prac before offi :/
It's hard to get six active players after so many years. People get lives n shit ;P
come play a game or two :<
He's with Kreaturen.
If they didn't had enough last sunday i would have played...
Too bad i came home too late , so they arranged some1 else.
I had a lot of fun with these games. DtS did a great job! Next week: Axis 5000 PC in 720 HD.
Awesome shoutcast again Warwitch.

Looking forward to your HD stuff next week ;)
Thanks! I'm pretty excited :)
I dunno if Zed passed this on, but you shud give it a try, should make following the docs a bit easier, instead of trying to cycle through all the players.

Keypad Enter to list players
Keypad Minus to dump players list to text file
Keypad Plus to reset

Then all you need to do is enter the client number on the keypad to follow someone:

for client number 0 use 00
for client number 1 use 01
for client number 2 use 02


At start of game use kp_minus to dump player list to txt file, then have that open somewhere or print it and then you just look at the client numbers and follow the player your looking for instantly.
Very interesting, crumbs. I've never seen that before. It is true that observation mode in these older games is pretty archaic compared to what you get now. I'll experiment with this after I get my new PC up and running. Thanks!
Awesome shoutcasts! great coverage! Hopefully Boomerman returns and big ups to Bridger, Dts and co. for the effort too.
Boom should be popping back to help soon!
Pff, finally have a new pc, now installing RtCW again!
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