CF ET Cup Spring - Division 2 Grand Final!

The Crossfire image: et ET Cup, Spring 2013 edition is finally at it's end, while we might witness tonight the clash of the Division 1 Grand Final, we have brought as well at other side till the end Division 2 battles where the Grand Final will take place tomorrow between lately unstoppable Finland Polarbeers and already Grand Finalist Europe Supski.

image: logo

As the months passed through so did the Division 2 battles and we are here at the very end where only the titans remained in the competition and tomorrow we will witness the Grand Final and what's to be sure an exciting game. Many of you might consider this as an underdog competition for the teams that weren't selected in Division 1, but let me tell you, both finalists had to pull some amazing games in order to be in the Grand Final tomorrow.

So lets head on and check road to Grand Final for both teams remaining in this cup.

Finland Polarbeers had a bad start entering this cup as they started their glory path with a defeat against Europe Partyhats and dropping into Lower-Bracket. After that they focused and prepared themselves properly, managing to break all the way till Grand Final and along the path beating the likes such as Europe mLG, Poland T4, Netherlands Gentlemen and revenging their pride at Lower Bracket Final against Europe Partyhats.

On the other side, their competitor is unfamiliar with the word defeat as they managed to play till Grand Final flawlessly and performing up no more than 3 straight victories. I'm talking about no other team then Europe Supski who showed superior gameplay from start of the tournament and will be going till the end trying to win the Grand final. On their glory path they beat teams such as Europe Fus, Netherlands Gentlemen and Germany Mysterious Monkeys in the Upper Bracket Finals.

As Europe Supski still doesn't know how defeat feels like, can most likely be thanked to the likes such as Swedish powerhouse Sweden Tites who showed some incredible performance through the tournament, making his job perfectly executed, while the RTCW beast United Kingdom owzo showed that he can be superior as well in ET and making some important plays for his team. But lets not stop here, as the rest of the team have important impact on this result as well, with players such as Romania Stary, Canada Rito, United Kingdom fumble and Sweden IcEcrusT giving their best to win this one in the Final.
While Europe Supski bet their strength on individuals, Finland Polarbeers put their hopes on the amazing teamplay they showed throughout the tournament and will once again try to crash their opponent by playing better and showing how the power of teamplay feels like. With the players such as Finland Scarce and Finland kolibri leading their team to the Finals, the rest of the teammates will also have something to say before Europe Supski can win the trophy, as the likes of Finland geffi, Finland blackwolf, Finland haxlex and Finland juho deserve as much credit as the main players of this amazing team.

Europe Supski
United Kingdom fumble
United Kingdom owzo
Sweden Tites
Sweden IcEcrusT
Canada rito
Romania Stary
image: game41042
Finland Polarbeers
Finland Scarce
Finland geffi
Finland blackwolf
Finland juho
Finland kolibri
Finland haxlex

To make this game even more special, we will provide shoutcast services with no other then amazing duo consisting of United Kingdom DtS & Netherlands voice from #ShoutcastCollective, so make sure you tune in at their stream at, tomorrow (Monday) at 21:00 CET

Lets finish this newspost with some predictions and statements from several players:

Quote by geffi We have been lucky to get so far in the cup and the map rule helped us to get rid of supply every game, but FUNble is too much for us so 4-0 for supski.

Quote by StaryWe didn't work hard on getting in the final, we just randomly got together when we had offis to play, our lineup also changed a bit in the last couple of weeks taking United KingdomJinosta instead of Icecrust and also replacing fumble few times because of his exams, but I think we gonna win this final easily.

Quote by fumbleSupski haven't been beaten as of yet with this lineup, we have a good mix of strong and experienced players that more importantly enjoy playing with one and other, hopefuly this can give us the edge over the opponent. One things for sure, after We're finished the Finland Polarbeers will be extinct.

Imagine a lion fighting a chicken, thats what this game is going to be like, however I'm not going to tell you who is who. Tune in to find out!

Quote by Artstar Both teams have been performing well an kinda surprised me by reaching the finals. :) I had higher expectations for gMen and a couple other teams but these two proved what they're worth! I expect this to be quite a close game. Pay attention to their OC match this sunday to know how close things will go!

Quote by chryWell Finish players have always been good in this game but i don't see them winning this game as supski got themselves a good mix of players with the likes of owzo doing the ingame leading the brain part :D i guess for some epic or strange shit you need to watch owzo i'm putting my money on supski

Admins: United Kingdom MerlinatoR, United Kingdom Artstar, Germany SPU9 and Slovenia Aniky
#crossfire @ mIRC

nice read, gj
good job
Nice News! I Can't wait for this!
well done :) good luck to both
<3 ur posts
ICECRUST? :D Goodluck! ;)
warmup - done
hopefully different tommorow ;)
lol all the predictions could be wrong
today was cb not the final
neverminddddddd :D misread
nah u didnt :P I Edited just fking with u huehue :)
great coverage brush
Shoutcast Collective will be casting from around 20:30cet, so make sure to hop on then if there's anything you'd like mentioned or whatever. We'll also run you through the lineups and talk a bit about any news from the last week.
QuoteWith the players such as Scarce and kolibri leading their team

such players, so much skill and leadershipments :) oh wow
after years of training, our commander.
[23:49:35] <kZM> i think ur team have good player but finally no
supski gonna get bashed by the finnish men
thanks to artstar, aniky, dts, voice and others organising stuff!
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