Warwitch to cast the Alienware Christmas Cup!

As announced earlier, Team Dignitas is hosting the Alienware Cup Christmas Edition: Return To Castle Wolfenstein on December 23rd. We are now glad to announce that Warwitch will be in charge of providing a quality stream for this tournament! Due to a busy schedule TosspoT will let Warwitch take over but hopefully we can still see TosspoT make an appearance together with Warwitch.

image: alienwarecup2012

To accomodate for Warwitch's timezone, we have decided to start the cup at 20:00 CET in the case that 8-16 teams sign up. You can sign up by making a comment on the Team Dignitas newspost, or by talking to Sui (make sure I reply). You can find me on mIRC #dignitas.cup as dignitas\Sui, or email [email protected] .

There are currently 8 invited teams but the other 8 (or more!) spots are still open to all of you, so gogo sign up your team!

See you on Sunday :)

I'll certainly watch the final for once
either ww or toss is great, both together would've been amazing (have they ever casted together?!).
What? What is this? Artstar ASKING something???
that's how you find answers d:
We never had the chance to work together. I think it would be a lot of fun. Hopefully the stars will align and we can make that happen :)
I want you to know that I asked Santa that YOU to shoutcast this. Thank you Santa, for listening my wish!
Looking forward to this! Excited to be a part of the fun.
I envy you. It's almost like RtCW never stopped being popular from your point of view.
why be pessimistic (:
It's not pessimistic at all. I have very fond memories of RtCW.
I really enojoy your casts man

good job....
Thanks! It's a team effort. I have a lot of talented people who help me out.
nice shizzle, all we need is more teams!
Still need a team for this
tosspot letting people down? what a surprise
Is almost like a national sport , and I m well trained in it
so this cup will end at 04.00cet?:D
hope tosspot will still drop by to cast a game or atleast say hi

warwitch + tosspot casting must be epicness
wow.. thats awesome :o
I will try to be there still! Thanks Warwitch for saving the day <3
we need a like button!
You need a like button
you need to get the fuck off this website you sad cunt
like i said. you need a like button
I asked Warwitch this last sunday (when he streamed) to do a dual cast with you Tosspot. Even tho you have a "busy schedule" Tosspot, this game made you to what you are today. So please make this happen. It would be so freeking
This game made him into a giant penis??
Great! Let's keep this game alive somehow! :)
Will be playing as well as hopefully joining Warwitch for the moments when I'm not.

I would encourage anyone who is on the fence to get involved, it's going to be a great cup! And you never know, the guys in the one+oP mix might have an off day giving you a small chance of winning some money too!
You're benched mate...
Being mean doesn't suit you, new guy :P
Darn :{ Guess we have a 7man line-up then! ;D

New guy? :o
Well I guess you haven't been new to the team for a while now to be fair!

I don't mind sitting out for one of the games, although I would like to play, sharing is caring!

You about tonight? I fancy a game!
we are a mix, we arent favorites - raw should win really.
Raw are good but they aren't in the same league. When I've played against Raw we have at least held our own which, baring the odd round or two, is not the case against you guys or oP. I know who my money is on!
With Tosspot it would be perfect! WarWitch is doing a great job, but he more kinda molds the show together instead of giving lots of ingame information. But that's where DtS comes in I guess!

And it's just nice to hear Americans enthusiastically talk about this great game on the stream. It doesnt give me wet spots in my pants, but it's better than some French shoutcaster or whatever =)

Good luck!
Indeed! I think I make a good host and I get a lot of the credit, but the shoutcasts wouldn't be half as good if I didn't have such talented and intelligent people helping me out. It's the perfect balance, and that's not by accident, it's by design.
Players that need team can /q me on irc or here
warwitch you're the best!
we still need a like button! *crossfire* :)
still need to give that stream wolfconfig_mp to warwitch malmen :D!
Voice sent me a new config. I used it as a guide and altered mine a bit. The stream should look less bright and more movie like now. Hopefully.
I would like to see it work out, that absolutely can be some of amazing end of 2012 on RTCW!
You can easily see that Warwitch deserve it, This guy is no doubt my favorite streamer
And one of the best show action I ever saw on net.

& Yo Warwitch I love you man glad to see how you guys keep this community up big time couldn't even
Imaging it without you!
Every Sunday I'm getting exciting, and waiting to the stream.
Thanks you & the team who's working alot on background and make it all happening to see more & more RTCW.
Again Thank you !
Wow, thanks Ownage, that's very high praise! Compliments like that have always been the main reason I do what I do. I like to entertain people and share my love of gaming with others. Much appreciated! Comments like yours are what keep me motivated and excited to shoutcast.
There ya go

I would like to see it work out, that absolutely can be some of amazing end of 2012 on RTCW!
You can easily see that Warwitch deserve it, This guy is no doubt my favorite streamer
And one of the best show action I ever saw on net.

& Yo Warwitch I love you man glad to see how you guys keep this community up big time couldn't even
Imaging it without you!
Every Sunday I'm getting exciting, and waiting to the stream.
Thanks you & the team who's working alot on background and make it all happening to see more & more RTCW.
Again Thank you !

I hope you're even more motivated now :o)
LOL, thanks :)
That skin pack is awesome! Where do I find it?
save and paste /main folder
server setting must be sv_pure 0
Awesome, thanks! I'll work with Zed and see about getting that installed for Sunday.
blasting!!!!! hf everyone. kill them all badazzes and gimme some money :D
Sorry I missed you pm last night mate! Are you not around on Sunday?
dont think so mate. ill try to be here around our 22 so 23 cet so if u guys r keep playing and u need 1 then sure :D
Thanks to the efforts of Tosspot, Sui and Team Dignitas, this coverage will be pinned to the front page of Twitch starting at 20 CET. This is a good time for everyone here to show the world why we love RTCW so much and how it continues to endure and shine after all these years!
OMG Finally RTCW in Twitch front page !!!
how you do that?
Tosspot works for twitch.
Didn't he work for Own3d?
Not anymore.
I had nothing to do with it. Sui and friends worked their magic. I'm thrilled and appreciative!
avi for this cup since sdi is not playing :)! pm on irc!
was nice cup, too bad toss wasnt there?
Thank you Warwitch, Boomerman, sabo, nail, bridger, dts & co. for bringing fantastic coverage on this cup and the Fall cup. 5 hours cast, jeez that was great! Best coverage of 2012. Looking forward for some more Shazaams or even Kaplowws!
Thanks! Despite Internet issues and some technical problems it turned out pretty good. Future casts will be even better. I learn more tricks every week. Thx for watching.
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