Return to Castle Wolfenstein Legacy Cup!

The brand new Return to Castle Wolfenstein cup has been announced and this time around bit more organized, more intense, more exciting and more games to be covered! Take a closer look at the announcement for RtCW Legacy Cup!

I am glad to announce this brand new tournament for Return to Castle Wolfenstein! Last cup was a huge success despite lack of my own motivation which actually went pretty well afterall. This time around I have made some changes in the admin department and it will be a huge upgrade for me in order to run the tournament smoothly as possible. I have chosen to switch the platform of the tournament from ClanBase to BinaryBeast ( ) , huge thanks goes to CEO/Owner of BinaryBeast to help me out on some things and we will be featured on the main page. Thanks Brandon S!

image: rlc

So... let's get down to business, enough chitchat! I would like to have your attention here now. The cup will be in 6vs6 format as usually and in ABBA stopwatch mode. The ruleset has been changed a lot and has been made player-friendly as possible, I will try to update them on the run in order to be crystal clear before we enter into battlemode. I won't talk a lot about the rules here since as a player it's your job to be familiar with the rules so there wouldn't be any questions left unanswered! There are some things to think about as well, I have decided to cap the one team roster size to 9. As we saw some of the teams had more than that so this rule could maybe form more teams instead one huge one. The maplist will be finalized by this sunday (07.04.13).

Whats next? Well there a lot to tell. First of all I would like to let you guys know that this tournament will include prizes! So your job right now is to give out your opinions on this post as well what would you like to see for the prizes since we have dilemma. It can be mouses, headsets... you name it, we delivery it!
It's important for us so please take your time and give us the feedback!

Tournament schedule:
31.03.2013 - Signups opened!
28.04.2013 - Signups closed, groups formed!
29.04.2013 - 1st matchweek takes off!

Rest is unfortunately TBD since the signups may vary so as soon as I will know the exact amount of signups and teams playing I will give out the full schedule for the groupstage and playoffs! Please bear with me on this one. Sorry!

As we move closer to the closing of the signups I will make sure everyone will be notified!

About signing up!
This is the tournament website -
Please take your time and read the RULESET! This is important for the players and team captains!

Only the team captain has to signup on the website and rename nick to the team name they will use in the cup!!! After signup, PM me on IRC ( #rtcw.wars @ ) with your full roster and their PB_GUID's!!!

If there is a team signed up with no information given to me, I will remove them and won't consider them as competitors in the cup!

As in the previous cup we saw some legends return. This time it's not different.
Our casting team will be covering the cup AGAIN! All of the WarwitchTV crew wants to thank all the supporters and followers. It was amazing to cast again for all of those guys!

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-66bd9c45d67763d6-640x125

Warwitch and the crew is back again!

United States of America Warwitch
United States of America Sabo the saboteur
United States of America Nail the geek squad commander
& many more through out the entire cup!

WarwitchTV will have giveaways, prizes, surprises and many guests on the show, YOU can be one maybe? Time will tell! You have to tune in every sunday 9PM CET/ 2PM EST
Right now it is unknown but Warwitch is working to get hes studio ready for the cup and with some awesome stuff that you might need to see. More to come in near future!

Cup website :
Official cup IRC : #rtcw.wars
Cup Admin : Estonia ZeD / co-supervisor United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Official stream :

Previous cup
I would like to go back in time now. I am sorry for the spectators and the players that I didn't really made any final news about the previous cup winners etc. So ill take my time now.

United Kingdom one.soldier
Europe overPowered
Europe raw

Huge round of applause to winner and all of the players who took part of the RtCW Fall Cup 2012. Aswell to all of those spectators and fans out there!!! Personal respect to all of the players and fans who keep this game alive!

I would personally like to thank :
Netherlands voice, Netherlands bully, United Kingdom MerlinatoR, Belgium homie, Netherlands Ins0mnia, Australia biggz, United States of America Warwitch, United Kingdom DtS, United States of America Nail ,United States of America Sabo ,Canada DeeAy, United States of America Bridger, Netherlands Playa, United Kingdom crumbs & many more that I can't remember right now! All the WarwitchTV supporters aswell!

