RTCW Legacy Cup Brackets Online

The RTCW Legacy Cup has progressed into the playoff stages of the tournament and the first round of the upper bracket has been drawn. Sweden KiH, United Kingdom one.soldier, Europe overPowered and Europe raw all received byes into the quarter finals after winning their groups so will have to wait and see who they will play. These four teams were also the top 4 teams of the last RTCW Cup which ended in mid March.

image: legacy_cup

So the first set of games in the upper bracket are as follows:

Hungary Cave vs. United States of America Ground Force Unit
United States of America Envious Gaming vs. Netherlands Liquids
Europe Gang*s vs. United States of America Unity
Italy EasyFix vs. United States of America problem?

The full bracket can be seen here: RTCW Legacy Cup Bracket
GamesTV Cup Page, all games are set to unscheduled right now: GTV Page

Warwitch and the MG42 Crew as well as the ShoutCastCollective will be on hand to cast some hopefully epic match ups in this round as well as later rounds in the upper and lower bracket.

Good work Merlin & the WarWitch crew!
Personally I think it's a bad idea to mix all the USA teams and EU teams up at this stage. Why have four games that all involve people suffering from lag half the time.
Is it that bad on RTCW? It's playable on ET
Despite what some of the more misinformed members of the community might tell you, antilag on RTCW really doesn't work properly at all. It's been an issue all the way back to the days of the Quakecon qualifiers during which the EU teams were at a huge disadvantage when playing against North American teams. Nonetheless some teams are still absolutely transfixed on it being something that can make it playable, which most of the European community agrees isn't the case.

It seems to me like there could have at least been one round of playoffs with EU and NA teams remaining separate, although I'm sure the admins have a good reason for doing what they're doing. Just seems a shame that the first round of playoffs are going to be marred by people playing with quite significant lag, especially after the wait.

ET antilag is particularly amazing either, but it can help the laggier player in some instances at least.
RTCW Antilag is better than nothing though, and the Quakecon qualis were played with nothing - I didnt envy that - was max retarded when two EU teams faced each other in the qualis
Barely better than nothing to be fair. I remember the qualifiers well, poor old Rewind!

That's not really my gripe though, more that we could have gone one more round with teams playing on servers closer to home rather than facing the prospect of four matches that will require server changes halfway through.
you don't need to worry, mr. boomstick
I never worry bro.
Rewind should have won that game, lag or not.

I remember spectating it on WolfTV and being very surprised by some of the decisions their team made during the match. Of course it's all too easy to gob off with the benefit of hindsight...

The EU v EU match was a perfect example of just how retarded the perception of RTCW core was at that time, however, money talks...
Envious gaming and unity are used to scrimming on Euro servers. I'm sure they'll be fine. The test will be for the Euro teams. I would start praccing now!
My point wasn't about who is more adapted to playing on foreign servers, more that this entire issue could have been delayed for at least one round as there is seemingly no need whatsoever to mix four European teams and four American teams up.
It is really bad :<

We out damaged most of the american teams but the really simple stuff like revives and close quarters fighting is often impossible @250/300 ping. Forget trying to adjust your aim mid-fight, just pick a spot, keep shooting, and hope for the best :p
You guys are still my heroes for participating AGAIN! Thanks for the RtCW love <3
and we will keep coming back again and again for more punishment till someone stops making these cups :D

need you guys to do a breakfast show for one of our matches haha! <3
Hahaha I think most of WarWitches shows are in fact breakfast shows for him ;)!
I agree with dts, we should have had another stage with what he explained. I for one haven't experienced that much difficulty on euro servers, but a lot of people for some reason do. This will be interesting.
good luck to the teams! looking forward to watch the streams!
United States of America Ground Force Unit v United States of America Unity
United States of America Envious Gaming v United States of America problem?

Hungary Cave v Europe Gangs
Netherlands Liquids v Italy Easyfix
Lol that's exactly what I was thinking.
nice way of trying to get a free pass. TRANSMITTER CAMP INCOMMING
Can we not speak to Zed and request it be changed? Can't see what the problem is if everyone would rather do that.
Maybe ask him on mg42 fb?
games will not be changed - they are fine the way they are. Better team should still win even with server swaps etc.
Are they really though? I don't really see any particularly compelling counter-arguments to what I've written and by the looks of things a lot of people agree with me. I mentioned it to CKY when speaking to him regarding our game, as well as a few other people not involved in this thread, and they all seem to agree too.

As I said on the Facebook group because of this unusual decision our game isn't even going to be played for another 11 days, further delaying the playoffs.
The argument against the current draw is opinion though, nothing actually with any base. EU and American teams will always meet and that should be as early as possible, if it was a mixed bunch of games (IE 1x all EU, 1x all NA and 2 mixed games) I would understand complaints - but it isn't and therefore is fair on every single team in RO16.
Both views are opinions.

I'd also say that the majority of people saying something similar to me would also be a rather solid base if I do say so myself.

I'm not suggesting it be mixed like that either, rather that the teams stay confined to their respective regions for this round. That way we get two teams from both regions 100% going through while also minimising problems with scheduling and servers.
Last cup we saw a surprising loss of Badass when they had to play on a US server. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something like that happen again!
At signs ups everyone was aware there were going to be EU and US teams, they'd have to battle it out sooner or later. I guess now it's going to be sooner!
I don't see the point in changing the playoff schedule, as Sharky pointed out several US teams took the effort of getting used to play on an EU server knowing this was within the possibilities of the tournament.
maybe they started getting used to playing on US servers. d: for example in the late night mixes we (eu guys) didn't mind playing vs env & co on US servers. but maybe that isn't happening any more, I didn't play that late in a couple months now.
As I said before I don't really care personally what server we play on as I'll be panzering anyway. My point is simply that it seems silly to have all the teams mixed up so early in the tournament, especially after the wait we've had for the next set of games. Instead of games that are exciting all the way through, we'll be watching games where one team is always at a disadvantage.

Added to that is the issues with timezones. Having spoken to CKY, we won't even be playing our playoff game for another 11 days by the looks of things.
So no losers bracket?
Yea it is double elim so there is a LB.
Negative. For the teams NOT in the actual playoffs.
There is no consolation tournament organised - but nothing stopping anyone sorting one out, I posted in the RTCW FB page that I would be happy to sort out an all NA tournament if we got around 6-8 teams for it.
Need an alert when one.soldier vs. KiH is scheduled!
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