CB ET 6on6 OC Spring '13 Playoffs

After five matchweeks, the Groupstage of the ClanBase ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 has come to an end.

It's now time for the Playoffs!
image: opencup
image: kHlYr34

The top two teams from each group have advanced to the Playoffs and will compete with each other single elimination style.

The first round of the Premier League Playoffs - the Quarter Finals - will go as follows:

The Playoff trees for every league can be found here!

Please schedule your matches as soon as possible via the Roster. The first matchweek starts on Monday 27th.

General Information

  • All games must be scheduled in advance. On the Thursday of each matchweek, unscheduled matches will be forced to the last proposal or to the deadline.

  • In the Playoffs, maps are no longer forced - each team may pick a map from the map list. A reminder of the maps in this season's map list can be found below.

  • No wildcards are allowed in the Playoffs, even if you never used your wildcard during the Groupstage.

  • All scores must still be reported in the Cup Forum - read more about reporting scores on the cup page.


image: iawBStc


  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Good luck!

CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013 Cup Page
CB ET 6on6 OC Spring 2013 Playoffs

boom challenged
Already challenged you back, I would prefer thursday, on Sunday we would have to play with mercs. Iam not at home, tell me something via cf. Cheers
heul heul sticked :(
Quotecpu was not allowed to play since he played in the EC qualis with inteRaction

red card for bones --> O7 wins by forfeit

by ohurcool image: cbico (ClanBase Crew) 14 May 01:52
since 1/1 and 4-4 situation in group between 3 clans extra games were to be played to settle who will advance

cat in a hat won by forfeit, since o7 used viC, but bones didn't bother to schedule extra game -> cwel7 in playoffs
tam z cwelami baw sie w wannie (wiesz o kim mysle) .bobsleje on!
Why no loser bracket ?
takes too long :P
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