3on3 Super Mega World Nations Cup: Announcement!

With a huge interest in 3on3 Enemy Territory scene, I have come with an idea of hosting an another 3on3 big tournament. There are hundreds of ladder games that are played every month, what shows that 3on3 is the most popular format among ET gamers. Therefore I decided to host image: et 3on3 Super Mega World Nations Cup!

image: fanam82

It is going to be nothing else than well known 3on3 cup for all nations from all over the world! But I want to highlight right now that it won't be a cup for only the best teams from each nations, we will allow more than 1 team per country!

There will be country-qualifiers first for every nation with bigger amount of signups, to determine best teams to participate in the main tournament.
Any other teams that participate but won't have enough teams to compete versus each other in country-qualifiers, will create an additional qualifier brackets.

You will be allowed to have max. 5 players in your roster (with CB and TZAC accounts) from 1 country. Sharing lineups in qualifiers will not be tolerated, therefore you are only allowed to use those 5 players from your roster (so you can't use a merc in your games).
In the main tournament, probably there will be a possibility to add 1 player from other team that already lost in qualifiers (unfortunately you will be forced to remove one of your current members).

We are allowed to deny a player if there is a suspicion about player's history without giving a reason or proof.

More detailed information will be posted in few days. We're still working on rules, schedule etc.
Signups will be opened once the next newspost is posted.

Cup crew:As you can see we are looking for people who want to help us with some basic stuff like refereeing games, writing some additional newsposts and stuff. If you are interested, pmme on irc!


So far we are not able to provide any prizes. We are looking for anyone who would like to support this tournament and help us out with some stuff like hardware or money or something else.
Contact directly me or Robaciek through Crossfire-PM or IRC if you want to offer your help!


I shall deny any suspicious cunts.

<3 Emma
Why do we need yet another irc channel for this?
yeah true, edited. #ET will be a channel for this cup
nice work :)
Belgians ready !
2 retard admins gg D:D:DD:D:
join us so we can make a trio
that was a pretty bad counter :)
since both of u already did proof that u suck hard as admins
who the fuck cares, they're hosting a cup and the game needs that.
well still it would be better having atleast decent admins who arent retards.......
cool but when? dates?
He wrote something like - we are working on dates/schedule and will post more information the next few days- so just be patient an wait some more days ;)
baner w pajncie robiony widze xD
looks like a job for Hungary
great will no doubt have griim on my case begging me to play with him, shame i have no computer.
Deny everyone who have ever cheated. I understand its a difficult decision, because the half of the community wont be able to play, this is ET, still I like it.
e: tho... I guess you wouldnt be able to find all bans anyway, so shitheads are lucky
no worries, I got it all in my little notebook
i dont wanna play with germans :<
it's ok, Germans don't want to play with you either.
then im lucky :)
Good luck and Have Fun bN !!!!
cool, gl with it :)

United States of America ohurcool & United States of America peaches gonna win 2on3

devix, webe, hevimies

We will attend!
Looks fun! :-)
fanatic new homer
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