RtCW Fall Cup loserbracket FINALS!

We are almost in the end, just one more match and we can draw the line for this cup and see who is the champ this time. Tonight's show is pretty special since it is the loserbracket finals! Show starts at 20:00 CET!! Read more

image: rtcw234

Well well well, it is one epic match tonight between two powerhouses Europe overPowered vs. Europe Raw. Will overPowered power the Raw or will Raw use their raw power to defeat overPowered? Only time will tell and you can witness it tonight by your self! It is do or die time for both of these teams, tonight's game decides which team goes on into the grandfinals and which one will take the bronze pocal as of 3rd place. So pretty much this is their last chance and both of the teams will bring their A-game definitely. Winner of this game goes against United Kingdom one.soldier in the GRANDFINALS! Join the show and support and cheer for your favorite!
Don't forget to bet on your favorite aswell on GamesTV.org. Also who have missed out about it, you can now order the "Wham bam shazam!" t-shirt with ze Axis Goat aswell, head over to www.twitch.tv/WarwitchTV and scroll down to order it with direct link.

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Tonight's casters are : United States of America Warwitch, United States of America Sabo and United States of America Nail.
In case you have missed the current standings in the playoffs : image: playoff

Join the stream tonight at 20.00 CET!

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-66bd9c45d67763d6-640x125

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum and we are not out of gum yet!

Links :

RtCW Fall Cup page : http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12928
Warwitch Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/warwitchtv
OCLeague 3vs3 ladder page : http://www.ocleague.com/competition/rankings.php?id=22&sub=info
Warwitch on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/WarwitchTV

Contact @ #rtcw.wars & #ocleague.rtcw
gogo sipperi & sirkka!!
hope gonna be better match than KiH - RAW !! GL both teams give us a good final :)
:o sirkka
good work ZeD! hope its a tight match for the spectators :)
Forgot me off the casters list AGAIN!
What do you expect, its zed
Great games!

Warwitch has linked a good, short edit of one of Sipperi's double panzer shots on Base. You can find details on his Facebook & Twitch pages, or via the following link:


Well played both teams.
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