PGA Qualifiers, 5 Spots left

image: 1pga_27
Tonight is the last night for Signups for the two day PGA Digital Arena Qualifiers, with some 2,500 Euro's to be won this is a fantastic oppourtunity to take the first step to Poland and take on the other four Polish teams that will compete in a six team tournament for Polish Gold!

Signups close tonight at 22 GMT with the full brackets being released shortly after. So far 11 teams have signedup and we're looking for 5 more to complete the bracket and avoid BYE's in the opening rounds. The big boys are out in full force with recognisable names like idle, aMenti and zP, and with a packed field of hopeful's there is bound to be some phenominal games this Wednesday and Thursday night!

If you want to signup it costs just 10 Euros and to do so just contact [email protected] to complete your signup and get further information. The tournament will start at 19.00 CET tommorow night. Best of luck

i only hope the results of PGA itself wont be similar to those from QuakeCon
die bitch , mwhahahahhaaa
you forgot to name Europe VP !!
gogo Finland Monkey's sign up :< you and zP are the only ones who can beat idle...
and if you wont get those 5 signups?
ask Sweden teams
we'd love to go.. play that is.. the country sucks
5on5 = more lotto

let's see what comes out
19:00??? :(((

gg defloss ftw :D
gg arbeit :(
vielleicht bekommen wir ja das BYE :P
bei eurem verdienten top2 seed wird das kein problem sein.. als ob sich noch 4 teams anmelden -_-
glaube eher ned das wir gut geseeded werden da immer alle glauben das wir bevorzugt werden wird tosspot uns sicher die arsch karte geben :x er redet nichtmal mit uns :( ... ob sich mehr teams anmelden glaub ich auch ned...
Why do we have to Pay 20euro's and the rich foreign country's 10 plz ? :<
we, in kazakhstan, are not rich
but you have BORAT !!!
easier for u to qualify! = more value for money :PPP
i guess if 5 dont sign up we already know 3 teams that will definetely get BYE's :P

nah jk :P, but the seeds should be done taking in regard the offis that team played imo

cu u wed+thurs!
gj :)
gl :(

edit: i dont like crossfire 3
I need you to translate all my pocket money, too!
go go go, sign up:)
This is priceless. Playing non-laggy poles is something every person should experience. They die a lot more >)
come and check it by yourself :P
fancy me to accompany you on your trip to the outlands of Poland?
I'm going, I need a bedbuddy!
I'm on it! PM me for flightdetails, cheap hostels and your favorite odeur, I can make your time worthwile!
J-lo glow, its cheap but wonderful (i actually dont know the price!)
50 ml at around £20,00. My err sister told me, kinda... yeah that's right!
Douse yourself in it and watch me girate !
is this true?
would be nice to meet you there :)
Loads of people say this to me ! :-)
we'll drunk you to death
vp monsterclan spielt btw

das wird ein spass gegen die ganzen polen
vp monsterclan spielt btw

das wird ein spass gegen die ganzen polen
you forgot to name Europe VP !!
vp monsterclan spielt btw

das wird ein spass gegen die ganzen polen
what clans r signed up?
die wollen nur eure EuropeAutos
you can buy a house is poland for that money :o
not really
houses in Poland are quite expensive
pi for the win
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