*LIVE* Alienware Cup Christmas Edition: Return To Castle Wolfenstein

For Team Dignitas' last Alienware Cup of 2012, we wanted to do something special and what better than to support a game which helped us build up our organisation? On Sunday December 23rd we are hosting a Return To Castle Wolfenstein one-day-cup, with a £200 winner-takes-all cash prize. We start with 16 teams, but if we receive 32 or more signups then we will increase this.

image: alienwarecup2012
The cup is LIVE:
- Stream
- Bracket

We have invited eight top teams who are guaranteed a spot in our tournament and will receive a seed, while all other spots are available for open signups so hurry up and get your team signed up. If we receive more than 32 signups we will use a check-in system to decide which teams get to play.

Update: All matches will now be cast by Warwitch with a possible appearance by Tosspot!

Invited teams
Fusion (one soldier / overpowered mix)
All other spots are available for public signups! Sign up your team on the Team Dignitas page.

How do I sign up?
Make a comment on the Team Dignitas page with your name, nation and IRC nickname. You are expected to idle #dignitas.cup on Quakenet (Chat) 30 minutes before the cup starts.

Alienware Arena
Team Dignitas Announcement

Tournament Details
Game: RTCW 1.4 Pack
Teams: 16 (32 if we receive enough signups)
Map pool: Base, Beach, Frostbite, Ice, Village
Cup date: Sunday 23rd December
Starting time: 17:00 CET (16 teams), 16:00 CET (32 teams)
Brackets: TBA
Stream: Warwitch will be the caster over at http://twitch.tv/WarWitchTV
IRC: #dignitas.cup
Admin: Sui

£200 winner takes all

Rules: (if you have any feedback on these rules, please talk to Sui as we are looking to improve)
- RTCW 1.4 Pack (Download here)
- All servers will run OSP
- One map per match, Best of 3 rounds per map.
- Grand Final will be two maps, 2 rounds each (ABBA).
- Map is picked by map elimination, each team gets two eliminations and the remaining map will be played.
- No deliberate weapon boosting the objective holder.
- No bug exploits (e.g. gold gate pass on village)
- Any form of cheating will result in a permanent ban from all Team Dignitas cups. An admin is free to kick/ban any player from the cup if he suspects a player of cheating / abusive behavior.
- Screenshots of scores must be made after each round to serve as proof incase of a conflict.

Teams must find their own servers to play on, each server must be v1.4 and have OSP. If anyone in the community has server(s) that we can use for this tournament, please talk to Sui.

Signup example
Name: Team Dignitas
From: UK
Lineup: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5, Player 6
Contact: YOURNAME @ #dignitas.cup (IRC contact is mandatory)
great news :) looking forward to TosspoT streams =)
best of luck! I didn't know dignitas started in rtcw, who was in the team? :D
intact, Raziel, syL, Potter, ... Thats all I can remember :P It was the original Rewind [<<] lineup.
potter defo was not d:
oh ok nice, where they the best team back then?
RaZieL, syL, evil_purc, sanctity, darkie, intact (i think?)
Players I can remember....

Intact, RaZiel, Darkie, Rene, evil_Purc, Ub3da, R0nin, Zero and lets not forget DEADMEAT!!

Most of those names are from the early rewind around 2002?
Looking forward to this and I think this says alot about Dignitas as an MGC, supporting a small time game just because their roots are there. BIG props for that!

Also, Sui are you/your guys from dignitas going to post this on other sites aswell? Like ESReality for example, might attract some more mix/fun teams. As you guys have a big name that might attract some other players outside CF aswell? Would love to see it / if u give me permission ill post it on some :P
Go for it, that would help a lot. I dont use esreality a lot so yeah do help out please :)
I'll try to do that then! I'll just copy ur post ;)
potter never played for dignitas in rtcw, did in ET though.
avi super skilled
GL Raw

On a side note hope Odee is / has recovered - done a lot for this community.

Would have been nice to get Warwitch involved in the streams too.
1st u steal unforgiven's idea and now mine, very nice mr
I'd love to help if invited. This is Tosspot's show and I'm sure he'll do a great job as always. Otherwise, I'll kick back and enjoy like all the other soldats in the field :)
Well i was not around back in the days when you used to cast, but i can say from what i have seen and listened to it would be their loss if they didn't get you on board. TosspoT is one of, if not the best shoutcasters of all time in my opinion - but that was when he had love for the game and the community. The last few casts which i listened to were nowhere near the standard to which you had come to expect from him.

