Crossfire ET-Cup - Teamoverview II!

With the previous teamoverview part I you were able to read about erAse, Team Decerto, a.ToOn and Unbreakable-Gaming and this time we will give you some more information concerning the other four teams - namely Europe Queens, Europe sick6, Finland turbot and Poland tMoe!
image: 15g2sd5

image: 11ltude

Europe Queens and their new roster is a team all participants will learn to fear and respect. They were nearly included in every top3 prediction as number 1 - and not for nothing. The Queen`s are famous for setting up a superb lineup for big tournaments and with the current one they keep on frighten other teams just by signing up. With a great mixture of teamplay, aim and wisdom they are unchallengeable the team to bet money on just for peanuts. They have three adroit lanwinners (chry, razz, sqzz) and two second placed gamers (koop and Clown) within their ranks and with the addition of one of the best aimers at the moment (phyzic) they will participate to turn everything topsy-turvy! They claimed some awesome achievements in their past and in case they can keep up their motivation, I am sure they will be able to add another pocal to their hall of fame! Player to watch: I really don`t know which to highlight here. Everybody is able to change the game on his own!

image: 2njki08

Next comes the second heir apparent Europe sick6 with a coequal lineup. They do have an equivalent to the phyzic beast in form of KRESTi and freeze and due to the presence of twidi and toxic they will not run like a pile of headless chicken and in terms of the noobstick the French top player An7ho will accept the challenge against koop. To round the roster off they added the Estonian top notch due subbi and Raul and Oxy who is relatively new to the highskilled scene but after a short adjustment period he should get used to it and fit in the team. Player to watch: Again I just recommend every user to spec at least one game/player because whether you are playing rifle, fieldop or even will learn something from those guys!

image: 29qjyqh

The core of the Finish powerhouse Finland turbot just lost their CB NationsCup game against Estonia on an exciting decider map and I just can hope they will not participate this one day cup broken-backed. Some might say with the addition of walle the team will have a whole new appearance and I mean they have not played bad and by playing against the Estonian guys around Night it is sure you do not have an easy walk in the park so fans should not resign. Player to watch: walle, to check if the hype around him is justified!

image: 1znpx1y

zMk, Frag'Stealer! or wiaderko will pop to your mind if you think about Poland`s finest but teamcaptain fanatic were able to gather a new generation of machine gunners and with their absolute determination they are - on a good day - face to face with the first named ones. Thus I am really looking forward to the game between Poland tMoe and Decerto because this match up is made for spectacular action and exciting killing sprees with one of them winning on a decider map. By the way this game will most likely get streamed by DtS and voice so what more to say besides lean back and enjoy? Player to watch: hunter for impressive headshots!

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Thanks to Australia biggz for the graphic work!
Nice write-up! :)
nice nice
think sick6 might be able to take it
they'll get steam rolled in first round, gg.

keep up the good work
nice :)
When's the next one? :-)
well not this month (with the ec/oc and the other crossfire cup coming + my free time is limited ... maybe @ start of may)
nice work.... Spu9 really :)
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