The last 6 returning to castle Wolfenstein still.

Sunday night, waiting for some games? Well we have 2 epic battle going on in the loserbracket. It the final showdown between those 4 teams. 2 team have to face the next hard round and 2 of those have to go home and won't be able to continue the journey to the Castle Wolfenstein! Show starts as usual at 20°°CET and we will have interesting topics tonight so do NOT miss tonight by any chance! Read more

image: rtcw234

As we saw last week that Europe overPowered proved that they are their name worthy and beated Sweden KiH into loserbrackets and continued to battle in the winnerbracket. So this sunday we are going to see Sweden Knö I Hörn facing Europe team-Mortis in the loserbracket and as the 2nd game we will have very interesting game between Europe raw vs. United States of America Stable. We are going to have very interesting games tonight since both of these games have 1 underdog and can we see something amazing and surprising? Who knows. Time will tell and you can witness this if there's going to be something new and unbeliveable going on tonight. Join us in the stream as usually at 20°°CET!

Tonight's casters are : United States of America Warwitch, United Kingdom DtS!
Incase you have missed the current standings in the playoffs : image: playoff

Here are the games for tonight:

image: game38200 & image: game38076

Join the stream tonight at 20°°CET!
And as every week I am doing this. We are soon going to announce new cup for RtCW in march featuring the one and only United States of America Warwitch, Canada DeeAy, United States of America Sabo & United States of America Nail and many more with also major oldschool teams and new teams. So keep your eyes opened and join the conversation at #rtcw.wars . Meanwhile you can play mixes, 3on3 ladder and just be around and support the RtCW Community! Also our dear shoutcaster United States of America Warwitch has a fanpage in facebook , head over to like, share, comment and show some love!

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-66bd9c45d67763d6-640x125

PS. Same story as always, guys there is an Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3 vs 3 ladder , yes that's right, 3vs3 RtCW ladder live and kicking. Brought to you by amazing staff from OCLeague (big applause to them!). So head over to , register your self an account, add RtCW PB_Guid by joining an OSP server and typing into console /pb_plist , add the pb_guid and get your teammates to do the same thing and your off to some 3vs3 ladder action! Also United States of America Warwitch has confirmed to cast some of the matches so if you think you haven't got your chance yet, here is your chance to be casted by one and only United States of America Warwitch!
Direct ladder link:

image: logo-mail

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum!

Links :

RtCW Fall Cup page :
Warwitch Stream :
OCLeague 3vs3 ladder page :
Warwitch on facebook :

Contact @ #rtcw.wars #ocleague.rtcw #ocleague
We are going to have very uninteresting games tonight since both of these games have 1 underdog

Mortis have given KiH a good game before so I don't think it will be that uneven.

Stable will take Beach if they win the cointoss and Raw will have a hard time taking any points there. Going to come down to who gets lucky with servers/cointosses I reckon.
brb shining top 6 medal
You have € 50 on eu mort6s
You lost !!

Good games Kamz, best RtCW player, ever ;)

Oh, how come your ''Other famous Kamz'' journal went 404 ?
it was deleted by an admin :}
Was a journal promoting another community website and the deleted its which means I won't ever make a journal again:/
If only they realised it was that easy 6 years ago.
my journals keep lives such as yours worth living, it's the highlight of your friggin month
Tell yourself whatever you need in order to justify wasting thousands of hours of your life writing essays about video games.
Takes u longer to read it than me to write. Two reasons I'm fast thinker and typer and you are illiterate. Mad.
Don't flatter yourself silly nerd, I much sooner would watch paint dry over reading how you conquered your sexual frustrations through video games.
I guess u can say I just embarrassed you hahah
What a boring and uninspired rebuttal 2/10
Mad cos embarrassed?
You are a fucking nerd.
brb caring about our opinion
gl, watching warwitchTV like every sunday :)
Always good to see you there :)
Good job guys, really entertaining!
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