RTCW Fall Cup Community Awards

As promised, I present you the RtCW Fall Cup Community Awards!

image: instagrambanner

A panel of players & spectators selected each one nominee for each award to make the nominee list. To make the nominees as fair as possible i've asked 1 player of each team i could find that played the cup. I also asked a player who tuned in every week to the warwitch casts. Each panel member could only select a player from a different clan & could not pick themselves.

The panel members who selected the nominee list for each award were
United Kingdom MerlinatoR (from one.soldier)
Belgium homie (from Cave)
Netherlands bully (from overPowered) (also made the banner, thanks mate <3!)
United Kingdom jam (from raw)
Sweden malmen (from KiH)
Netherlands voice (from mort6s)
United Kingdom DtS (from badazz)
Germany SOUX3D (from HighBot)
United States of America parcher (from Stable)
Canada BrandoN (from ubik)
Netherlands Kylie (from indomitus)
Chile V1rkeS (spectator)

You can vote HERE
You can vote untill: Friday 29 March 21.00CET
The results will be posted: Sunday 31 March

Remember, when you vote, you are voting for players who performed during the cup (october 2012 - march 2013), so keep that in mind that you don't think you should vote on somebody just because he did that awesome action in 2008 or so :)

Happy voting everybody!

Nice one.
There is one negative point though; everyone can vote in here, including myself, while I don't know the RTCW scene at all.
Don't you think the outcome might be different of what you expect if everybody is free to vote?

Meh I hope I made myself clear :P
i know, but everyone could also vote for the crossfire community awards.
The awards are just for fun anyways, so i hope everybody won't vote 20x cause that would be very sad :)
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good job homie ;)
good luck guys
Done! - Good job mate, nice one.

I voted Owzo for smartest; I had to really as his game sense is excellent.

However, he's also Welsh...therefore I now feel both dirty and ashamed. :(
Excellent stuff. Gonna be interested to see who wins a few of these awards. Very close battles IMO.
Using a tool made for master scriptions, wp :D
haha normally you have to pay for qualtrics, but i got it for free at my college :D
What really impressed me in this cup was that one soldier smashed everyone without even using medics
Best Panzerfaust award

Best Lieutenant award

Best Medic award

Best aimer award

Best trickjumper award

Sneakiest player award

Smartest player award

Best newcomer in the RTCW scene award
Night *

Best shoutcaster award

Best match (overall) during the cup
KiH vs. raw (lower bracket semi-finals)

Biggest fail moment during the cup
DtS vaporises himself on beach in the forward bunker on beach

Funniest moment during the casts
Mata getting angry at sabo in global chat

* Though Night isn't really a newcomer is he? I remember him playing for Idle in RTCW ages ago and he probably played in other teams as well.
I believe it's the same issue with Squirrel - I seem to recall him playing in RTCW clan matches long before any ET competitive scene ever existed.
he should be quite "behind" most of the active rtcw scene regarding practice and familiarity with the game, considering 10 years have passed since he last competed actively :P despite the fact that he did play on a top level @ 02/03

just a bad title for the award I guess
Ye, kinda got dissapointed I wasnt able to be chosen.
expect to be in all awards
HoGent :'D >:D :o) :> xD

i voted!

GONNA RE-VOTE 1000x so my list will be correct.
Vote Basement Penetration for president.
+1! created a whole new way of describing the final stage of all maps! :D
So many worthy winners for every category. The real winner here is RTCW ;)
Love it! ;)
Are you implying id is the real winner?
no, id was right ;) they definitely made RTCW the game it was.
best panzerfaust sipperi??????????
voted! was a great cup overall! hope the next one will be even more epic!
DtS vaporises himself on beach in the forward bunker

SOOooOooOoooo funny :)
lack of Americans in....anything on this poll.
...Best Shoutcaster...
Please include this into some video category

This poll needed "I don't know option on every question", or option not to vote. While i'm pretty sure on some answers, some others i had to random click based only on popularity
its all opinion and a bit of fun, the winners aren't necessarily the best in their category - same as any public awards ;]
Cliffdark Germany GAY award
Bloxin for panzer.
hahaha fanxxx mate!!!!
Where's the winners? I can't find the post
Classic homie.
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