ClanBase ET Summer 2013

We are proud to announce the start of the Summer 2013 Cup Season! Signups are now open and will remain open until the 30th of June.
image: summercup
image: kHlYr34

General Information

This season, we will be hosting 3on3 and 6on6 ET SummerCups.

The format of our cups will be the same as last season: Playoffs-only with double elimination.

Sign up for the 3on3 SC 2013 here!

Sign up for the 6on6 SC 2013 here!

When signing up for the SC 2013 season, please let us know the following things in the "Notes" section: a) your team's lineup and b) which league you prefer (keep in mind that there will only be 8 teams per league)! This will help us keep the playoff trees as fair as possible. Thanks!


  • Sunday, 16th of June - Signups open
  • Sunday, 30th of June - Signups close
  • Thursday, 4th of July - Playoffs online
  • Monday, 8th of July - First matchweek starts

Map Lists

3on3 SummerCup:
  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • et_ice
  • et_ufo_final
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
6on6 SummerCup:

Need more information or any help?

Questions? Feel free to leave a comment below or visit us on IRC at We will do our best to reply as soon as possible.

To all those looking to participate or help out this season, thank you and good luck!

ClanBase ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013 - Sign Up!
ClanBase ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013 - Sign Up!

ClanBase News - Sign Up for Other Cups
great job and awesome mappool
Reactor in 6on6 pool? :'(
wheres reactor and sos?
in the ladder maplists :)
ladders are the best place for these maps don't you think? if teams really want to play them, they will (rather than being forced in a cup).
y, maby. I don't really know :p not playing this game much anymore :)
achieved too much in a small amount of time

game too easy

let's leave
U paying trip?
no reactor :(
Rifle avi :)
yay nice mappool ohurcool :)
merc avi for this cup! :D
#devastation accepts challenge
ready to roll bro!
no 2on2?
not for SC, maybe in the Fall OC though
rifle avi
last cb cups for ET :((
add erdenberg_t1 or w/e the new one is ?
it's in the ladder maplists!
aw XD would have been better instead of et ufo or smth XD its ok tho. :)
Erdenberg is still in test phase, meaning it wasn't added to SC cause of this purpose, for now it's in 3on3 ladder maplist to see if the map will work out, if everything goes by plans, it will probably future next OC maplist, but as for now, u will only be able to play it in 3on3 ladder and one day cups.
if anyone needs a rifle... :)
- missile + reactor
- adler + sw_oasis
or keep fucking adler as decider map when the match lasts too long...

gl with the cup, I will play too probably... tho this summer is going to be busy! :)
Just take away this deliveryshit and add erdenberg in! ;(
signed up

lol'd at supski's 10/10 rating
we always did that :) but u guys to stronk
OC Premier Spring 2013 is clearly 10/10
lol'd at rito's 10/10 rating* :3

he does it every cup and every cup they call him retard for doing it
also avi for this
should be fun well done cb
nice to see clanbase still going stron
also avi
make it 5v5 !
@ different game :XD
Lord Estaloth
signuped XDD gl hf all!
Me and Voice will be around to cast, if there are any teams you particularly want to see play then just let us know.
avi for a team with olbaa in it.
czy koledzy bedo grali? :>
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