uQ.Gaming ET Cup (6v6) Update

image: uqgaming1go2

The signups for the above cup will be closing on Sunday 29th October 2006 at midnight.

For those of you who are not aware of this cup, all the info required can be located HERE . Any clans that still wish to participate in this cup then please register before the end of Sunday, applications after this time will not be accepted.

All CL’s from the respective clans that have registered, please make sure you are listed as CL for your clan as an email giving further instructions, schedules, maps etc will be sent to this address. Those clans that don’t have a registered member designated Clan Leader will be removed from the cup prior to seeding and bracket draws.

The schedules and seedings (if any) will be drawn up over the following week and the relevant schedules posted on the Savage Site.

A list of the clans signed up can be found here.

Good Luck

Good luck
6v6 ftw!

Go Idle :)
5on5 pls!
quit ET pls
yes 6on6 ftw! , /Quit 5on5
Gl FBI, FF and everto, <3 6on6 :]
junge benutzt nicht meine flagge, echt jetzt!
junge, fresse, junge
uQ > clanbase (ofc!)
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