RtCW Legacy Cup starts now!

Are you guys ready for some epic Return to Castle Wolfenstein action once again?
Well here we are once again about to start with the new cup RtCW Legacy Cup. Groups have been drawn and ready for action.

image: legacy_cup

So the groups have been drawn and we are about to enter into the most epic battle of past years of Return to Castle Wolfenstein! We have prepared prizes for this cup and it's going to be even more exciting this time around than the previous 6 month long cup. So long story short, I have put together somewhat hopefully decent groups for the cup. Take a closer look!

Here is the timetable for the cup!

13.05 - 19.05 1st matchweek - assault & ice
20.05 - 26.05 2nd matchweek - beach & base
27.05 - 02.06 3rd matchweek - ufo & village

02.06 playoff places are drawn & playoffs start

10.06 - 16.06 1st playoff round - map elimination
17.06 - 23.06 2nd playoff round - map elimination
24.06 - 30.06 Semi-Finals! - map elimination
01.07 - 07.07 Grand-Finals! - map elimination


Please take a look at the groups at : http://binarybeast.com/xRtCW1303300
Also make sure to start arranging your game already to make sure there's no forfeit and delays!
All the arranging has to be done by team. Cup admin does NOT take care arranging games for teams.
There are some small ruleset changing so take a closer look for any changes. Not much but still.
So as you can see I have made 2 groups for the NA teams just to make it even in the groupstage and let them have decent games before the playoffs.

I will also announce the prizes for the cup aswell today! Here are the prizes for the RtCW Legacy Cup!

500$ USD
200$ USD
MVP of the tournament - "Creative Fatal1ty Gaming Headset"
Rookie of the tournament - "Creative Fatal1ty Gaming Headset"

PS. prizepool might get upgraded through out the cup!!!


2 of the top teams from each group will advance into playoff tree! Matchweek = from monday 00:00CET - Sunday 23:59CET. Matches have to be played between those days. Wildcard is possible. Read ruleset about wildcards please.

Mappool is:

WL_ufo - http://www.upload.ee/files/3293729/WL_ufo.pk3.html

image: warwitchtv-channel_header_image-f35a23e14ec9de7a-640x125

As usually ;) we have our MG42 crew who are more than happy to cover the whole tournament and will try to bring more coverage this time. Sundays, mondays and maybe tuesdays aswell.

The one and only United States of America Warwitch will be your main caster and expect to see epic casting once again!
Together with him along side is United States of America Sabo the Saboteur, United States of America Nail the Geeksquad Commander, United States of America Comrade Bridger & Canada DeeAy of Destruction!

You can catch them all at www.twitch.tv/WarwitchTV/old !

So long story short, start arranging your games already. 1st matchweek ain't far way from now.


Cup website: http://binarybeast.com/xRtCW1303300#info
Official stream: www.twitch.tv/WarwitchTV/old
Official IRC channel: #rtcw.wars
Your cup admin: Estonia ZeD & Co-Supervisor United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Timetable is fixed now, take a look please!
Nicely done, hopefully the prizes wont change, would be great to see such amount of money for RTCW.

GL to everyone.
Think originally was "changed" :p
Hey this is the tournament edition

remember what happen when ww streams a showmatch in wl_ufo, server will crash!

te version spawn times are messed up, the server crashing @ WL_ufo never happened before that game so was likely due to something else and not the map.
How are they messed up? From what I understand the offensive spawn time changes on each flag grab which I believe was by design. Axis spawn time is a constant.
the offensive spawn time doesnt just change to a different number it changes all together - you can grab the flag with 1 sec to go to /kill and respawn to find yourself sitting in limbo for 15 seconds. Thats why it was fixed.
:o) cu @finals.
Zed, for now we've been able to communicate with teams via IRC, is this the only way to create matches? does the website have the ability to propose dates and times like clanbase did?
I am sorry but the Binarybeast website does not support it yet. By the time when next cup will be announced it will be running on new Binarybeast platform. Expect some nice cups in future with better features, in terms of matchmaking etc.

Sorry again in advance!
u better hosted it on ocleague
hi guys

if anybody cares, this is EasyFix lineup:

Italy SuPrEmO (ex team VagrantS)
Italy Bonehead (ex [M] / RaGe)
Italy terrrr (ex [M])
Italy Rozer (ex 4dm)
Italy mama (ex n1ce.it)
Italy dan (ex unK / n1ce.it / team VagrantS)
Italy kao (ex unK)
Italy Rebbb
Italy spng
Italy Sir
come and play ET also!
Needs vegeta :D
Have fun lads, lets make this an awesome cup all together
Nice work ZeD, great! Can I see the actual line-ups somewhere?
This is going to be a really exciting cup. I'm proud to offer a prize purse this time around thanks to the amazing donations of our audience. Looking forward to this coming Monday. Let the games begin!
lol, horrible groups. trying to keep Americans out of the playoffs. ah well, whatever, hopefully with this revival we'll have something hosted on an American site next time.
How so? Americas are grouped by region... players win, schedules win, region sends at least 2 teams to playoffs - win
it used to be the same for old ECs in ET and probably in RtCW before that, teams of the same nation would be put in qualifiers together to make the scheduling easier and for the best teams of each nation to be the ones to progress.

I think for the two US groups, the top two teams progress (so four US teams have assured spots in the playoffs.. the ones who deserve it just have to win games D:).

not forgetting ubik of course!
As it is set up now, 8 of 12 Euro teams will make playoffs, 4 of 8 American teams (sorry Ubik, I know you guys are AUS). Better solution now would be switch the Euro groups from the current 4 groups of 3 to 3 groups of 4. Then either run a 10-team playoff, or do 12 and pick 2 "wildcard" teams out of whoever finishes best among the 3rd place teams.
like zed will ever do this or even reply to you.
how would that help u or be more fair? that way 2 european teams dont advance and there will be a group with 2 of kih/raw/op/one, which will create a harder group for the remaining 2 teams to even have a shot at the play offs. what we could also do is mix the american teams with the european groups. but this will create the possibility to have no americans in the play offs. best is to keep it as it is imo.
fyi with 20 teams...5 groups of 4 would seem to make the most sense, can still make an easy playoff bracket with 10 teams.
don't blow that shot while watching that video. keep that panzer holstered son!
nice one :)

btw how come you got that big amount of money as prizes? sponsors or donation from players, or something else?
warwitch money donations?
as far as i know the ppl that donated are on warwitch his twitch at the bottom
Also, are teams going to be forced to post their rosters soon on binarybeast? otherwise I don't understand wtf the point was of sending our guids in if we're not even sure who is on the other team.
I agree. Would be nice to see some names of players on these teams. Helpful to setup matches so we know who to attempt to track down/hunt for on some of these teams.
the euros don't give a shit. TWL tourney soon maybe?
Have any game actually been played yet? No idea whats going on :S
yeah, its time for some news post about the teams with their predictions and expectations. I think one european game has been played -> liquid vs opz. I have no clue about the USA scene. Maybe we ll hear more tonight on stream.
Demos of liq vs opz?
no wtv or wwtv of that game
what about crabje pov?
2 bad 2 show the world ;)
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