CB ET NationsCup XVI: Third Matchweek

The third and final matchweek of the ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI will come to an end on Monday 18th. All unscheduled matches have been forced to the last proposal or to the deadline.

image: ncxvi_big

This week's games will be played on radar and supply. Let's take a look at some of the matches, as well as a close-up look at the last "Match of the Week" of the Groupstage!

image: dUILWiQ

image: game38227 image: game38315 image: game38305 image: game38249 image: game38306 image: game38307 image: game38311 image: game38308 image: game38309 image: game38312 image: game38206

Our final "Match of the Week" of the Groupstage features two nations from Group E: Belgium, led by Belgium Buzzer, and Slovenia, led by Slovenia m1ke. The game will (hopefully) take place on Monday 18th at 21:00 CET.

image: eiKtUtG

Belgium Belgium

Belgium Boss
Belgium dooppi
Belgium Jere
Belgium PlAyer
Belgium siL
Belgium ViKO
image: game38310
ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI
Group E
3rd Matchweek

Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: radar & supply
Slovenia Slovenia

Slovenia Aniky
Slovenia Aristo
Slovenia m1ke
Slovenia seareal
Slovenia squAze
Slovenia verunA

image: eiKtUtG

Statements from the team captains:

Quote by BuzzerWell I think it's going to be an interesting game, unfortunaly, due to some real life stuffs, we couldnt manage to get the LU I wish we had but i'm still confident that these boys will make it! I havent seen the slovenians play lately so I can't really tell how good they are, but let's say a 4-0 score for us or 4-2. But let's the fun spreads for our spectators. :)

Quote by m1keEven tho the Belgium lineup is stacked with well known players, we have put in a decent amount of practice and I hope we give them a run for their money!

On Tuesday, DtS and voice from the RtCW Fall Cup will be providing us with a live stream of Estonia Team Estonia versus United States of America Team USA.

Tune in at www.twitch.tv/v586gg!
image: game38206

Good luck to each and every team!

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI

Belgium4 - 0 Slovenia

GL dooppi , dAv1d , Aniky and squAze !!
Match of the week would be France VS Sweden.
Bah... easy for france
imo there is 2 match of the week as Belgium will easely win vs Slovenia
* France vs Sweden
* Austria vs Netherlands
NL gonna rape Austria, same for France. :P
true but can be interesting game
As easy as u would fail in english exam?
Match week 3 ... Good luck to team UK :)
lol isnt Sweden vs. France more interesting :S?
gl veruna <3 n seareal
hungary vs finland is match of the week....
predictions for NC : this shit is going real, nerds playing a world cup on a 100 active ppl gaming community
shits intense
that is the worst belgium lineup i've ever seen

really is the lowest nc by a mile, yet you have teams like UK taking it so seriously ;d
Nice job mate!
tell me why im banned again fuckface, you forced me to write a ticket, still no reply tho :D
Poland vs. Iceland | United States of America vs. Sweden | Belgium vs. Czech Republic | Netherlands vs. Hungary | Finland vs. Austria | Germany vs. Slovenia | France vs. Estonia | United Kingdom vs. Portugal--| WB
------Poland---- vs.----Sweden----|----Belgium---- vs.----Netherlands----|--------Finland---- vs.----Germany----|-------France---- vs.----United Kingdom----|
--------------Poland----------vs.-------------Netherlands---------------|--------------Finland----------vs.---------------United Kingdom----------|
----------------------------Poland--------------------------------vs.-------------------------United Kingdom-----------------------------|
----------------------------------------------------------------United Kingdom----------------------------------------------------------|
-------------Estonia--------vs.-----Belgium----|--Sweden--vs.--Austria-|--------Czech Republic---vs-----France-|-Germany vs. Sweden-------------------|
-----Portugal-----vs.------Estonia----|-------------------Slovenia -vs. Austria-|-Hungary vs. Czech Republic--------------United States of America------vs.-------Iceland----|

United Kingdom
lol, how many time to do it?

E: Agree with most of the matches
20 min :P and pressed <Perview> after every flag :D

I'm not sure how strong is Poland and maybe France is able to beat Netherlands :P and matches like United States of America vs. Portugal and Slovenia vs. Austria
we're definitely not gonna be that high
:P worse than Finland Netherlands and France ?
also than ee and de. and prolly be too. so top8 max
stfu u got new weapon now instead of that muumio fragstealer
estaloth, secret weapon
oj, bo sladem Lewego bedziesz jechal z tylu!
nP for RtCW superstar Belgium Kevin!
Uk's gonna win.
Belgium's gonna get rolled like never before.
France's going to win a pocal. Please don't let the frenchtards win anything!
I never thaught I m going to say this but what ohurcool did for CB can be compared with what 2pac did for the ghetto. Amazing nigga I swear on you!
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