The revolution of RTCW will be televised!

Thats true, Return to Castle Wolfenstein will be televised by United States of America Warwitch yet again on this sunday 20.01.2013! As we know the show takes off at 20 CET with some pre-game talk and at 21CET 1st revolutional game takes place. Did YOU really thought that we are done here? Ha-ha, not even close!

image: rtcw234

So here we are, 2nd round of the playoffs and so far it has been truly long journey and extremely enjoyable.
We have 6 games incoming within couple of days, thats 3 winner bracket and 2 loser bracket games. The games are getting more more intense and closer and the maps are chosen by the teams so each team picks their home map which makes it more interesting for the spectators. We will definitely see some close action by the last remaining teams as the competition gets nasty and ugly, everybody want to win as we know.

Here are the games:

image: game37486 image: game37489

We have plenty of games in line so take your time and make sure you cheer for your favorite or all of those since their worth it! United States of America Warwitch has plenty of surprises every time he goes live so there is no way in hell that you can miss this sunday! This sunday we will have United States of America Sabo & United States of America Nail as co-casters tuning in live to the show!

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-66bd9c45d67763d6-640x125

PS. Guys there is an Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3 vs 3 ladder , yes that's right, 3vs3 RtCW ladder live and kicking. Brought to you by amazing staff from OCLeague (big applause to them!). So head over to , register your self an account, add RtCW PB_Guid by joining an OSP server and typing into console /pb_plist , add the pb_guid and get your teammates to do the same thing and your off to some 3vs3 ladder action! Also United States of America Warwitch has confirmed to cast some of the matches so if you think you haven't got your chance yet, here is your chance to be casted by one and only United States of America Warwitch!
Direct ladder link:

image: logo-mail

So everything clear? Right, so head over to and HIT the FOLLOW button, show the love and show that you want this show to continue even better then ever! Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

See you on the battlefield & stream!

Links :

RtCW Fall Cup page :
Warwitch Stream :
OCLeague 3vs3 ladder page :

Contact @ #rtcw.wars #ocleague.rtcw #ocleague
i feel so sorry for ovepower... dont worry guys i spoke with the other badazzes and we wont take any flag so we can make a more balanced game
remove the pb_guid necessity. A lot of players CBA writing their pb guid down on that website without being able to signup as a team on that ladder anyway... Besides you don't have that pb_guid rule in your 6v6 cup aswell, so why would it be necessary for just a chill 3o3 ladder...

edit: wtf is that for a news title anyways "televised" o.O?

but all the other stuff: wohoo!
'the revolution will be televised' is a known thing ;) was just a toy with it I guess.
great gl
I am über excited for Sunday!
finally some good matches, should be fun

nice news bro
co co combo breakeR
OMG Finland mystic OMG
naice news, have fun to all the teams!
So which match is being televised at 2000hrs; Baddazz vs Op, or Highbot vs Raw?
I'm told we will do 3 games and the final times are being juggled. Guess we'll find out in a few hours.
I've played every single official game for badazz so far yet I'm never included in the gamestv lineup.

Meanies :<
Join our team kevin! We will treat you like you deserve to be treated!!
are you going to start to steal our players aswell ?
No i just did an imitation of jam
more activity on rtcw than ET
Looking forward to tonight, a lot of great games and a lot of great coverage incoming.
nice write up ZeD, your lines sound like UFC's announcer Bruce Buffer
Should be fun! :)
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