CF ET Spring Cup - The Grand Final!

The CF image: et ET Cup for Spring 2013 is finally reaching it`s end. With the overall final for Division 1 between Germany Team Rockit and Finland turbot scheduled for this Thursday the tournament will find it`s winner. Unfortunately the other grand final for Division 2 between Europe supski and Finland POLARBEERS is not yet scheduled. But for now we can look forward to a great Enemy Territory evening with ETTv and the ShoutcastCollective guys streaming one of the best games for this Spring.

image: logo

As already said Germany Team Rockit and Finland turbot will meet this Sunday right at 22.00 CET and play at least two maps. Due to the fact that turbot is coming from the lower bracket they have to win twice - which gives us a possibility to see up to six maps. Regardless how many maps they will play I am sure it will become one of the best games so far. Both teams have faced each other in the upper bracket quarter finals more than 1 month ago and back then rockit were able to secure a good 4:0 victory but the last matches of Night and co have shown a small lack of strength with losing maps (not a whole game but nevertheless a map) against sick6, tMoe, Belgian Fraternity or archers. Nevertheless they are currently the measure of all things in matters of teamplay and skill which gives the underdog title to the all-Finish side. Let`s take a look on how both teams fought their way to the grand final:

Germany Team Rockit: They managed to win every single match so far. Their winning streak started with their match against Effectus followed by the mentioned victory over turbot and a win against archers and their last upper bracket game with the small difficulties against tMoe.

Finland turbot: walle and his team had a not so promising start with a more or less close 3:1 victory over disposable and the followed defeat against rockit which brought them to the lower bracket. But the more matches the guys had to play the better was their performance. They won against sick6, UB-Gaming, Loca and archers plus their previous big match-up against tMoe.

I was able to catch an official statement from both koop and walle (one serious statement and a funny one...try to spot the funny part...):
QuoteWell it's been an awesome cup so far, pretty much every team has given us a lot to think about and I don't think it's going to stop there. Turbot are a mix of really good players and I expect a really close match. I would still like to say we can take this 4-0! - United Kingdom koop

QuoteSo far its been pubstyle to the finals but we might have to play this one a bit more seriously. We already have much superior players than rockit so tiny touch of magical teamplay should make it easy. 8-0 or 8-2, they need luck to win any map though. - Finland walle

Germany Team Rockit
Belgium chry
Estonia Night
United Kingdom koop
United Kingdom rAzZ
United Kingdom sqzz
Latvia Clown

image: game41016
Finland turbot
Finland crittie
Finland kapaa
Finland Stuka
Finland Swanidius
Finland vokki
Finland walle

United Kingdom DtS & Netherlands voice from #ShoutcastCollective will stream the game and I would like to give a huge thanks to them for their great work! Don't forget to tune in to their stream at

And as you know I don`t finish my newsposts without any here we go:

QuoteWell, I think Ri has proven that they are virtually unstoppable at this point. Even though they've lost a couple of maps in the past few weeks, the team remains undefeated with their new lineup. It would be nice to see turbot put up a good fight and maybe even win a map, but I just don't see them winning twice in a row versus players like sqzz, Night, and Clown. I predict a score of 4-0 for Ri. Thanks to the Crossfire admins for the nice cup as well as ShoutcastCollective for the great coverage! - United States of America ohurcool

QuoteShouldn't be too exciting of a match, rockit is too strong of a team. Though with a bit of luck turbot may just be able to take Radar if they choose to play it, given the all finnish line-up. Otherwise a rather easy 4-0 victory for rockit. Though definitely worth a watch, featuring Walle who will crumble away under the pressure, twidi will end up smashing his keyboard and stuka most likely to speak his first words ever. - Germany Oxy

QuoteBy viewing the attended teams without any results, I wouldn''t have predicted turbot in the final. With great games they've got themselves in a position to snap the title. It's gonna be tough tho, beating Rockit twice requires amazing teamplay and great new/interesting tactics. Mostly im cheering for my mates in Ri but hopefully Turbot can clinch a map from them, if nothing more. GL Both. And remember to thank the admins/people for organising the cup! =))) Thanks from me! - Estonia Sinnu

Quote"Rockin class" versus "turbo team play", this match could have it all. Most people will be backing an easy Rockit win but if tubot get to pick/play Radar it could turn out differently. In saying that, my head says Rockit, but my inner-walle says turbot! Either way it should be an entertaining game for the viewers. - Australia biggz

Quoterockit is a clear favorite to win this, and they will probably take this fairly easy. They've got the strongest lineup at the moment, they barely lose anything lately, and this time there won't be different. I don't think turbot gonna play that good on Thursday to win even a map vs them, without mentioning that they have to win twice. I mean they're a decent team with stable lineup, but it's not enough to compete against sqzz&co. Maybe it would be different if they got squall or olbaa, because I feel like they're missing a player like them. I am sure that turbot is already happy that they got that far, I could say no one expected them to be in a Grand Final. I'd rather say there should be sick6, aToOn or even us, but they won versus us yesterday so it's quite deserved and I wish them good luck! And I just hope it won't be too one-sided game. Also I'd like to thank the whole admin-crew of crossfire cup for this great event and a time that they put into it! I'm glad we managed to finish this in top3 and we're looking forward to further editions of this :-) - Poland fanatic

QuoteIn my opinion this match will be a really exciting one to watch. Both teams showed how strong they are already. With rockit being unbeatable so far in the tournament, they are surely favored for this match, but no one can underestimate the fins, who play together for ages already. I'd place my bet on rockit, 4-2. - Hungary sebi

Admins: United Kingdom MerlinatoR, United Kingdom Artstar, Germany SPU9 and Slovenia Aniky
#crossfire @ mIRC
Damn u snapped my final news for the cup, wanted to make it after i would get schedule for other game, nevertheless very nicely done and good read.
already awaiting your sumup :P
Will try to write something up once i actually manage to sober up, even tho i wanted to just make for both divisions but oh well whatever now.
8-0 for walle
easy for chmpp
that quote from Finlandwalle................ dont represent our view of match! this is the real:
Quote by OldenSanEi teistä oo mihkää
And where is phyzic??

Edit: but nice to see clown back into ET.
Ri will make it for sure :)
4-2 turbot 1st and 3-1 Ri 2nd
rockit delaying cup booooooom suprise!
They can use their wildcard if they needed to, I guess they did.
what wildcard?:D they had 3 weeks to play WB final game vs tmoe.. nothing happened cup got delayed.
that is enough time to use both teams wildcards vittu.

boycott/forfeit win for them. gg.
Join the Shoutcast Collective as we do sentences about things!
We might forfeit this game now. Anyway was a nice cup and good games
GL to both but, why the hell can't people use mercs and why do people have backups when they do not use them? Just play :D
+1 to this.

You avi to play for rockit? Pm somebody on irc
Yea I'm avi
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