CF ET Cup Spring: Schedule & Rules

Full schedule for each Division is linked below, a slight change to the original schedule is having Division 1 finish a week later so the loser bracket is not so rushed, this also allows us to have the Division 2 Grand Final a week before and hopefully more people will be interested in watching that.

image: logo

24/03/2013 - Cup Announcement
31/03/2013 - Signups Open
07/04/2013 - Signups Closed
11/04/2013 - Playoffs Published
13/04/2013 - Full Schedule & Rules Published
14/04/2013 - Cup Starts
12/05/2013 - Grand Final Division 2
19/05/2013 - Grand Final Division 1

You have just over 24hours to make any final changes to your team rosters - remember that any player has to be on your CB roster as well. Rosters are locked at midnight (0:00) CET on the 14th April. Below you can find a link to the current rosters of each team, inform myself or artstar of any changes.

CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 1
Brackets: Divison 1
GamesTV: League Page
Schedule: Division 1 Full Schedule
Rosters: Division 1 Lineups

CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 2
Brackets: Divison 2
GamesTV: League Page
Schedule: Division 2 Full Schedule
Rosters: Division 2 Lineups

Basic Rules
Each round the games must be played within the schedule, First round (WB R1) games are to be played by the 18th April 2013, the games will be put on GamesTV on a random weeknight between the on one of the dates in that round, it is up to the teams to contact an admin with an AGREED date and time in that period - if a date cannot be agreed, the match will be forced, not necessarily to the date originally put on GamesTV. We suggest you try your best to organise games.

Maps and Choices
Maplist: Supply, Goldrush, Radar, Adlernest, Bremen and Frostbite.
Maps are picked via elimination, each team eliminates 2 maps each and the remaining 2 maps are played. Who eliminates first or second is chosen via coin toss, whoever WINS the coin toss eliminates SECOND. If a decider map is needed another coin toss vote is called and this time whoever WINS the coin toss eliminates FIRST, then the maps are eliminated one by one until there is 1 map left.

Merc Rules
One merc is allowed to be used, although your opponent must agree on the individual proposed - teams are expected to use mercs with around the same skill as the player replaced. You must inform an admin and opponent if you need to use a merc, not making it known may result in a forfeit loss. You may only use any individual as a merc ONCE, but can use a different merc in more than one game if needed.

Standard ET rules apply, no bugging, exploiting or cheating. Admin decisions are final - to save yourself stress do not get into situations that could be seen as unfair play. If you have any queries about organising games or questions about the cup in general, please contact an admin.

Admins: United Kingdom MerlinatoR, United Kingdom Artstar and Germany SPU9
#crossfire @ mIRC
Nice nice, good luck everyone :')
Nice Cup!
Nice work admins :)
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