A new W:ET mod: ETrun

What is it?

ETrun is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory timerun mod.
The goal of a timerun is to get from the start of the map to the end as fast as possible.
image: ETrun_logo_256
How does it work?

ETrun has 3 different physics:
  • Vanilla (VET)
  • Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)
  • Advanced Physics (AP)

It's heavily based on competition between players, your goal is to get the best times as possible and to compete with your friends.

What does it look like?


It is developed from scratch since beginning of 2012.
Source code is available on GitHub.
Last version is 1.0.0.


It's compatible and tested with ET 2.60b and ET: Legacy.
Supported client OS: Windows, Linux, OSX.
Supported server OS: Windows, Linux.


Timeruns community site: http://timeruns.net
The ETrun wiki
Official game servers: http://timeruns.net/servers/
Good job
vet looks like a sick new etpro mod !!!!!!!!!
looks sick, great job
Already had the idea but never had the motivation to do it. Good job maybe LeFrancis Bolt will show up.
ipod will prac hard for this
sry will just lean the entire map
better than tjmod?
Yes, TJMod was discontinued. For example, in AP, TJMod didn't have slick surface control.
This "slick surface control" was a bug in cpm, not a feature. lol
Who's the jumper in the videos?
must be Finland sungi
Thought it was [flag=nigger]ipod cause good strafe ;S
probably exit or timothy
VQ3: Timothy
AP: Timothy and eT|Exit.
ET defrag. gj.
no1 that song is boss
no2 that mod is so sick i want to cry
no3 when will it be compatable with windows
no3 when will it be compatable with windows


It's compatible and tested with ET 2.60b and ET: Legacy.
Supported client OS: Windows, Linux, OSX.
Supported server OS: Windows, Linux.
nice idea :D seems like something for WuT
wut is 1st in vET
Well done!
looks sick too bad i can only make a few of those jumps
Vanilla looks awesomeeeeeeeeeee
ranked 29th

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwoRkxRTBOrMTHP9mQgnMaq6pTgrPPoA4smJ9D1QsZI7edxDzp4Q

but on a serious note, its hella fun and addicting (ap for me atleast)
Whats the difference between the physics?
there is no physics
image: 2674172-images__2_
did u watch the video? there are explanations
Just did, its clear now ye :p Just tried the VET mod, it's fun but damn im bad at it!
ap is the thing that hit me the most :D
I'll try that one aswell! :)
its the most played of all of those 3 physics
But I think that VET is the most usefull if you're an ET player :p
seems cool
it looks like tjmod?
its pretty much the same, tjmod's developer (dinius?) stopped working on it i guess. Then came etjump which is being used currently. Im not sure if it lacks the timer tho
well i remember the same thing with tjmod, there was a timer included
etjump = re-coded tjmod
That is most certainly not true.
That is true by the every meaning of it.
TJMod was discontinued (Dinius stopped working on it)
Zero created ETJump, which focuses only in Trickjumping, and Nico created ETRun, which is an improved form of TJMod's recorded runs.
Knew those, wasnt sure if zero created etjump tho. But cheers for clearing that!
pretty cool, gl with it :)
nice! I'm curious what happened to the Zombie mod?
awesome :D
ap ftw
sup with the save1 and shit?
looks good,

btu correct me if im wrong, atleast the AP is pretty old, there were servers for it for dunno how many years, i even remember jumping the 2nd map seen in the video on AP, this blue/green thingy

did it need a new mod for that?

but dont get me wrong, i like the effort people put into such things, to keep et alive atleast a bit longer!!
AP has been around since 2009, give or take, under TJMod. Dinius (who created TJMod) stopped working on it.
Nico created ETRun, and has improved AP. Fixed a lot of bugs and added some really nice features. The maps are the same though.
It's a new mod because Nico (who created ETRun) wasn't involved in the TJMod project, so he created a new one to improve AP. (Hope I was clear)
ok didnt know about the fixes etc, since ot me it looked the same
TJmod was open source. Nico did create a new mod, but not from a scratch or even near. Just saying, because from your text someone might get the idea he made it all alone, which is not true.
While some if it is indeed from TJMod as it'd be rather stupid to reinvent the wheel Nico has added a lot of new features for example a proper record system instead of some crappy php script to read records from .txt file (which needed to be done manually).

Try doing something useful yourself instead of just dissing as usual.
Can't jump for shit but just registered/downloading
- cgaz ruins a mod like this, there's no point in jumping when you don't have to even strafe yourself
- You could've used CPM physics name, AP was tjmod thing and seems like they don't have much common
- Slick surface control... lol
- Website is made for blind people and looks like exact copy of tjmod's website. Why can't people use normal size text anymore?
- Easy to cheat in
- AP & vq3 are useless as there's already defrag, which is now and always will be, the best trickjumping mod

+ For trying
- Last I checked defrag has the cgaz-feature aswell. Why use CPM when the physics aren't exactly CPM?
-Website doesn't look anything like tjmod one. (I think it was pretty nice, current one's a bit boring).
- Just like in any other game.
- Last I checked we're playing ET not quake. ET is free, quake is not. Not everyone wants to spend ~10 euros to play with elitist dickfaces.
The defrag community is actually much nicer than any section of the ET community. Besides, 99% of the maps played in ETrun are defrag maps just ported to ET.

As for the cgaz hud in defrag, it's no use to the player if you can't even strafe to begin with, seeing as the margin for error is much smaller. The hud also displays much more useful data than the ET one does (Especially the accelerometer). In ET, all you really have to do is line up with the angles displayed by the cgaz hud to strafe well.

Not to mention weapons in defrag, making for much more variety in maps and tricks. ET only features strafe maps, the majority of which are boring.

Sure, the learning curve in defrag (and Quake 3 in general) is much harsher than ET, and it takes a huge investment in time to even get decent at. Nevertheless, defrag will always remain superior to any attempt at mimicking it.
Not saying defrag isn't better if you want that kind of racing. Defrag as a "trickjump" mod (Like the previous guy said) is in no way superior, because for one it does not have ET physics support. It is superior when it comes to the actual CPM/VQ3 support, but like I said it is not a free game (Unless you download it which is lame considering how great quake 3 is) so it's nice to have same kind of mods for other games.

I suppose you don't spend much time playing with timeruns.net community, in general they are way nicer than on regular trickjump servers. My personal quake 3 defrag experience was that it's full of elitists which is what I'm basing my comment on.
I played AP from the beginning to pretty much the end (was actually one of the most active and best AP players), and I've also played ETrun to some extent. Most of the people playing ETrun are people I know from regular trickjumping, and can say they're just a bunch of cunts.
I know who you are talking about but then again most of the active people on the forums are nice :>
1 out of 10 people is a dickhead in pretty much every community anywhere, even irl. Etrun community consists of maybe max 5 active players?
So if there are just 5 active players and they're all nice that pretty much proves my point. They're nice.
Indeed, it's ET we are playing, so why take physics from another game? :)
Because its the same engine.
This is nice ^^
nice strafe skills dude :)
trickjumping is so 2006.
AP is awesome

in before Netherlands Eddo and Belgium Boss & Femme are all over it
Wait what, I remember this.... Do people actually still play AP? o_0
Nice mod!

Never really got the hang of AP
make new etpro -,-
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