CF ET Cup Spring - Thursday Thriller!

CF image: et ET Cup for Spring 2013 is reaching it`s next match week and with a Thursday full of great ETTv actions you should mark it red in you calender to not miss any of the seven intense games!.

image: logo

24/03/2013 - Cup Announcement
31/03/2013 - Signups Open
07/04/2013 - Signups Closed
11/04/2013 - Playoffs Published
13/04/2013 - Full Schedule & Rules Published
14/04/2013 - Cup Starts
12/05/2013 - Grand Final Division 2
19/05/2013 - Grand Final Division 1

Last matchday we had a really strong Germany Lost Soldiers team taking the victory against a debilitated sick6 squad and the one and only French participant France Loca had a great run in their last week EC match against Eastern Europe Style which will bring us to a great encounter between Loca and Lost Soldiers in the upper bracket round. The loser of this game will face erAse. The team around esSe is waiting in the lower bracket - they had an intense fight against Disposable but at the end, as predicted by koop, their game was a close one with the Europe mix winning over the Swedish all star lineup.

Germany Lost Soldiers
Slovenia Aniky
France kartez
Germany laNgo
France Snatix
Italy vj7o
Europe TBA

image: game40031
France Loca
Belgium aieuh
France Bowler
France didi
France emorej
France Isoh
France KareN

Quote by koop This should be a good matchup, both teams are performing really well at the moment, along with picking up some real David and Goliath wins, Loca beating Eastern Europe Style and Lost Soldiers picking up the win against Sick6. Personally I think the frenchies have got the edge in this match up, since I think they have been the more stable and active team. I would say 4-2 or 4-0 to Loca

Additionally we do have a big spectacle between Germany Team Rockit and Finland Turbot. Rockit had a clear 4:0 victory in the first round but the Finnish guys had some minor problems against the top mentioned Disposable. Nevertheless they won their game with a 3:1 and are still up for the money - at least for one more round. They surely have to improve to prevent the rockit guys from having a walk in the park.

Germany Team Rockit
Belgium chry
Estonia Night
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom rAzZ
United Kingdom sqzz
Iceland phyZiC

image: game40029
Finland turbot
Finland crittie
Finland HIRVI
Finland Stuka
Finland Swanidius
Finland vokki
Finland kapaa

Quote by toxiccccI don't see anything but a 4-0 win for rockit on this one. They are head and shoulders above everyone else in the scene at the moment. Turbot have only started playing together again recently so it is all against them.

The other big matchup is between Europe Sick6 and Portugal Royalblood. Both teams have shown weakness be it due to inactive players or inconstant performance. Thursday is pay day and just the winner will remain in the tournament.

Europe sick6
France An7ho
Estonia freeze
Germany KRESTi
Germany Oxy
Malta toxic
Sweden twidi

image: game40043
Portugal Royalblood
Portugal ag0n
Portugal arto
Portugal d0g
Portugal QkR
Portugal setuper
Portugal Sexclick

Quote by ClownSick6 is a much better team, there's no way they are losing this match. 4:0 to sick6!

The last but not least game I want to talk about is the match between Europe Unbreakable Gaming and Poland archers. Unbreakable Gaming have to regain their strength otherwise the name just doesn`t fit and with playing against a fresh EC attendee they have a heavy burden on their shoulders. - with WuT on board, have the trickjump and movement skills on their side and with s1LENT and co the aimpower is given the question is if they can combine both to get a balanced and good teamplay. Tune in for some epic moments!

Europe Unbreakable Gaming
Hungary sebi
Hungary varadi
Italy mama
Netherlands Testi
Netherlands hybrAtek
Hungary powi

image: game40049
Poland archers
Poland Abject
Poland Czarek
Poland olas
Germany s1LENT
Poland Voodoo
Poland WuT

Quote by saKenI think the archers team holds more individual talent and most of them have played together in other teams, the Hungarian guys have good teamplay together but I think they're still getting used to 6on6 a bit. 4-0 archers.

The other games for tonight:

Division 1

image: game40050

Division 2

image: game40051image: game39720

Admins: United Kingdom MerlinatoR, United Kingdom Artstar and Germany SPU9
#crossfire @ mIRC

CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 1
Brackets: Divison 1
GamesTV: League Page
Schedule: Division 1 Full Schedule
Rosters: Division 1 Lineups

CF ET Spring Cup 2013: Division 2
Brackets: Divison 2
GamesTV: League Page
Schedule: Division 2 Full Schedule
Rosters: Division 2 Lineups

Basic Rules
Each round the games must be played within the schedule, First round (WB R1) games are to be played by the 18th April 2013, the games will be put on GamesTV on a random weeknight between the on one of the dates in that round, it is up to the teams to contact an admin with an AGREED date and time in that period - if a date cannot be agreed, the match will be forced, not necessarily to the date originally put on GamesTV. We suggest you try your best to organise games.

Maps and Choices
Maplist: Supply, Goldrush, Radar, Adlernest, Bremen and Frostbite.
Maps are picked via elimination, each team eliminates 2 maps each and the remaining 2 maps are played. Who eliminates first or second is chosen via coin toss, whoever WINS the coin toss eliminates SECOND. If a decider map is needed another coin toss vote is called and this time whoever WINS the coin toss eliminates FIRST, then the maps are eliminated one by one until there is 1 map left.

Merc Rules
One merc is allowed to be used, although your opponent must agree on the individual proposed - teams are expected to use mercs with around the same skill as the player replaced. You must inform an admin and opponent if you need to use a merc, not making it known may result in a forfeit loss. You may only use any individual as a merc ONCE, but can use a different merc in more than one game if needed.

Standard ET rules apply, no bugging, exploiting or cheating. Admin decisions are final - to save yourself stress do not get into situations that could be seen as unfair play. If you have any queries about organising games or questions about the cup in general, please contact an admin.
"Turbot have only started playing together again recently so it is all against them."

90% of turbot played for finland this season d: (past 3 months?)
3 month / 6 games. We're in shape!
tuuppa irkkiii
Even if I wasn't in the div 2, I'd still would have find it at least decent to review those division 2 and the other match as well.

if you're gonna make a big thing out of it, don't neglect the little ones ;)
you forgot to ask "expects" how many forfeits there will be.
Able to cast one of these :)
nice let me know or post here your stream infos and which game - then i can add it to the post!

Match I don't really care, maybe add a little poll for what people prefer to have casted :)
I'm sorry I have to cancel my offer, personal priorities got in the way(grandfather pasted away last week and my family is having a meeting tonight),. Sorry everyone, I'll try to cast next time!!
Condolences =[
m3g4thr1ll3d :)
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