Crossfire ET-Cup - Brackets and Top3 rating!

In less then 48 hours the first image: et Crossfire ET-Cup for 8 invited teams will be over and thus it is time to announce the official brackets for the one day cup! Additionally I was able to create a top3 rating by asking all the teamcaptains for their personal opinion about the outcome of the tournament. Check below for the brackets, maps and the most predicted winner and do not forget to vote for which game should be casted by DtS and voice in the first round!
image: cRbRT6n

With just 8 invited teams it was quite hard to establish a good and exciting tournament without a discriminating treatment for one of the teams. Thus we talked about different match ups and after some discussions the following tournament tree was created by Ireland wra1th - big thanks to him and to Australia biggz for the other great graphics!

image: cfbrackets

The first round has to be played right at 20.00 CET on Frostbite and Radar - with Adlernest as Decider.
The second round is scheduled for 21.15 CET on sw_Goldrush_te and Adlernest - with Bremen_b3 as Decider.
And the final/3rd place match doesn`t have a forced mapset - teams got their free choice (normal CB OC/EC 6v6 mappool) and is scheduled for 22.15 CET!

At least 1 player of each team has to idle #Crossfire for better communication and the admin team will add the matches to! If you got any problems feel free to pm either Germany SPU9 / United Kingdom Artstar or United Kingdom MerlinatoR @ Quakenet or right here on Crossfire!

And here is the rating I have introduced at the very beginning:

I gathered the opinions of every invited team to create a Top3 rating.
In other words I just asked the teamcaptain or a representative of each participant for their 3 personal favorites. For an entry on #1 the team got 3 points - for a #2 place 2 points, #3 place 1 point. Afterwards I divided the overall score by the number of teamcaptains (8) to get an average rating. A team could achieve a maximum rating of 3 and the winner has nearly done so.

#1 Europe Queens => 2,88
#2 Europe Sick6 => 1,25
#3 Finland turbot => 1

With just 1 player voting Queens not as the ET-Cup winner the guys around razz and Clown are clear favorite and with such a strong lineup on paper they have already set a course.

Keep your eyes on CF (do not forget to vote for which game should be casted by England DtS and Netherlands voice)and the schedule and check if this prediction list is accurate - good luck and have fun to everybody involved and stay tuned for the second part of the teamoverviews!
teamoverview? queens?
check the last sentence!
looks awesome mate :)
I am glad to see some of my images being used there. Good work design guys (wra1th n biggz).

Also nice initiative and gl / hf to teams!

ps: Sorry SPU9, was busy all day with family couldn't answer pm :[
the colours/quality of the top banner image (your image?) ... so freaking good!
Ye, taken from BFB2 little clip:

Good work as i said! :P
haha cheers, although I didn't make that top banner (made the team intro gfx and front page rotate banner).

might have to ask you about your movie making pack some time, getting massive FPS drops using some of your configs (even though I have a beast PC), so much so ET crashes D:
mmm, map? This is outdated and i know radar cfg has a bug! We can talk on irc later i guess. I am going to sleep right now though!
great stuff SPU9 - should be a great night of ET
Nice write-up!

tMoe vs Team Decerto should be a good game to be casted imo (eventhough I don't really follow the scene that much)
easy win tMoe, Decerto hasn't played for ages.
thank god we have been praccing hard 24/7 all these ages for this
you played more than Decerto
you played more than anyone
I think there are some who played more than me. Overall, I think you have played more matches than me.
yeah because i've been playing since 2006 and you since like 2011?
i've been playing ET since '04, '11 ET pro scene ye
According to tMoe captain they never play either :S
no supply until final/3rd place - YEEEEEES!
GJ, but why would you want Queens to loose in their first round? :/
:D! reméljük úgy lesz! :D
so we play one match against the best team... will be nice warmup *_*
don`t be so pessimistically
but hes right ; /
Tune in from 19:30cet tonight at

First match covered will be tMoe vs Decerto!

glhf with it! :)
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