CB ET NC - SWE vs. NL!

The image: et Clanbase NationsCup is still running and with a hell of a match between Sweden Sweden and Netherlands Netherlands tonight this sixteenth edition can make it to the history books. Keep on reading for all information and full details about why this can become a remarkable evening...

image: swe_nl

Both nations have lost against a strong playing Team UK and thus they both have to fight their way through the nerve-stretching lower bracket. Due to that fact it is a make-or-break game and as said at the very first start this battle can write history.

The Sweden Swedes have had a good performance in all of their group games and although they have lost in a more or less clear 0:4 against both UK and France some community members are saying they have - with the likes of NuggaN, jONAS and tornis, one of their strongest NationsCup rosters ever. So they will try to win this great encounter and keep their chances for a top3 ranking after their average performance in previous seasons and who knows, maybe they can really play at their peak and repeat what they have done in 2004 with ET Pro 2.5 and tc_base in the mappool and finish at least at a successful 3rd place.

The Netherlands Netherlands - with xPERiA, Lun4t1C and co will load their guns to give them a good fight and with the great mix of individual skill and experienced teamplay they will surely prevent them from having a walk in the park. As you can see they have the gunpower to outdamage everything which crosses their way but it's not over till the fat lady sings so be ready for action!

Sweden Team Sweden
  • Sweden alexL
  • Sweden jONAS
  • Sweden NuggaN
  • Sweden slajdan
  • Sweden tornis
  • Sweden Weslann

Time: 22.00 CET
Maps: TBA

image: game39698

Netherlands Team Netherlands
  • Netherlands Cupra
  • Netherlands L4mpje
  • Netherlands jackie
  • Netherlands rezhni
  • Netherlands MOTiF
  • Netherlands xPERiA

Additionally England DtS and Netherlands voice are here to provide a sensational shoutcast. They will stream the great RTCW event and change right after to this big clash.Keep an eye on their http://www.twitch.tv/shoutcastcollective channel!

To round this newspost off I gathered some player opinions:
QuoteIf nuGGaN.cFg and alexLove play it`s gonna be a victory for team Sweden (alexL needs to be sober ofc). If not dutch gonna RillRoll opponent out of NC. - Finland Swanidius

QuoteShould be a tight game, not really been following NC this season but Sweden have a chance of winning but will rely heavily on nuggan and as long as he plays they could well upset. Although by the looks of things NL should just edge it, either 4-2 or a close 4-0. Overall should be a good entertaining matchup. - United Kingdom MerlinatoR

QuoteGoing to take a chance on the Swedes for this one. After brushing aside
a decent Czech side in their last match and with the Dutch lads well short of match practice, Sweden might just snatch this one 4-2. - Australia biggz

QuoteNL vs SWE should be a fairly interesting match. When it comes to Sweden, i've played a few times against them and they seem quite strong, IF jONAS and NgN making the plays. NL though, is a different story. I haven't seen them play myself + they're lineup seems quite effective, but I doubt if they have what it takes since they haven't faced off against the "big nations" yet. I believe this is gonna be 4-2 either way, but if I had to call it, I would go for Sweden. - Estonia Sinnu

QuoteI really love this year's Team Sweden lineup. It consits of well known and skilled gamers like jONAS, NuggaN etc Too bad they seem to be inactive and afaik they play just officials, that's too bad because with a bit of practise and better teamwork they might really think about ending up in top4/5. (they are in top6 already so that's quite good achievement for them too). Anyway a game against NL will be really hard for them. The only reason why SWE might have a chance to win a map (or a game perhaps) is a fact that NL seem not to prac together at all. (overall they seem to be inactive cuz I never see them pracing anything together, but some of them probably play some mixs/3on3). I expect that at least it won't be a one-sided game with 4-0 win for NL , and I'm hoping to see a good game with the score of 4:2 for NL. - Poland fanatic

QuoteWithout knowing the lineups it's hard to give an accurate prediction, but assuming that the lineups are going to be about the same as in their previous games, NL definitely should have the better individuals and thus be the favourite to win. I would think that neither of the teams have an edge when it comes to activity as both teams seem to be wielding a mix of active and more or less inactive players. I'm going to say that NL will take this one home either 4-0 or 4-2, depending on whether Sweden manages to pick a map where they are able to surprise NL or not. - Finland twidi

QuoteI think this will be a pretty close match and since Sweden has seemingly been more active - they should be able to win 4:2. - Latvia Clown

QuoteShould be a good match, Sweden are not to be underestimated, they have a surprisingly good attack. However if NL perform like they should I think they can take it 4-0. I think activity might play a big part in this fixture since I'm not sure if NL are playing actively or not, well some of them.
But I'm going to say 4-0 to NL - United Kingdom koop

QuoteShould be a clear 4-0 victory for NL, sweden has never really been much of an issue in 6on6, they got some great aimers in the likes of nuggan and especially jonas, but that's just about it. The others have been far too inactive to even challenge a threat at this point. - Germany Oxy

QuoteBoth of these teams look pretty strong on paper - mixture of young guns and "zombies" that were absent of ET for quite some time. Each side has individuals that can take a match on their side if they play their best. However I will go with NL on this one, mostly because their overall damage output can hardly be matched. My guess is - NL takes it home with 4-0. - Slovakia FiLuS

you really might wanna fix sweden's flags :P
;D done thanks
This will be NL's easiest match this NC.
Weslann bottom damages.

On a side note: The predictions are just LOL. Oxy seems to be the only one who knows what he is talking about.
Good job
nice write up :)
Nice opinion man xo :)
Thanks man xo
Nice opinion about his opinion man xo :)
GL brother wesssssss!
good work spu9 :) i laaaaak it
Need SwedenTites then maybe win!
Gl sweden :) seems like everyone faps over jonas, he is great aimer indeed. With alexl and nuggan they seem very strong
Will voice & Dts finally have a co-caster who knows something about the ETscene and the game? ( No offence intended)
avi to shoutcast
I actually think you wouldn't be a bad pick for it since you would know the difference between rtcw and ET.
nou squid anders nodig je jezelf even uit!
GG easy!
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