Merry Xmas To You All

image: merry_christmas

Even though the activity has decreased and most of the admin team at CF has disbanded, I still have the ability and rights to make a newspost!!! So because of this I would like to wish all of you amazing people that continue to keep the site "alive" and those that still continue to use the website in any shape or form a wonderful Christmas. We hope that you continue with the fine tradition of stuffing your face with food and dont forget to get merry drunk with as much alcohol as your body can handle.

We look forward to seeing your drunk festive journals, however, if you are spending the day with the family and or loved ones then we wish it a pleasant one with many happy returns.
a shame that u wish merry christmas just in your own name on crossfire as main news ^^
Well i am still a part of the "admin team" and i refer to we as much as possible.

Someone should have made a newspost so as i have the ability i did one :-)
not flaming cause "you" did that post... just meaning the sentence "...I would like to wish...", yea but well we all know you're not used with writing news

u have become bad... i dont believe u mean it :)
british people are always a day late
happy hanukkah
Just happen to drop by, merry xmas :)
Quotemost of the admin team at CF has disbanded

Merry Xmas to you as well!

Craciun fericit !
Merry Christmas traitor :< xx
Been checking CF quite some time today waiting for an official "Merry X-mas" newspost.
Nice that you made one but, no ofence towards you here, I expected someone from the "Gods" to make one, quite sad for the page that the higher admins dont even care enough to type down some wishes towards "their" "Community".

Merry Christmas to all of you! <3
First they fuck up the site and then leave :(
Merry Xmas!
"I fuck up shit and leave"
first: dont think i am a "higher" admin than ross but i just can say for me: i just had 1 1/2 days work off and thus i spend my time with family and friends -> was not able to visit/contribute until now.

guess that counts for most of the other admins as well ;)

nevertheless merry christmas to all ;)
Hey friend! merry x-mas, don't drink to much southern comfort !
Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you too mate
You still exist.....

e: didn't mean that to sound so spooky, hey bro
Merry Christmas to you all! :)
Thanks but no thanks. ;c
was looking today around here and wonder why there's no post about it.
Merry Christmas Cf! Have a great holiday!
All 'good' things come to an end.
merry xmas all :)
merry christmas and happy new year
hope its your last one, all of you.
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