CB ET NationsCup XVI Winners

We are proud to present the winners of the ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI!

image: ncxvi_big

Over four hundred viewers tuned in to the grand final between United Kingdom Team UK and Poland Team Poland on Thursday!

Since Poland reached the final from the Lower Bracket, they had to win twice to defeat Team UK and win the cup. The Poles started off strong, winning the first match 4-0 on sw_goldrush_te and supply. Then, the same maps were selected once again for the second match. UK managed to win a map this time around (supply), with Poland taking the other map (sw_goldrush_te), resulting in a score of 2-2. After a cointoss and elimination, Team UK chose radar as the decider.

However, about two minutes into the map, Poland dialer was disconnected from the server due to internet problems. The match was paused several times to give the Polish player a chance to resolve his issues and reconnect. After a while, though, the players grew impatient. It was suggested that radar be played on another day, but a certain UK player decided his time was too valuable to show up for only one map. In the end, both teams agreed to replay the entire second match, despite the fact that two maps had already been played without issues.

The second game of the final was played on Sunday. Team UK took sw_goldrush_te fairly easily but wasn't able to set a time on supply. UK won the second match 3-1 and became the ET NationsCup XVI champions.

Team UK has now won two consecutive NC titles in a row, and Team Poland has managed to come in second place twice in a row!

Sweden Team Sweden, whose journey through the Playoffs was a bit controversial, made their way to third place to earn the bronze trophy.

United Kingdom Team UK

Poland Team Poland

Sweden Team Sweden

Here's what United Kingdom koop, the UK team captain, had to say about the cup:

QuoteWell finally the NC has come to an end, it's been an interesting journey. I would say it was fairly non problematic until the final. We had no prac or anything, the last time we had played was against Poland in the upper bracket final and we went straight into the final..everyone was rusty and it showed, not taking anything away from Poland, they played well. However the very final match, we were more prepared, we redid our tactics so it was fresh in our memories and we even got a prac which allowed us to go into the final warm and confident, and it showed. Well played to all the nations and hopefully see you next year!

image: game40356 image: game40459

I'd like to give a special thanks to each and every person who helped make this NC season a success:

  • Belgium GoldoraK of the ClanBase ET crew, who worked hard behind the scenes to help me with the rather large task of running the cup.

  • United Kingdom Marcus and Poland fanatic of the GamesTV crew, who ensured that every match was broadcasted on ETTV without any major issues.

  • United Kingdom DtS and Netherlands voice of ShoutcastCollective, who did an amazing job of streaming and shoutcasting many matches, including the finals.

  • Poland fanatic, Germany SPU9, and United Kingdom DtS, who wrote interesting newsposts for several games on Crossfire throughout the cup.

  • United Kingdom Marcus of YCN-Hosting, as well as United States of America peaches, who were kind enough to provide servers for the teams to play on.

  • The teams and players who participated, and the viewers - without you, there wouldn't be a cup!

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated and helped out! See you next season!

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI

nicely done ohurcool, shoutcastcollective and every1 else! :P
Nice read.
And what particular UK player is that about?
the fat one.
koop has a very busy agenda!
I said fat, not black!
well...maybe slightly brown :D
My apologies for not casting yesterday guys, I had RTCW commitments!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to watch our casts and a big well done to the Clanbase team for running such a successful cup. Also shoutout to Clown who joined us to cast multiple time towards the end of the cup and everyone else who helped myself and Voice from the start.

Shoutcast Collective will be back for the Eurocup and Crossfire Cup as well. We will try and cover as much as we can (at least one cast a week I'd imagine), but won't be as active as we were at the start since it's starting to get sunny and that means it's outdoor/pub time!
thanks ohurcool , thanks people :) ( except goldorak -_- )
PL also redid their tactic! they finally did barrier on grush!
btw. it was cool tournament UK was 100x better than other teams but PL gave tham real challenge in final matches winning 5-3(UK didnt win SD in final!) :P.

