etadmin_mod 0.29

image: d1p_minibannerBy Germany[d1p][United][VP]Potter aka Mark:

After 6 months of work and lots of testing i finally have a new version of the etadmin_mod for you. With lots and lots of new features to make your serveradmin job easier!

The new tcp interface
The probably most interesting new feature is the tcp interface which allows to make use of all etadmin_mod features from virtually any source - without having to join the server to perform actions or monitor gameplay. There are already two applications which dock into this feature:
* The etm_cc (etadmin control center) written by [PND]Tintifax_x is a windows application which allows you to access all features from an easy to use control panel. Display ingame chat, map events or warnings issued to players, kick, mute or talk to people on your server. You will find everything you need to admin your server in one single place.
* The second client for this new interface is the etm_irc bot - it allows to display ingame actions inside an irc channel - fully customisable output, allowing to chat to people on the server from irc and vice versa - its all possible.

sound mappings
With the new etadmin_mod release, its possibble to react on events from the etconsole.log or the rcon commands and play sounds to them - this new feature makes etadmin_mod much more lively - killing spree, multikill sounds or just make your complainers "whine" - you decide. Thx to the new .lua feature, etpro also supports all of these features.

automute for etpro
The mod is now also featuring automute - this allows to temporarly shut up players that constantly flame or insult other players. Configureable badword list and usage of (etpro)guids to restore the mute when the client is next seen finally allows control over those spammers and flamers.

Further additions are:
- simple_stats (session based stats, without installing a stats-program)
- Intermission mapvoting
- bugfixes Wink

For a whole list of the many changes visit

If you have questions / problems then join us in #etadmin_mod @ Qnet. It's the fastest way, we can help.

Direct links:
Homepage: (reworked)

PS: Big thx to Skooli, HarryHirsch, Hammer, jump3r, Josh, vp'arni, Florisjuh, tommes and all the other active beta testers, that helped me make the new etadmin_mod as good as it is (Sorry, if your name wasn't mentioned here Wink )
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