New RTCW Ladder Opened

image: wllogo

Yes after a few people from the community wanted to play some custom maps in offical wars. I thought it was time to open up some kind of way so that clans can choose to do so. But instead of going mad and adding loads of custom maps to the leagues and current ladders, I came up with a format so that this idea could happen.

The Format

The format for the new ladder will be 5on5 with NO PANZER.

Why 5on5? Why No Panzer? I hear people asking. Well the reasons are straight forward.

1. With the Activity of RTCW at the moment, 5on5 would be easier to organise.
2. With No Panzer, More Custom Maps can be added because.
A. Smaller Maps can be added and
B. Less Spawn Raping on these maps making them playable.

So what are the maps? They are!!

Axis Complex

Why didnt the community pick the maps? Well you did hehe ( Some of you ). Reading the forums over the last few years and listening to comments from people the last few months, these maps were chosen ( By me, So I will take the blame hehe ). Also they are competitive and fun to play as most of them have had indeed been played in offical matches before, either in Cups or the USA leagues/ladders.

Also to make it easier and faster to get all these maps, I have also made a custom map pack to house them all into one map pack. And I have also added it to the rules of joining this ladder that all members of your team must have it and use it on your server.

So please download the WL CUSTOM MAPPACK HERE ( Not on WL Downloads yet, Will be asap )

So hopefully you will enjoy the ladder and hopefully more maps will be added if it gets popular.

But for now please SIGN UP HERE and lets get playing.

LoL, n1ce maps
maps suck :<
As its a new ladder with Custom maps only. If you have any suggestions then please put them forward in the WL forum. Soon enough some maps will be changed for newer ones, due to public demand. The ladder isnt for everyone tho, just people who want something New and not Stale old Beach :)
Its just like changing 6on6 to 5on5, "never change a winning team" "Never change a pr0 game"
No1s changed anything "never change a winning team" "Never change a pr0 game" = Seems like an argument for ET in general but not a RTCW Ladder

This is a Ladder ( Not a League )

This is something EXTRA for other teams and players who want it.

The league structure will stay and always will be the same :) Maybe do a background check 1st.
ok cool for them, but I'd love to see 1 ladder with the original maps
Dont we have that already? We have a 6v6 Ladder with Original Maps. If theres maps not there that you want added then please PM me what you want.
axis complex <3
rtcw without panzer :/
Still, it's a great news for all rtcw player (not that much :d).
with these maps & no panzer = no thx
axis complex ownes + add panza imo
Good luck with the league and have fun guys! ;)
spawnrape ftw ;(
5on5 sux :D
and no panzer sux even more.
no panzer?

raziel fanbois
Well I should have guess ET players would reply and make this into some sort of ET debate hehe ( Well some anyhow )
what is RtCW?

Okay that one was bad. It's nice to see cups are still being organised..
Nice, finally :)
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