One day Autumn Cups vol. 6

After a little break the ESL 1-Day-Cups are back to complete the Autumn Cups! While we are still waiting for any sign of life by Europe in order to ship the prizes won in the recently finished ESL Decerto Storm Assault we present this week's cups!

image: banner

We are hosting eight cups in total for 1on1, 3on3 and 6on6 each. Every cup will be announced in time so that you can sign up. Below you will find a table explaining the qualification stage in order to gain into the final cup.
image: odc6
For brackets check out the ESL website or the full ESL News.

One Day Cups Vol. 6 this week:
Pay attention! The "Check in system" is enabled. Means you have to confirm your slot some minutes before the cup starts! You can do so by clicking the "Check in" button or ask an admin.

6th Cup 1on1:
4th Dec 20:00 CET
image: signup
(till 4th Dec Nov 19:30 CET)
image: checkin
(from 29:30-20:00 CET)
6th Cup 3on3:
6th Dec 20:00 CET
image: signup
(till 6th Dec 19:30 CET)
image: checkin
(from 19:30-20:00 CET)
6th Cup 6on6:
9th Dec 20:30 CET
image: signup
(till 9th Dec 20:00 CET)
image: checkin
(from 20:00-20:30 CET)

As little gimmick we have some prizes for the respective final cup winners! Thanks to our partners and sponsors for providing some severs as prizes aside our premium packages (at least 8 contestants/ cup needed for prizes!)
image: prizes2
image: bghimage: prizesimage: pgs

In case of problems, questions or whatever feel free to contact an admin by private message or IRC ( quakenet or use the browser IRC.

Related Links:
Thanks to partners and sponsors!
image: crossfire image: gamestv image: ycn image: beginners
booom :)
please put the 6on6 cup at 20:00, 21:00 is kinda late.. et already is dead as it is..
moet werken, maar dat snap je pas als je volwassen bent.

dikke kus

Je bent toch pompier? Of was dat bs?
als pompier een brandweerman betekent, dan ben ik dat inderdaad :))
Kan je dat bewijzen??
jij bent zwart, ik niet. bewijs geleverd
:( zo gemeen man kk surinaam :ss
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