RtCW sunday night action with return of TsN|DeeAy !

Another sunday night with RtCW Fall Cup 2012 stream! We are already finished with the 2nd round of playoffs. Tonight's focus is on the loserbracket games and aswell the return of the one and only Canada DeeAy going live at 20°°CET with pre-game show! Read more

image: rtcw234

2nd playoff round in winnerbrackets? Done! Moving on and focusing on the losersbracket this sunday with two equally skilled and epic matches between United States of America Stable vs. Europe badazz & Germany HighBot vs. Hungary !?cave ! Now this is very interesting because in those two games all of the teams MUST fight in order to keep staying in the cup so we are going to see alot of a-games brought to you on the table. This sunday is very very special, one soldat was hurt on the battlefield, it's been years since shes recovery but now shes back live and kicking ass, it is the one and only Canada DeeAy! She has been out on hiatus for a while now so show her some love and let's welcome her back warmly! As every sunday we have surprise for you guys, next sunday ain't different so keep your eyes opened.
Tonight's casters are : United States of America Warwitch, Canada DeeAy, United States of America Sabo & United States of America Nail
Incase you have missed the current standings in the playoffs : image: playoff

Here are the games for tonight:

image: game37641 & image: game37589

Join the stream tonight at 20°°CET!! We have plenty of games in line so do not forget to cheer for everybody and also for your favorite!
Good news aswell for the Wolf fans. We are soon going to announce new cup for RtCW in february featuring the one and only United States of America Warwitch, Canada DeeAy, United States of America Sabo & United States of America Nail and many more with also major oldschool teams and new teams. So keep your eyes opened and join the conversation at #rtcw.wars . Meanwhile you can play mixes, 3on3 ladder and just be around and support the RtCW Community! Also our dear shoutcaster United States of America Warwitch has a fanpage in facebook , head over to www.facebook.com/WarwitchTV like, share, comment and show some love!
Next weekend we will have 2 epic matches coming up for you guys so something to wait for! Raw vs. One.soldier & KiH vs. overPowered!

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PS. As every week, guys there is an Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3 vs 3 ladder , yes that's right, 3vs3 RtCW ladder live and kicking. Brought to you by amazing staff from OCLeague (big applause to them!). So head over to www.ocleague.com , register your self an account, add RtCW PB_Guid by joining an OSP server and typing into console /pb_plist , add the pb_guid and get your teammates to do the same thing and your off to some 3vs3 ladder action! Also United States of America Warwitch has confirmed to cast some of the matches so if you think you haven't got your chance yet, here is your chance to be casted by one and only United States of America Warwitch!
Direct ladder link: http://www.ocleague.com/competition/rankings.php?id=22

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So everything clear? Right, so head over to http://www.twitch.tv/WarwitchTV and HIT the FOLLOW button, show the love and show that you want this show to continue even better then ever! Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum!

Links :

RtCW Fall Cup page : http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12928
Warwitch Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/warwitchtv
OCLeague 3vs3 ladder page : http://www.ocleague.com/competition/rankings.php?id=22&sub=info
Warwitch on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/WarwitchTV

Contact @ #rtcw.wars #ocleague.rtcw #ocleague
nice, im looking forward to tonight!
nice read, thx
Hello zed,

Unfortunately kih vs op isn't going to happen next sunday, 2 players aren't available.
Sorry that I forgot to tell you. We're probably going to have to settle for a mid week game or sunday 10 january.
sunday 10 january...
10 february ? :D
Unless time travel has been acheived it's of course suppose to be 10 february.
And I don't mind if you point out a mistake but "sunday 10 january..." gives me the vibe of lolol you made a mistake retard.
He could have come up with something funny/witty but instead made himself look like a douche that's correcting the obvious.
Bully I think it's that time of the month, grab a tampon bro!
I don't think I'm overreacting, combating stupidity is the way forward for mankind.
So is controlling your monthly bleed bro.
Ouch. Smile man :)
awesome welcome back Canada DeeAy!! finally i can go back in 2005 when she casted the last CB RtCW cup
Really enjoy watching this but the amount of casters feels to be getting messy sometimes, the handovers are nicely placed by warwitch but its hardly picked up on by the others in the nicest way. Only seen that many casters working when they are on - 1 play by play 1 color / 2 analysis desk style .

Hope this doesn't stop anytime soon, love to see more.
It can get a bit sloppy sometimes, but that's the lag biting us in the ass. We've all worked together so much in the past, if the lag wasn't present, it would be seamless. But yes, the more casters you add to the mix the more danger you have of "crossing the beams" so to speak ;)
haha yeah i did wonder about the ping, there seemed to be a two second hand over which was odd but you guys handled it well considering.
good games
Great cast as usual with some unexpected results thrown in for good measure!
Good stuff! Brandon got raged by Parcher hahaha
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