Results: RTCW Fall Cup Community Awards

I present you, the results of the RtCW Fall Cup Community Awards!
image: instagrambanner

There were 163 responses in total. I've tried to ask a statement from the top 3 in every award, but this was not always possible :)!

Below are the top 3 of each category along with statements from each player;

1. Best Panzerfaust Award

Big up to all my fans for voting on me, my e-penis just keeps getting bigger <3

i knew i should have voted for myself

Thanks for voting for me I guess :) Was really fun to play another RtCW cup, and having Warwitch covering it was amazing as well. Teams are now really aware of the panzer and are very good at avoiding grouping up. Getting those big multikills is a lot harder than before, that's for sure. Hopefully we will be back even stronger next cup, and maybe there will be more big kills, who knows!

2. Best Lieutenant Award

United Kingdom
Lieutenant role seems to be built well for my playstyle, and when in the zone I become like an artist, splashing red and blue across the map it doesnt matter - it all ends the same way. ;) Overall it was great to unpack my canister and dust off my MP40 for this tournament - had a lot of fun. Thanks for all the votes, grats to all the winners.

Over my many years playing RTCW and ET I have the most hours playing medic. Since my RTCW comeback in 2008 after the COD4 community more or less died. I transitioned into LT and I feel I've had some success with the class combined with my playing style. Hard competition and a lot of great LT's nominated. Fire for effect! Thanks for the votes :-)

Estonia Night - 10% of vote

3. Best Medic Award

United Kingdom
Just like to thank every who voted me as best medic, i actually didnt think i was going to get it in RTCW even though im the best at it in et ( or 1 of the best ) but happy to have this award as i was putting alot of effort into rtcw as i did get abit bored of ET, but all of the nominees are great medics i just suppose they are the shadow of me, unlucky lads ;)

Sweden FeTTe - 21% of vote
I couldnt do it without my team. Thanks Askungen, Malmen, Smutzig, Wuff, Ozzy, Zerom, Cliff & Fette.

4. Best aimer Award

I want to thank everyone who voted for me for best aimer. Although I feel I haven't been on the top of my game lately, I hope to be able to increase the ownage into 2013 and possibly beyond. When I was 13 years old I entered a PC store and wrote down the cdkey from the cover of the most played game of my life. 11 years later I'm still playing it! Awesome :-) Shoutouts to the community!

Netherlands mirage - 20% of vote
Considering the amount of time I played and have been inactive, as well as how subjective the awards are, I think any position in this list is fine :P

5. Best trickjumper Award

Play quake2 if u wanna be a good trickjumper like me !

United Kingdom
i knew i was going to get the 2nd best trickjumper as fette is known for his speed etc, gratz to fette i suppose, ( cu lan going to rap my mousepad around your neck for taking my number 1 spot ;)

United Kingdom
Pretty chuffed to get top 3, shame I was too tired for most of my games to bother jumping around fast enough to win this kind of award. Maybe next time..!

6. Sneakiest player award

It's a great honor to receive this award... Lots of hours playing Metal Gear Solid did to the trick afterall.. In the end I can still say this: I'm better than Homie.. BOOYAH!

Leonneke hasn't been seen since he has given this statement.

United Kingdom
I don't remember sneaking that much, but maybe I was so sneaky I even tricked myself.

Sweden FeTTe - 17% of vote

7. Smartest player Award

I actually started off my online gaming with RtCW over a decade ago but the recent activity growth in the game scene made me try it again. I'm surprised that I won this award, since I think that the game hasn't come that easy to me after such a long time off. I feel like I missed a lot of standard tactics and other things during my time off and since the game is not that similar to ET, I had to learn again. Thanks for the award, I really appreciate it!

United Kingdom
Thanks for the votes, always nice to be appreciated for nerdage and it didn't take long for it all to come flooding back to me. Thanks goes to my team for making me look so einstein and maybe now I am a true wizard.

United Kingdom Crumbs & Norway Kris - 9% of vote each

8. Best newcomer in the RTCW scene Award

United Kingdom
i had a feeling about getting this 1 even though i did play rtcw for abit when it came out i was a very young lad and couldnt rly call it " competitive ", but after playing et all these years, they are both very different games, aim wise, spam, gameplay is kind of all different, but yeah again for the people who voted for me i appreciate it :)

I'm quite surprised I finished before Night and only closely after Sqzz. For me personally Sqzz was the best newcomer even though I think Night is a better player. I simply dont consider him to be a newcomer to RTCW anymore. Besides that I'm fairly happy that people think I did well in this cup, thanks to everyone that voted for me.

Estonia Night - 17% of vote

9. Best Shoutcaster Award

United States of America
ZE AXIS WIN! But really, thanks to all who voted for me. Truthfully though, everything I've accomplished is due to a massive team effort. Without the much needed help of the entire MG-42 Crew, I'd be a mere shadow of my current self. That being said, VICTORY IS MINE! I'm kidding.

United Kingdom
I'm really pleased to have received this award, I only started casting a short time ago so it's great to know people are enjoying it. Big shoutout to my casting buddy Voice (idle #ShoutcastCollective please) as well as Warwitch, Sabo, Nail and everyone else who I've had the pleasure of casting with. I'm already shaking with excitement for the next cup! Cheers for all your hard work mate!

