CB ET NationsCup XVI: Voting Starts

After receiving a total of eighty-seven applications from thirty-five countries, the first stage of our captain selection process has ended. It is now time to vote for your favorite candidate!

image: ncxvi_big

The final captain applications can be found here.

Once you have voted, you cannot vote again or change your previous vote. Applicants cannot vote for themselves!

Also, keep in mind that you will be asked to include your reason for voting. We would like to ask that you write this in English and take it seriously.

Finally, please remember that you must have the same nationality of the candidate for whom you are voting.

Voting ends on Sunday 13th January. Good luck to all candidates!

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI Cup Page
ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI Captain Applications

go furman
vote four Sloveniam1ke
voted for FranceIsoh , le changement c'est maintenant !
Vote for me

I will bring peace to the world
if i could vote for all nations i'd go for

Slovenia m1ke4sho
United States of America End4sho
United Kingdom koop4sho
Canada same lineup regardless of who is chosen?
Denmark same lineup regardless of who is chosen?
Brazil same lineup regardless of who is chosen?
Norway same lineup regardless of who is chosen?
Chile casek for life! same lineup regardless of who is chosen?
Croatia frozz withdrew his application :( same lineup regardless of who is chosen?
Belgium would go for flashy. there aren't really any good french-speaking belgians these days except for kaze xav and buzzer which isn't even enough for a team, let alone the foundations of a team that would win :/ hopefully flashy could get hold of some guys like chry etc to get a team going.
Czech Republic GreenClon :) the czech scene has so many players under the surface and he would definitely choose the best available (jalo!!1)
Poland fanatic cuz he'd pull the best _active_ lineup together. (ps. admin delete n00n's application so he doesn't get any dumb votes. :D his app was a joke i guess)
Estonia sCope since i guess he's known the eesti scene for long enough now
Portugal setup. the team wouldn't be so active but i assume someone else would take the responsible role. setup at least has contact with PTs best players.
Romania Stary because he'd put the most reliable effort into the team in terms of practicing and stuff, razy would be in the team anyway prolly..
Netherlands xPERiA. kinda goes without saying, other applying captains probably don't have the contacts or the same mindset. he'll choose the current best dutch players without thinking about inactive heroes.
France tough choice between An7ho and isoh because i wanna see PHA/Loca guys d: i'd prefer to see some of the guys who actually play this game than seeing the same FR lineup as 4 years ago. would like to say one of francis / tomoyo too but can't see past the trollz
Finland VerMu is probably reliable enough to pull together a good team, same as swani could. question is whether or not either take their role seriously :3
Germany looks fucked up. stray/oxy/znark wouldn't be the perfect capt for me at all. all 3 would put themselves in the lineup when there are better players for their roles. unless s1LENT quit et then i guess stray is the only other smg engi? oxy would just take this opportunity to invite some oldschool _BAD_ germans.
I have absolutely no intentions of playing NC =) Have been inactive for far too long and even prior to that there are many German players that would outperform me. And lets be honest, apart from 2 or 3 currently, active players, the German scene doesn't have much to offer.
you mean 2-3 skilled ones? :d nc never pulls together the most active, just the best players available. for example i havent seen flop, blade or kresti playing recently but im sure they'll all be in the team.
yet, aren't active. =) I have no doubt they're willing to play and are certainly people I've had in mind.
I was merely referring to the fact that there's no ACTIVE German player worth mentioning.
there's nothing to be active for. all cups finished before xmas and nothing is running yet besides NC voting. it was the same story last year, all of the nations were praccing loads though, lets hope the captains can pull that off just as good this time around :)
Point is, as much as everyone would love to see new and fresh faces, there's absolutely no reason for one to even consider said players if they have no talent to show for. The likes of Butchji, urtier and others, albeit oldschool and haven't touched this game in months, would still perform better than the majority of "newschool" players that have been active.
but why would newschools be considered? unless you consider blade, flop and kresti as newschool, which makes no sense since they fit perfectly in team germany just as much as butchji or urtier. there are enough players contactable to make a good lineup to not even think about the likes of specula etc (no offence).
Err, non taken? You may want to re-read my responses. I said I wouldn't ever consider those newschoolers over flop, krest, butchji, urtier and who not. You're the one that went all "oxy would just take this opportunity to invite some oldschool _BAD_ germans." which is why I said there's no point taking newschools over oldschoolers if they paly worse
the "no offence" was directed at specula :P and i had no idea of your view on the german scene prior to this discussion so for all i know you'd prefer to see a roster of biqq, conan, coffin and other such buried players over the ones who proved themselves over the last couple years. now i know you do value those aow guys.
dont worry it wont happen that i gona play for team germany voluntarily
faggot best friends lineup ftw since the first NC ;)
this and ger got too many retards who I dont want to play with :)
name some pls :/ do u mean kresti flopjehz bl4d3 fireball butchji snoop drago or who ? :/
Most of the guys you named are arrogant dickheads that I hate longer than I can remember
the problem is that u don't even know them :/
I played with fireball, butchji, snoop and drago in clans. Also I played quite often with kresti (he is the only cool guy from the list) I don't know them? Whatever...
you played for example with fireball not even a week :/