Grab your guns, it's about to get nasty soon!
Awesome news!
Good luck to everyone!!
Wow rtcw cup with prizes!!! nice news ZeD & co and thx for make this possible <3
i hope some motivation from et top players to everyone who played the last rtcw cup. GL
nice news. Be nice to see a different format though over the double elim. Prehaps a super 8 format (see cricket world cup). 4 groups of 4 (more if needed) - top 2 progress into a league format. Each team plays eachother with top 4 progressing to semis then finals.

Bascially you have graoup stage to start (4 teams). Super 8 second stage then eliminations for semi and final. Just means when get to the super 8 stage you get more top teams play against eachother. Seems to be that would make for better coverage!
Very excited for this. Let's get ready to rumble!
sounds awesome!!my thoughts....
will there be another usa group like last cup? or will there be too many in there this time?(think theres already 5 or something).
also since we arnt the biggest threat in cup haha, would we be allowed to go over max roster spots since such messed up time zones if we put team in maybe?
I asked the roster size question to Zed yesterday and he said it's strictly 9. So all the part-time players who just want to play a match or two with their friends can apparently go fuck themselves. thats the message for this cup.
Awful rule really.. I for one can only play the groupstage most likely, but this rule is basically telling me I just shouldn't play at all..
Yeah, our team counts 11 possible members. And I'm going to need them all!
like any democracy i guess, if we all just ignore the rule and play by our own rules, nothing will really happen.
yea last cup players were signing up for teams mid way through and even changing teams though. we dont get streamed games so no one will know anyways, and also we know everyone.
i understand why the roster size is set to create more teams but apart from our team who would want...
300 ping panz/med
avi mon-thurs 6-9am cet
and is birdz server west coast? would we possibly be able to use if it goes ahead?
Blox, you're solid bro, you'd be welcome on my team anytime! I think our server is central. hop on irc #birdcage on gamesurge network, I'm guessing you guys could use it for your wacky times you'd be playing :)
Not sure if I'll be playing or not yet, but definitely looking forward to joining Warwitch for some more RTCW casting fun!
Avi for the cup - rdy to play
Very nice Zed. I'm looking forward to it!
"- Both teams who are playing an official game are allowed to use their choice of server for 1 map."... ARE YOU SURE THIS TIME ZED???? :D
Yessss! Very excited about this! Can't wait to get started!!

Birdz looking for scrims, PM Lt. Goose on Mirc. We are an NA team so sorry we can't scrim at 2 in the afternoon.
log in irc #rtcw.wars may be u can play vs my low team ;) cu
I could perhaps be available, hit me up on irc for any formations (/q ScarZy)[
Maybe you should just do crash prices so everyone can decide what to do with their newly earned money.
Nice! Hope to see some epic matches. Sipperi & his team will take this one :)
Looking forward to watching this guys.
cash prizes (and maybe the personalized award ww mentioned on stream) & i don't think the roster cap is really going to do anything good at this point, not enough full time / too many semi-active players - at least make it max 10
I'm talking with ZeD about the roster size issue to see how he feels. Clearly there seems to be some angst about the topic. The main goal was to have more teams compete, instead of a couple teams stacking their rosters with tons of players. No one is trying to make life harder.
It's a good sentiment, but I don't think at this point in the game's life it will do any good. Roster caps really only work when the game is consistently populated, because people cut from teams will likely play regardless by forming new ones. Nowadays, people that aren't entirely active usually won't make new teams because they probably don't know most of their potential teammates anyway. Besides that, I know that stable is essentially becoming 3 teams this cup and I don't know if it would have affected any other teams much anyway.
My suggestion would be to announce the prizes, see how much interest is generated from that, then decide the roster caps. If there is a decent boost to the player pool, I think you could cap the rosters at 8-9 and it would result in more teams. If there is not much increased interest, I would allow a couple more players per team.
I know I would like to see the roster cap moved closer to 10. 9 only gives you 3 extra guys from a normal starting 6. 4 extra just feels safer.

I will exceed the roster limit to 10 at this point. Will take it under consideration to make it permanent rule.

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