United States of America
Words cannot express how much it means to return to the mic after so many years. Thank you to all the people who keep RtCW alive, and thank you for welcoming all of us back into the game. Jawohl!
Oh.. and I had an idea - was going to make an independent blog but I think crossfire is a better platform...
Was thinking of writing short sports-page posts of rtcw games we broadcast
simple round by round scores + special mentions of big plays

10. Best match (overall) during the cup

KiH vs. raw (lower bracket semi-finals) - 68% of vote
overPowered vs. one.soldier (grand finals) - 21% of vote
raw vs. overPowered (lower bracket finals) - 11% of vote

11. Most exciting moment during the casts

FeTTe his docrun vs. raw which failed in the end (KiH vs. raw lower bracket semi-finals) - 57% of vote

Hungary Isl4m statement: Dear Mom & Dad, Thank you for being there whenever I needed it, and even when I thought I didn't need it. Thank you for teaching me respect, confidence, and proper etiquette. Thank you for letting me find my own way. Thank you for acknowledging how hard I've worked, but also know that I would not be here without you. Love isl4m. Watch Here!

Sipperi's double man panzer vs. raw on mp_base (oP vs. raw lower bracket finals) - 17% of vote

12. Biggest fail moment during the cup

United KingdomDtS statement: What can I say, Warwitch seems to have a talent for catching me at some of my most idiotic moments! I've decided to start playing SMG again next cup, so stay tuned as I continue to search for even more inventive ways to kill both myself and my teammates while girlishly yelping into my microphone.Watch Here!

FeTTe his docrun vs. raw which failed in the end (KiH vs. raw lower bracket semi-finals) - 25% of vote
Pudi and juha (mystic) don't know their positions in tavern vs badazz, both move from the right side to the left side in tavern and get blown up by the panzer. Watch Here! & Sirkka fail docrun - 17% of vote

13. Funniest moment during the casts

United KingdomDtS statement: I'm glad to have helped contribute to the continuing rise in popularity of the word 'penetration'. I have plans to launch a similar campaign next cup for the word 'reinsertion'. 2nd best shoutcaster:
Watch Here!

United KingdomMerlinatoR statement:Open play, non spawn kill, 6mans are a real rarity, especially in officials. Enjoyed that one a lot We had a good laugh ourselves - especially on the replay with cave comms "It went all over the map!"
Watch Here!

Mata getting angry at Sabo in global chat - 24% of vote (39 votes)

14. Best moments of the week video

United Kingdomcrumbs statement: Thanks for picking my movies, I really enjoyed watching each weeks movie and we should continue it for the next cup as well. Look out for the one.soldier cup movie coming in the next few months!

Belgiumhomie statement: I’m really happy I got second place in the moments of the week series, so thank you to all the voters! I’ve worked every day on it for about 2 weeks, and it was occupying a lot of my time. I even had to render the video on the train to get it done before the cast of Warwitch on Sunday. I really thought it wouldn’t be possible to get 8 videos online throughout the cup, knowing the time & effort you have to put into them. But as a strong community we still managed to do so! Thanks again to Bully, Merlinator, Playa & Crumbs for helping to make these awesome videos :D!

More detailed results with all nominees included

Congratulations to all the winners, thanks to everyone for voting! Don't forget that the next cup has been announced!
nice one, great job!
nice homie, lot of effort went into this, good job=)
Good job mate, nothing against dts since he's still a decent caster but I think sabo was the better of the two :<
jag alskar FeTTe!
Don't get me wrong I think you're a great caster, but sabos the guy with the professional mic right? If so that guy is an amazing caster, but I'm sure when you get more experience like him you could be as good. :)
Great job homie!
good job homie!!! grats to winners
It's a best job which i could see on cf . n1 :)
It's a travesty nail didn't even place in the best shoutcaster vote! He was the only one who constantly brought tactical insight/noted interesting things happening off the camera (in other words: not stating the obvious 24/7).
I don't think he'll lose much sleep over it ;)
While I'm certainly grateful for 'the win', none of us who are shoutcasting are really competing with each other. I think as a team we win because we all bring something different to the table that balances out the broadcast. My job is to provide high drama, action and my own brand of comedy. Sabo plays the same role. It's the job of casters such as Nail, DtS and Voice to really pull back the veil and go into depth into what's happening in game. If you don't have that balance a few things happen. If you have all action shoutcasters it gets really annoying because it's a bunch of people shouting at explosions and no in depth commentary. And if you have all color commentary discussing the finer points of game play, it starts to sound like a golf tournament, ie: has no excitement or pulse. I'm personally proud that I've been able to surround myself with people who make the whole experience a lot of fun.
I'm going to go ahead and ignore what the awards I won were actually for and start describing myself as a 'multi-award winning RTCW player' haha.

Well done Homie for all your hard work, great idea!
Oh, so we've upgraded from multi-award nominee? Sigh... I have a feeling the next few weeks may just get utterly annoying.
You know that's no way to talk to a multi-award winner, Oxy. Show a little respect aye.
nice thx to everyone who made the game living, " penetration " is the most funny :)
great stuff
gratz to you all :) was fun to play the cup too. as mentioned above quite sad that nail didn't even place in the top3 for casters, always has valuable things to add to the cast that would usually go unnoticed.

razZ best newcomer top #5 ;D
congratz kams
thought it was Norway zerom ?
Well done to all :)

Personally my favourite was the DtS scream. :D
Nice one Homie

Congratulations to Sipperi for almost being a top 5 panzer in a 5 team community
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