TTT win the one.more RtCW 3on3 cup

Tonight is the 'one.more RtCW Cup 3on3' tournament and as the groupstage comes to an end we prepare ourselves for the playoffs where the two best teams of each group will face off against each other to see who is crowned king.

image: onemorecup-1

Europe Team TableTennis - United Kingdom crumbs, United Kingdom dusty and Latvia Clown
Europe noPressure - Estonia mata, Norway kris and Finland mystic
Jamaica flowerpower - Netherlands bully Estonia pudi and Netherlands karma

We are blessed with the Warwitch and the MG42 crew casting the later rounds tonight and you can tune in via their TwitchTV Channel: HERE

To find out who is playing and how the cup unfolded so far, go HERE and all the upcoming action will be listed on GamesTV: HERE
tuned in to a few of the matches with Warwitch and the others casting, and it was quite nice!

good job guys :)
really nice games guys, was really relaxing to watch! also nice to see owzo casting

cu all at the second 3v3 onedaycup!
Wp guys! - many thanks, sounded like an epic evening of matches!
Was able 2 watch a few parts, seemed nice!
Very too easy
Ye its not that hard when blinking around I guess :-) I want that feature too
haha, watching it there was no benefit he lagged out on docs runs and got killed 3-4 times :D was kind of comical.
I maybe benefited from it once or twice over the 10 hours or whatever it was, but the frustration for me having to play with those spikes, having to completely change my playing style after 13 years, and the fact that crumbs and clown had to doubt me doing even the simplest things definitely made it a massive disadvantage for me/us
haha for sure, I dont think you or curbs / Clown would prefer you to lag out every 10-15 seconds, who would prefer that? :D
Yeah very too easy... basically raw is the winnarrrrr! boo yaaa :D anyway wp boyssssssss :)
I see you speak French, ma poule! Parisian dialect.
ggs, shame about the lag and the absolute craziness with the base thing sorta spoilt it.
Crumbs, what happened? Can you expand on the 'base thing' please as I missed most of the cast?
They beat our time on the game clock, but not on the exact osp time in the background or something. Supposidly you use the osp console message following some quakecon precedent where it happened, so I guess the older players would side to that, but any1 watching clearly saw them beat the clock time.
To expand on what crumbs said, it happened at quakecon and thats where most people remember it from. OSP is the competition mod so it is 'correct'.

RtCW Rounds up the time
OSP exactly records a time

TTT set 3.02033 via OSP time, this (the numbers after the decimal being a % of a minute - its very precise)
so OSP time comes to 3:00:0124998
RtCW Rounds this up, as it is over 3:00 to 3:01 as the game cant do decimals on the clock.
At the end of the round OSP confirmed with
>>> Objective NOT reached in time (3:01)
It literally must have been a small fraction of a second using original precise time set. Really close :)
Ok, thanks for the clarification both - it sounds as though I missed some very tight games. I didn't expect 3v3 to maintain audience interest in the same manner as 6v6.

I have some vague recollection of something like this having occurred in the past, possibly Quakecon as you say, but I also seem to recall some europe-based cup (?!?), who knows?

I'm glad it was a success though, well done all.

(...and Merl, I like the new site format - the new colours seem much cleaner somehow).
where's YAM!? :-D
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