but well, it's your opinion, don't worry
Ture, but I played with butchji for months and the same goes for drago
viol was on a top level since like 2005 tbh
;) and he still is!
I did not play seareal for years :(
Someone remembers the glorious days <3
Norway needs you!! move to Norway:) ill teach you the most important words:p
Deal, can I sleep at your place? I will walk the dog if you are nice
if you dont mind walking my wife from time to time as well, we have a deal:)
Walking, kissing, whatever you want :o
doubt DK is able to gather some lu :P
well bradd/retsev/xcon is halfway already :) i was seeing fisken a lot a few months ago, and i see random danes commenting from time to time so maybe it wouldn't be an allstar lineup, but a lineup nonetheless :P like spain last year, medskillers mostly but better than nothing.
We also got an oldschooler named Perfect with us. Fryzer wrote that he's avi as well. It is looking really good :)
all it takes is a try :) and you were thinking of giving up coz of some integrity failure.. :D
Haha. Yeah I'm glad that I didn't. But we will sure give it a try!
you're right about Denmark. Retsev is probably going to be the captain and will choose the same lineup as me no matter what(don't think we would even have enough players to make two different teams).
only reason I applied was to ensure the lineup consisted of the correct people -- could be the same lineup as snuble has in mind
solid lineup
i wrote that based on last years lu but sure why not!
zodiac, kris, hexagon and domi should be in the lineup.

I am unsure if w3st wants to or can play, but if he can he should be there.

Regarding myself, im not sure if im good enough atm.. Depends if there is any other norwegian who are at least semi-active.

guess both lineups would be quite the same yes. (unless raZiel makes a freak comeback:p)
slutta å være på irc du btw?
min bnc er blitt fjernet:/ så har jeg ikke orket å lete etter en ny en:)
gonna be a close vote for Australia ;)
fu. i checked it to see if i missed you out. :D
darkhorse :D
forgot sweden mate!?
only tornis applied?! :d
sounds like you dont think iam / we're NC worthy? stop hatin mate :<
we aren't and thats for sure, cuz there are enough better ones than us 3 out there!
I take NC very seriously!
not for canada. me and rock will be sitting this one out. plus it would be nice to give the other guys a chance to play.
what other guys? :D why would you boycott in such a bad time for et unless you genuinely have no time =x
umm is embarrassed and those guys still playing? if not then I don't know what's going to plop out of brandon's ass this year. My work schedule is all over the place so it wouldn't work out and I also have no interest in playing this game right now. =P
i get it then since you're busy n stuff but remember that "right now" is already in extreme decline. next year there may not be any nc at all so. :D
this is the last nc, at least the last one with an anticheat on!
just guessing...since tzac almost dies a couple of months ago I am not sure it will last till next nc? jan 2014?
tzac didn't die, he is working in TZAC3 now and expecting to continue working on it.
i didnt say it died i said it almost did ! I still think it will be the last nc with ac
I hear I am expected to be reviving, but I don't know how to strafe and shit.
takes a bit too learn =P but it is handy to get there quick for that revive! :D
gl to all
Luxembourg Mexico Argentina salvador Brazil for qualis?
Germany Fendah for Germany!!
naja wäre mal was neues, genauso wie deutschland auch noch nie letzter geworden ist
ich glaube, dass mind. irgendein exotisches Land immer schlechter sein wird als Deutschland :D
Deark UK community...

