3on3 Super Mega World Nations Cup: Signups Open!

In my previous newspost I presented an idea of hosting another tournament, and now I am proud to announce the beginning of image: et 3on3 Super Mega World Nations Cup!

image: 3o3supermegacup

The Main Tournament

32 teams will get a chance to play in the main tournament of 3on3 WNC. There are going to be 8 groups with 4 teams in each group. Every team will play once versus other teams in a group which gives us 3 match-weeks. Only two best teams from each group will proceed to the playoffs. This gives us 16 teams in playoffs which will be played in a Double Elimination system. As usual a team that comes from a Lower Bracket will have to win twice in a Grand Final in order to win the entire cup!


Qualifiers will be created according to signups list. There is no such thing as limit of signups. Teams will compete in a Playoffs Tree - Single Elimination. So far we can't tell you how many teams from each country will be allowed to play in the main tournament. It all depends on the amount of signups from each country and the overall amount of countries.

Every country with big amount of signups will have its own Qualifiers. The rest of teams will be fighting in an additional Qualifiers together with other countries with small amount of signups.

More additional information concerning Qualifiers and amount of spots in the main tournament etc will be posted after the signups phase is closed.

It is possible that a team might get a direct invite to the main tournament! It may happen only when there will be no other teams signed up from its country and we decide that the team is strong enough to give them a direct invite directly instead of letting them play in Qualifiers.


In order to sign-up to 3on3 Super Mega World Nations Cup you have to send ME a PRIVATE MESSAGE here on Crossfire or IRC at #ET with following information:
  • Team Name (an unique one, names like Team Poland etc are not allowed)
  • Lineup (highlight who is the captain). Same nicks as in your CB roster. MAX. 5 PLAYERS
  • Country
  • Link to Clanbase team's account
    It has to include all players that are going to play with you during the cup. You can either create new account and add all players there or use an existing one and create a sub-group (http://clanbase.ggl.com/clanprop_define.php) which clearly shows who plays in this 3on3 tournament. TZAC guides added to players' cb account are required.
Do not even bother to sign-up if you don't have all your players added to the roster on CB page (with correct nicknames, tzac guides, correct team name)

All team members must have a nationality of a country that they would like to represent!
The admin crew have every right to demand a document that proves a nationality (screenshot, scan) of a player.

Sharing lineups in Qualifiers will not be tolerated and will result in a disqualification, therefore you are only allowed to use those 5 players from your roster (so you can't use a merc in your games). In the main tournament, there will be a possibility to add 1 player from other team that already lost in qualifiers (unfortunately you will be forced to remove one of your current members).

We are allowed to deny a player if there is a suspicion about player's history without giving a reason or proof.

Schedule so far

  • 13.04.2013 - Announcement
  • 15.04.2013 - Signups Opened
  • 23.04.2013 - Signups Closed
  • 24.04.2013 - Qualifiers Announced
  • Further schedule will be posted once the newspost with Qualifiers Announcement is posted!


  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • adlernest
  • et_ice
  • TBA
  • TBA

  • As you can see 2 maps are not yet decided. Let us know at IRC #ET which map you would like to see in the main tournament to help us with the final choice!


We would really like to reward top teams of this tournament but so far we are not able to provide any prizes. We are looking for anyone who would like to support this tournament and help us out with some stuff like hardware or money or something else.
Contact directly me or Robaciek through Crossfire-PM or IRC if you want to offer your help!


The signups list will be shared with everyone together with the next newspost about signups reminder that will be posted 1 day before singups are closed.
If you got any questions, don't hesitate to drop a comment under this newspost or reach supervisors at given IRC channel. Good luck & have fun.

#ET @ Quakenet

Need 2 frogs to play with, be good :P
super mega
hey i am 12 and dont know whats goin on
we wont play it bri :(
nSens denmark :o
omg omg omg
omg omg gonna be good
Really nice !
I edited rules a bit about CB team account:

You can either create new account and add all players there OR use an existing one and create a sub-group (http://clanbase.ggl.com/clanprop_define.php) which clearly shows who plays in this 3on3 tournament.
great poster
Duchy of Warsaw will win.
need some italians to play this. the community is dead :c
vjto is your man
famo sto 3on3 con opinelz ?
e da dove lo tiri fuori opinelz? non si vede da 2 anni !?
lo sento su facebook, ha gia' detto di si
bastardoni! ho detto che avrei partecipato pure io! gneee
they would be low- by now
played with MiC about a month ago, he is good! :)
no point having nc nonsense in this
fair call, get frozz on the phone, assemble le carrot.
Dobut its proper time for this, most likely overkill with all the comp's going on already, EC/OC/NC, 3on3 OC, most of ppl cant even attend those games, not even mentioning another 3on3 NC that would be running the same time.
NC - only 4 teams left so it's concerning only 24 players.
EC/OC just started but I don't see a problem with having like 3 officials per week? (1x OC 3o3, 1x OC/EC 6o6 & 1x NC 3o3).

So 3-4 hours for ET per week is too much? :P I don't force anyone to sign-up and I dedicate this mostly to active 3on3 (and not only) gamers who can afford more than 1 offi per week and wants to compete with each other for best 3o3 country.
Well that's the whole point, if u already check for the NC matches, there nearly wasn't any game that wouldn't be played on forced day or even beyond that, most of teams barely group up entire roster for offis, not even mentioning pracs and so on, also it won't be the same if the best teams from each countries wouldn't participate, which in some cases i see that happening since its purely to many competitions running already.

But yeh, it's nice to see u doing something for the community so thanks for eforts.
Germanykiwi, Germanypredi & Germanyme gonna smash faces AGAIN?
sup with oc kiwimate? and we gna play today?
well done dude.

see ya there :)
T4Ce is going to join:

wouldve 5 years ago :(
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