Im sure he and Dignitas and the teams involved will put on a great show though :-)
English is your native language right?
He saying you have shit English mate, get him.
Where can we talk? :)
Make a team and roll RtCW lads
cant roll when sqzz has an existing team :-(
well take him back, I just want to see those rtcw guys rage, I remember the lulz in the chat that day haha. I trust in you for rolling them
Haha - i am not as good at RTCW as i never play. The Raw guys are pretty amazing both in game and as people so i wouldn't ask sqzz to make that decision :-)
c'mon ross, team anexis on rtcw -> easy win for you
the lulz was in the comment tbh, it wouldnt ever happen :d
so RTCW is more active than ET? Dx
for some reason this happens once a year, bring rtcw back old good ownage game :PP <33 :DD and then it dissapears away after a while, both games are dead as fuck anyway
yea but has there ever been this much rtcw shizzle compared to this little ET shizzle o_o
look forward to some good games =)

gj with no assault
woo TosspoT. I will 100% watch all of this

image: 2dkjtb8
i thought he'd cast himself? (h3h3)
i giggled behind my laptop
boring edit is boring :''''''(

like a ninja.
This little girl cracks me up!
i for a second thought you were talking about me, assuming you would refer to me as a little girl. Sadly the gif got the love.
Such a cute girl! :)
amazing! good job :D looking forward to hearing or maybe getting casted by tosspot :)

edit: avi for a good team as cave won't have 6
inb4 prizes not going to be paid :)
Dignitas are great at handing over prizes. This isnt BFB :-)
Well i saw Tosspot there so you never know :)
can hopefully play in this one, will see if there are any free spots
we might need one more, im not 100% sure.

At the very least jump on IRC - we will play a couple of games this week as one.soldier welcome to join in mate :)
ok cool. i am going to be heading back home on 22nd so will be my first rtcw in a very long time . but looking forward to it
good to have you back on this game m8 <3
Great stuff Sui,

Really appreciate that you do this for the rtcw community!
QuoteFusion (one soldier / overpowered mix)

Yikes! That's a lethal combo.
The two strongest teams atm combined, guess we know who will take the cash home!

Hopefully we (badazz) can put up some nice games! :)
I really like what I've seen from Badazz so far! You can bring the pain (and fun). It'll be a blast!
This is great news! The RtCW community is pretty spoiled. You guys have a lot of very cool people and it's well deserved. I look forward to watching this coverage :)
nice one, great stuff dignitas!
Nice one.
GL. thx to dignitas
might be avi, if this ends before jan. 25 (exams)
On Sunday December 23rd we are hosting a Return To Castle Wolfenstein one-day-cup
i was drunk when i posted this comment. Ignore my foolness :)
nice, good luck with it :)
Me and Artan avi
Please dignitasSui , invite WarWitch at least as a guest of honor if not as a shoutcaster as well. Without the American there would be no RTCW hype and you know it :)
Fuck meh, give team :O)
nice news! do a cup for ET as welll
n33d a t34m
avi for this
you shud take in an oldschool rtcw player as admin.
e.g merlinator ..

rtcw rtcw rtcw bla ..

pack 1.4 .. watafak?
Sui is doing a good job =) he talked to me about a lot of it and he was pretty much 100% correct in his assumptions so this looks great.

The 1.4 pack is just a straight download for RtCW all patched up etc. so easy for people to get it, if they need it.
ah ok.

so any other experienced rtcw ads there?
and how is rtcw coming along? any worth diggin it out again after having NO motivation for fps since a year?!
in the same boat, but then 3 years :O)
you can watch the games without installing, warwitch does his stream every sunday night atm. and TosspoT will do one for this =) but if you feel to suddenly play, grab the 1.4 pack its all you need. #rtcw.wars people searching for mercs and stuff all the time.
Good to see the excellent coverage so far is continuing.

Would really like to see Warwitch and Tosspot do some of the show(s) together, since Warwitch has put in so much effort to get the hype going.
nice, hope to see some good matches. We need more teams though!
Avi for a team!!!
Looks great! Shame I won't be here on that date. Getting 16 teams would be awesome!
Gonna try 2 gather a team!

Players that need one can pm me here or on irc
no sdi this time since lots of us arent available that day :(!

good luck tho and nice to see dignitas doing something for the rtcw community!
avi for this, pm me on crossfire :S
avi for this!!! wanna play rtcw so bad :p
avi for this, pm me on crossfire :S
some1 wanna add another medal to his e-CV :x:d:x::D/:x:D
rtcw > et, go install frérot, merde alors!
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