Vote Waki or your a massive gay.

For being a cunt. You are now banned from g5 parties. hf faggot.
:D u so mad bro
For being a cunt. You are now banned from g5 parties. hf faggot.
For being a cunt. You are now banned from g5 parties. hf faggot.
i didnt correct you :-( thought we had a better relationship than this potty!!
For being a cunt. You are now banned from g5 parties. hf faggot.
SImoon !
You should start a private (or maybe thats not an important part anymore...) channel for players and captains, so they could contact eachother and find opponents easily. I think there are already some teams who could pracc or test...
already done

There have always been private channels for tournament participants. Why do you come up with a dead IRC channel? After checking your CB/CF acc I see you are around for 2-3 years max, you didnt even see it alive:) Homer FTW
so your solution is to have two channels for searching 6on6 wars? how is that supposed to help activity or make it easier to find a war?

unless you are referring to some kind of a meeting channel for captains only or something? (which we already implement for NC & EC, yet less than 10 players use it each season)
a private channel is usefull, because you are able to find opponents faster and better ones. i say better, because they are participants of the upcoming tournament, and if you are trying to prepare for a "top class" tournament you need to train with the best.

why would anyone pracc. against "random" when they have the possibility to face their opponents from the cup? no, there is no chance to find an all-star dignitas mix on #6on6.et...

Whatever, your cup your rules. It was just a simple idea to make one, like everyone else before
e:nice edit breu
I think you haven't had a look at the activity in #6on6.et for quite a while..
I haven't, but guess you are right because its winter and there are always more activity that time. Maybe even 2 wars/hour.
you really don't know much at all :o)
how the hell did you guys get rid of shine :DDDDDDDD
e: i took a look around, i could get 3 opponents. wtf with all of you
but there isn't any cup right now, no cb/ esl tournament, no lineups, why would you see ppl praccing ;x wait for spring and there will be some teams.
there is little chance to find an all-star dignitas mix anywhere :)

your idea sounds nice and all but would never work, the game is simply not active enough - teams will play versus anyone they can find, "random" or not, participating in a cup or not

Kamz and his nerd crew tried to get people to switch from #6on6.et to #et.6on6 months ago, and it did nothing but split the community... but I guess you know all about that already since you're so oldschool!
Quoteteams will play versus anyone they can find, "random" or not, participating in a cup or not

yes i agree. but in a big cup like NC its still usefull to collect only the participants to one place. this is different from that et.6on6 thing because it was for the community and i talk about only a cup. #6on6.et cant be replaced.

e: #6on6.et is not even CB channel, admins there like to ban everyone who beats them, or maybe it was #3on3.et?
people dont get banned for beating the #6on6.et admins anymore since shiNe is no longer owner there.
voted for swani :))) sorry vermu
Gogo FranceIsoh !
poszedl glos, czekam na powolanie
i want to play for a country for the lulz :o
spielst also immernoch? :D
nur für besondere anlässe :)
Spiel doch für lampuskistan xD
@ all - its totaly useless to create a brand new " fake " account to vote...

every fake vote will not be counted
Pas besoin de fake acc', la cité des pyramides est sur le coup!
oh damn :<
France SIMOON !
Voted for iPod.
I will not give them on a boat, i will not give them in an oak, i will not give them here or there, i will not give them anywhere. I do not give a fuck you see,

now go away and let me be.
end will take nc very serious....until he goes back to school and has to hide the fact hes a huge nerd from roomates
Took quite long, good luck hosting this and good luck to the players.
finally your time to shine, oh wait
Once a prestigious cup is turning into a steaming pile of shit.
good luck!!
Belgiumlagoena, vyndem, dooppi
team canada nothing without me
well deserving of a sticky, gj :)
dunno if sarcastic :C I think it deserves it though.
SpainMamalukes will lead the Italian national team

Italian team will pick very oldschool players to win this nc edition, so beware of the stallions...

Canada GOOD LUCK CANADA! Canada <3
wtf who defiled that Kingston statue?
Dont worry bro I'll carry anims fat ass home for the victory
all mad alle scheise . steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeein
did anyone from iceland apply?
yes, "rNz" did.
okey cool, we´ll have 6 but we wont win a single round :D
CB ET NationsCup XVI: Voting Starts Ends
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