Sunday & Monday Double Cast

With the ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII and the Crossfire ET Spring Cup 2013 both approaching their conclusion, the ShoutcastCollective team is here to bring you two top games!

First on the agenda is the match everyone has been waiting to see, as Germany rockit.ET takes on Europe Serious Incident Called Karma in the second round of the ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII Playoffs.

image: JOX8yPN

These two teams have been everyone's favourites since the very start of the competition. The only question that remains now is who will be the unlucky one to get knocked down to the Lower Bracket?

Will Germany Ri continue their dominance or will the allstar lineup of Europe sick6 find its form at just the right time?

Germany Ri

Belgium chry
Latvia Clown
United Kingdom koop
Estonia Night
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
image: game40913
ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII
Upper Bracket Round 2

Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: TBA
Europe sick6

France An7ho
Estonia freeze
Germany Oxy
Finland Squall
Malta toxic
Finland twidi

Once the dust has settled from that match and everyone has had a day to recover, we will be bringing you a Monday night clash from the Crossfire ET Spring Cup 2013.

image: bMIs2oP

Two teams have one last chance to remain in Division 2 of the cup as the Finnish force of Finland POLARBEERS take on the all-swinging, all-dancing Germany MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS.

The winners will advance to the Grand Final of the competition, while the losing team will be left licking their wounds and wondering what could have been.


Finland Scarce
Finland geffi
Finland blackwolf
Finland juho
Finland kolibri
Finland haxlex
image: game40850
Crossfire ET Spring Cup 2013
Division 2
Lower Bracket Final

Time: 20:30 CET
Maps: TBA
Germany mMONKEYS

Germany RAMOZ
Germany Fendah
Belgium eden
Belgium siL
Austria DrLagAlot
Iceland jEzt0r

Join England DtS and Netherlands voice from 21:30 CET on Sunday and 20:00 CET on Monday for all the coverage of two games that are sure to be incredibly close!

Idle #ShoutcastCollective to keep up with all the latest casts and tune in on Sunday and Monday at!
Nice read, good luck to all, hopefully Division 2 will be pleased with some casting :p
gj, but I don't think our match will be played Sunday, most likely Monday..
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