erdenberg_t1 Showmatch!

In April, Finland sani released a "test" version of his map previously known as erdenberg_b3.

The new map is called erdenberg_t1 and will be played in a 3on3 showmatch on ETTV this Sunday!

image: CZD3EsU

Primary objectives:

Capture the forward bunker and destroy the main gate.
Destroy the East Flak88 and West Flak88 guns.
Secondary objective:

Construct the command post.

Here's what Finland sani had to say in his journal:

Quote by saniHere's a newly edited version of it, removed most of what was added in b3 and edited a bunch of other stuff. It's a first test version, not intended for public servers. I'm asking you people to try it in 3v3 or possibly 6v6 and then _please_ report back with possible ideas.
I want to keep working on this and I will, as long as there's feedback. Up to you :)

Be sure to tune in at 22:30 for the showmatch!

France hi to u

France KAiSEN
France kawaii
France yokoo
image: game41178
3on3 Showmatch

Sunday 9th @ 22:30 CET
Belgium greejtsjot

Belgium Azur
Belgium Buzzer
France Snatix

I recently explored the map a bit and made a list of changes that I've noticed so far:

  • The flag is still on the floor below Axis spawn, but it is no longer enclosed and is out in the open.
  • The rock in the corner outside the Axis spawn area is now bigger, making it more difficult (but not impossible) to hop up onto the upper area.
  • The rock on the ground near the wooden fence has been removed, making it easier to hop up onto the upper area.
  • The rebuildable side door in the center building next to the East Flak88 has been removed.
  • The MG nest in Axis spawn is still there. Axis can either spawn behind it near the beds or in the next room over.
  • The hole in the wall near the West Flak88 (and the room behind it) is still there. However, Axis cannot spawn there any more. The ladder has also been removed, so the only way to get there is through the Axis spawn.
  • The ruins near the West Flak88 have been modified a bit.
  • A small barrel has been placed by the fake door in the corner near the ruins.
  • The Axis spawn door is still not there.

image: kFwoftLh
image: D3SYwdoh
image: 73cFAOxh
image: X7vpclFh
image: LE3DDQ2h
image: ysEOgmYh
image: wh7EJVQh
image: 2Vjrop9h
image: 6mRv9GHh
image: CbTUmRZh
image: 5K8ZNOmh
image: UnU0ypAh
image: zjOEwKjh
image: VTVtCYKh
image: KNb6Flph
image: xiVW7WSh
image: mEblG50h
image: 4ZTJN25h
image: jPCRhZYh


nice banner lol
nice banner lol
do you really play with that green tiny invisible dot as crosshair mate?
e: nice banner lol
it's cyan not green, and I resized the screenshots (obviously) so it is actually much bigger ingame :P plus my brightness settings are kinda high!
To be honest it looks better than b3, yet I don't know.. b2 and t1 are quite both good maps to me, however, I guess t1 would work more for 6on6 than 3on3?
nah, it's better for 3on3 I think
image: LE3DDQ2h

imo this place needs some obstruction like a small broken wall/ barrel/ box its too open and as an allies your fucked once your there :P also making it a lil more steeper would be nice for strafing.
WAll there would be nice. Then u could pwn some nuubs behind with ebin rifle shots, oh, gieeeeeeef
Well I really like that open area there. Of course it is hard to go when enemy has control and they have set up a crossfire there, but if you have something going on the flag you can get there fast via this route here so that's when this route becomes essential.
we thought about it when making b1, but the road is too narrow for having a wall in there
who builds a road where cars wont fit :P
Yup! I agree , indeed just like on supply there is a small wall on the left and right, I think here on the right should be good enough as in this case the area is much smaller than supply. Basically, if you allies and you go main, you may have a person shooting from the window, top, or even main.. that is intense crossfire going on, making harder for the allies to even get through enforcing them to go cave/top..
would watch, if there were some good players to spec actually :\
dat boom

it's a showmatch of the map, not the teams and players

I'd much rather ask players who actually play 3on3s regularly and have experience on the map than those who neither play regularly nor have experience on the map but happen to be a bit more skilled
nice showmatch with the biggest nerds in ET.. (missing ViKO tbh)
I dont recognize a single player, thats some epic showmatch
but who the fuck are those guys seriously?
epic show game
chry, phyzic, upload vs razz, sqzz , kresti -> would watch
see my reply to fanatic + kresti doesn't even play ET actively...
lol nerds

shit players

showmatch without mAus & mystic??? I refuse to watch!
good timing, right when there are EC matches. inb4 5 viewers (no offense)
there are only two EC matches on Sunday, one starts an hour and fifteen minutes before the show match and the other starts thirty minutes before it

also there is this cool feature on GamesTV called On Demand which you can use to request replays of matches after they are finished :)
one match starts 30 minutes before the 3o3 match.

+ nothing really much has changed in erdenberg.

Dont get me wrong, i like the effort!
that's what I said if you read the comment you replied to!
make new version of Stalingrad make it more balanced :P
you seem so lonely on the server
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