It was probably the last cup with such a skilled players...
QuoteIt was probably the last cup with such a skilled players...

reading this sentence since i started to read cf / gtv, 3 years ago
thats kinda funny since at the beginning of this NC everyone said the teams all lacked skilled players, now suddenly they're all good? x)
no matter what pl and uk will be forever skilled in 6v6 :D
I didnt said that all are good I just said that there was at least 2 skilled teams. well it was a huge skilldrop comparing to last NC(no mAus, worse fintards etc.). I meant that every next cup will have less and less skilled players.

only a few teams had skilled lineup and probably only Poland had skilled backup(zMk, hunter) so that means that next NC winner might have some med/- players in main LU.
can be sure the WINNER won't have some med- players. :D
Good job,

I would also like to say thanks to everyone who helped run and make this cup enjoyable!
It was a success :_)
I see United States of Americapeaches contribute a lot in the community
a silent guardian, a watchful protector...
ty admins & shoutcasters, enjoyed it :)
Great to see that the nationscup was a success. Great job ohurcool and all the other people that made it a success.

Even if I didn't watch the matches, I heard that they were exciting and that there were some surprises(Good to see Sweden in top 3, gratz guys).

And once again I want to apologize for failing to make Denmark participate in the tournament. Hopefully we didn't cause a lot of troubles.

Awesome job guys.
good job ohurcool
good cup, good final, thanks!

p.s. by looking at the playoffs tree too bad we were the only team that gave uk some challenge this year. we had to face germany and estonia in earlier phases, and these games were quite close and interesting. and uk.. well I was counting on nl hoping that they might do something versus uk, but they dropped out, so it looks like uk had instaspot in the final.
its all because United States of America with anim won against Estonia :D
Very special thx to all the teams who participate and provide interesting and exciting game during the cup.
Congratulations to image: se Sweden for the un·ex·pect·ed 3rd place on this tournament, always nice to see fresh blood on the battlefield ^^
See you all on the next tourney. and a special thx to the ET.Crew - DtS - voice - fanatic and all the guys who help us
fresh blood? strange, i thought they're all playing since 10 years
fresh " blodd " new 3 rd ....come on dnl
Sweden the oldest 3rd ever.(reached 3rd in first NC!)
Said UK Player decided he is also too busy to respond properly to your petty comment/dig
As if posting this reply isnt petty. Arrogant prick.
good job dialer !
Haha why does everyone have to mention that they do not pracc in every statement? Does anyone really practice? :D
Not calling anyone out, just saying.

image: Goofy-3-icon
Unbreakable gaming does prac daily :P
I mentioned it because it was the reason we lost the first game, and yes majority of the teams, admitted or not, have played actively and pracced whether its with the nation or a cup team

sweden and disposable?
Quote by koopWe had no prac or anything, the last time we had played was against Poland in the upper bracket final

Quote by fanaticWe haven't played anything since our last offi vs UK and I doubt we gonna prac anything before official

See what I mean? :D
I just don't think not practicing is a valid excuse for losing in ET at all (anymore), in fact I would consider playing ET at all, whether it's 3on3, public or anything else to be considered practicing in the state ET is in now. It's not like all the teams are playing 5 days a week. So you're not really going to be at a clear disadvantage :D

I don't know how much Sweden was playing prior to me getting involved with the team again, but we literally just tried to show up on IRC on matchday, and in many cases we had to grab a merc, like against Germany when Sweden olpen played. I cannot speak for everyone else but I thought it was common ground that people do not play much anymore, I just don't think you have to let the world know about it in every pre/post match statement :D I don't know if it's some closet nerd stuff going on or just (imo) really poor excuses.. and I'm not pointing the finger at you specifically it's just something I've noticed :D
bahha i noticed the same thing
"we didn't practice till bla bla bla bla"

i think its just incase if they do lose, they already have thier excuses
not for us mangggg

ive said we didnt have no prac after we already won, im just saying it cause its true, im not using it as an excuse
well u guys did demolish everyone

but a lot of times man wenever like team captains give statements
they always fucking say
"oh we didnt prac for this long so should be easy for them" or some shit like that
shut the fuck up faggots....
yeah but the reason i said it was that, we didnt prac = we lost 4-0, when we did prac we won. thats the only reason i mentioned it
i watched the first final only to get some rifle insipiration from wiaderko but gotta admit it was the best game ive watched in years :D such inspirational execution by both teams was a real treat to watch
ich auch buddy
ich auch buddy
deutsche richtige deutsche typisch deutsche lappen
Good job with coverage and an interesting final. Poland did good considering noone ever pracs. I wonder if there will be another ET NC.
you even dare you question this?! cu in finals!
" See you next season!" <---- THIS
to be honest
i really thought teal NL would win
Can't believe wiaderko is still playing ET.
can't believe that you really quit that :D
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