RtCW Fall Cup 2012 Grand Finals!

It has been amazing cup so far as we have seen some epic matches throughout the entire cup. Starting from groupstage to playoffs. Without any further add-o we are about to see an another epic match in this cup. This sunday 17.03.2013 le Grand Finale in RtCW Fall Cup 2012, stream starts at 19:55 CET! Readmore!

image: rtcw234

Epic is one word to describe sunday's match-up. Two titans facing each other in the finals and only one walks away alive and takes the bragging rights. Both of these teams have been undefeated in the groupstage and United Kingdom one.soldier has been undefeated throughout the entire cup without a single loss. Europe overPowered lost their one and only game so far against United Kingdom one.soldier. Now is their time to make payback. We shall see if overPowered will stand for their name or not.

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image: finals

Grand Final will be streamed by our beloved caster team United States of America Warwitch and United States of America Sabo, United States of America Nail, United Kingdom DtS and Netherlands voice! There will be giveaways and some information regarding new upcoming cup. Currently we are working on the prizes (money, hardware), so some topics will include new cup aswell. Many different things before the game and maybe we will have special guests for you and we take in callers via Skype so keep your eyes and ears opened once your tuned in!

Stream starts at 19:55 CET - so do NOT miss the pregame and be ready before the show starts!!!


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Links :

RtCW Fall Cup page : http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12928
Warwitch Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/warwitchtv
OCLeague 3vs3 ladder page : http://www.ocleague.com/competition/rankings.php?id=22&sub=info
Warwitch on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/WarwitchTV

Contact @ #rtcw.wars & #ocleague.rtcw
good luck to all :)
gl hf :)
gl guys cya there :)
Does oP have to win twice or normal match?
twice :P they came from LB
Well, looks like I have to rethink my bet then :D
This should be an absolutely awesome match!

I had thought Op would have brought it together hard in their last game against One, but for some reason they just seemed to be lacking a little bit of finality in their game. However, against Raw they were absolutely lethal - so whatever happened, they're over it...

This has all the makings of an outstanding match, with both teams hitting absolutely top form at just the right time!

Thx for everything zed, was a great cup!
there's one player that doesn't deserve to be in this and it's a shame to see and ruins it a bit for me, dont think ill watch but good luck

good job with the tournament zed, great success!
GL guys! Gonna miss the stream due to work but look forward to watching the replay later that evening. :) Gonna be a blast. Best of luck to both teams! <3
Thank you to the community for being so amazing this entire cup. I'm ready for this epic final match!
would be nice to see some predictions from respected rtcw players :) definately watching this match
Heres mine: op only has a chance if sharky doesn't play. Otherwise i cant see them win it at all
Who says you are respected? :o)))))))
- I hosted wolf onedaycups from 2011-2012
- I hosted the xmas pub server in 2011
- made the first moments of the week video
- converted maps from et to rtcw for the community
- made several tj maps
- active since 2005
- know almost everyone in the scene atm
- im a nice guy
^^ LOL, I keep watching this gif over and over and over and...
its fucking epic :D
its anoying !
Yep...annoyingly epic! ;p
btw het lukt niet om te reageren op je bericht via crossfire. ik zal het hier zeggen: ik ben zwaar inactief op wolf en als ik de cup ga spelen dan is het met cave of met het team van cliffdark. btw wat is je lineup of wie had je in gedachten
haha wil je met die Duitsers spelen? Volgens mij speelt cave niet de komende cup, maar dat zal jij vast beter weten. Ik ben her en der wat aan het rondvragen aan mensen die nog geen team hebben. als je op irc bent praten we er wel een keer over ;)
neja kga met cave meedoen als ze nog meedoen, en islam zei net tegen me dat we meedoen blijkbaar dus ik speel met hen mee, veel succes met een team te vormen!
okay! Hoe meer teams hoe beter!
hoe meer teams die niet folden hoe beter*
Can't wait, see y'all on air!
wp, one soldier still undefeated since 2005 :)
We atleast drew vs them in rtcw cup 4!
great coverage once again lads! ggz!
RTCW is going to sell you this seat, but you're only going to use the edge of it.

Great games all!
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