Sweden vs USA - The Grudge Match

This Thursday sees the final Nations Cup XVI last sixteen match take place as Sweden go head to head with the USA. With tempers running high following a failed attempt to complete the match just days ago, who will come out on top?

image: ncxvi_big

The previous match was cancelled during what was looking like a win for the USA team after Clanbase deemed there had been multiple violations of the rules, including abuse of the crane bug and generally poor behaviour.

Will Sweden be able to salvage their Nations Cup dreams or will the USA once again prevail? Only time will tell.

image: game38924

Join England DtS, co-host Netherlands Voice and special guest Wales sqzz from 21:30cet on Thursday as they take you through the highs and the lows of what is sure to be an extremely heated match!

Catch the action as it happens at www.twitch.tv/shoutcastcollective and keep up to date on any changes to the schedule at #ShoucastCollective.

Previous Results:

USA 4 - 0 El Salvador
USA 4 - 0 Croatia
USA 4 - 2 Estonia

USA finish top in their group

Sweden 4 - 2 Romania
Sweden 4 - 0 Italy
Sweden 0 - 4 France

Sweden finish second in their group
USA 4 - 2 Estonia, not 4-0 ;)
Thanks, edited.
Burger kings low IQ.
gl sweden, get dem muricas
Tell this Voice guy to stop being a faggot next time, thanks.
Why don't you you try and point your point across more politely in future, you're 21 not 14.
Why don't u try and give some lessons to obviously non educated casters that spamming a chat on ettv is no way to go?

We come to watch a game, not to read nonsense from some guy whos clueless about et at first place and writing complete nonsense entire time.
We are always trying to improve, we do this for fun and aren't trying to be too professional but if you have any suggestions feel free to drop myself or Voice a message and we'll take your criticisms on board.
As stated about, teach him how to stay away from that chat spam.
What's the point? You'll just ignore us like you did when i tried to show you guys some e-love. One does not ignore MarseilleLeFrancis.
You shall never be ignored again, my love.
Even if I'm a very busy man, I'll find an hour to watch your stream and make nerds mad on ettv at the same time.

e : Let your e-friend spam in teamchat, it makes me laugh so hard when I see these nerds full of madness :/Xd::x:d:D/d:
lol these guys are basicly the only guys even trying to do et casts, and you instantly flame them. idiot.

ps: dts & voice are both doing fantastic work, both on et & rtcw
Quotelol these guys are basicly the only guys even trying to do et casts

It's called et cast for a reason, not that u spam nonsense on server entire time and basically annoy every single person watchin the game.
Yeah fantastic is spamming team chat every 5 seconds with useless nonsense and spoiling in team chat, fucking tard get off his dick if you don't know what's going on.
Tell you what, lets get back to discussing the game itself. No need to speak to anyone like that.
Then tell your shoutcast partner to stop that bs in future, nothing against you, were were perfectly fine, it was just him ruining the game.
I'm sure he'll read it here, no need to call people tards or faggots is there.
+1 ungrateful pricks everywhere
Be grateful you inbred spastic dickhole
Occupation: slave
Jimmies status: rustled
gl sweden, they deserve to lose for their behaviour
dts and voice is doing a fine job, et is near enough gone to dust now nothing wrong with abit of fun on the shoutcast, keep it up lads, its critism and then its being a complete cock block about it.
good job last time - keep on improving!
gl Weslann!
Thanks mate!
ignore these hating pricks
but yeah whoever was constantly spamming in the teamchat, please make em stop
u guys do a fine job
gl! :)
come back to et homo
in like 2 months :D
2 months ill be applying for usa visa cu <3
Criticism noted :)!

No hard feelings towards those having troubles expressing themselves in a slightly more civilized manner.
Potty and DtS might talk a bit fast at times so you might've missed the fact it was essentially ment to be a 3 man cast, I however was facing some technical difficulties preventing me to participate trough speech.

Given the fact I was the actual person streaming and TZAC preventing me from working with a game capture rather than a screen region, talking in ET team chat was pretty much my main means of communication troughout the game (that or alt-tabbing thus not being able to see the game, which clearly wasn't an option).

You'll be happy to know that aforementioned issue with the microphone has been resolved and next time I'll just be on comms :)!

If you still feel like throwing in hatefull comments, I suggest you just tune in into ETTV and leave the cast aside or work on your ways of giving criticism! By all means, I understand the teamchat was far from ideal and possibly annoying for a few of the viewers and as said, that criticism has been noted!

See you on the next cast :)!.

I believe you did cast RTCW matches before. Simple logic dictates that you don't type throughout the whole match for no apparent reason. Let alone open console every other minute. I always thought that was beyond obvious. I am replying to you to point it out in case it's not obvious to you :)

Otherwise you guys do a fine job if I don't take into account that DTS constantly mentions how , according to his weird view, easy ET is and how other games (hint hint) are obviously better and deserve more attention.
he's an rtcw player and therefore will always have that mentality.
I think constantly might be a bit of an over exageration. When I do say it I'd like to think it's relatively tongue in cheek too, they both have their strengths although as you can imagine I do prefer one over the other.
try to get some experienced et player to give you some tactical info, how to use map for example so u dont miss some sneak, or some action or just to give some advices gamewise to improve casts
tupac wil drop bombs on this eurotrash
Oh, now you get Gav to cast, when it's not me in the game :((((
lmfao these ugly ass swedish nerds pullin out the rule book to replay this shit.

I won't be playing, and all the american starters will be here/

We are spawn camping them for 15 straight minutes
We dont give a fuck like you do, we want fairplay thats all
what fairplay? you won the map I glitched the crane on, you came back and lost the other two maps. You suck get over it trash
doing a great job shoutcasting, keep it up.
gl weslann
Thanks for covering some games lads, keep it up!
special guest sqzz? :DDDD GIVE ME ONE CORNETTO
This game is a joke and half of team USA should be banned from ClanBase for their behavior
I wonder what team sweden does when they get yelled at by their superiors at work. Go to the labor courts and file a complaint about rude behavior? Welcome to the real world where as long as you get results it dont matter how you act
Are you like.. 12 or something?
Are you retarded?
Oh wait, ofc you are, you are American after all
Amazing reply. Must have taken you hours to write it.
Says the guy who answered me with "You mad?"
I was right though.
sqzz on cast!!!! lol put razz as well but plz ask him to smoke the biggest bong ever before so i can rofl the entire match plz.... PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!
lol osiris you funny little portugese bearded man :D
lycka till Sverige!

Really hope Sweden will win, I don't care much for this game anymore, but so many americans within this scene are so stupid and annoying.
cast Germany vs. Poland before it!
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