#ET.Gather is back - once again

After almost 20 weeks of inactivity, #ET.Gather is finally back for our hardcore summer gamers!

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For those of you cavemen who haven't heard of #ET.Gather yet, it is simply an IRC channel where people can !add themselves in order to form 2 different teams. When the teams are full, they can play either 3on3 or 6on6, depending on the activity, on a map that has been voted on.

This comeback has been possible thanks to Romania Stary mainly, who will join me in the admin ranks, who got Germany rpr|Fronty of #reeperbahn to sponsor the project with game- and voiceservers. If you want to thank them, I think the best thing you can do is idle on their channel.
Joining me and Romania Stary in the admin team is the one and only Slovenia Aniky, who offered himself in order to be able to !timebomb me whenever he wants.

With this promising team I hope we will be able to bring the activity back on #ET.Gather just as it used to be.

If you have any questions, feel free to query me, and I will be happy to answer as soon as possible.

Aniky everywhere
Great man,was kinda hoping for gather to come back.
At least you can do something of your summer now :O)
gl with it :) bit weird to see Stary as an admin again, but oh well
Don't you have anything better to do other than criticizing me like banning people on CB?
that's an odd thing to say, since it only took about 10 seconds for me to post that comment

just saying that I find it rather weird that someone who was removed from the ESL admin team for repeatedly flaming players in public is now an admin of a project run by the very person who got him removed
And why isn't this a good thing? Me and Kenzi getting along with each other even after our incident and doing something nice for everyone.
I know that I am hated by half of this "ET COMMUNITY" lol but I could never care less about it
who knows, it could be a good thing

we'll see I guess :)
Quotewho knows, it could be a good thing

You should change your name to [CB]ohurfunny.
Hated or not does not matter anymore.

It´s a step forward to rebuild a litle comunity.
This is a fact!
And reason enough to thank you and your mates working with you for the comunity.
ET is dieing... Sure.
But not because a few couple of players left but that the most players are probably pubbing other mod´s than ETpro.
ETgather Will give an opportunité to discover the compétition on that game.
It worths to wake up and read such a good news like it with hangover! Gather is a great place for nabz like me to learn how to play, i hope i'll be able to reach my med- skills till the end of this summer. ^^ Good luck guys with this project, i hope we'll see each other on the virtual battlefield. ;D
I would be happier w/o hangover. Mofo vodka!
it doesn't kill, just makes us stronger! :D
so this silly shit is back and now with Ri Stary as admin? even more of HELL NO
You just jelly that they hate him more now.
That's not true :x
No one wants u anyway, so nothing's lost here
I don't get why're u so hating on Robert.
do i even need to answer that....
Good Job !
oh finally back

im glad u guys did it, i can finally play some
not this shit again
An easy way for Stary to get our ip's and ddos us, no thanks.
How exactly can he get your IP by having operator status on an IRC channel???
You're not very bright are you, he's going on the TS, gets our IP there.
It's not like you're allowed to play anyway, so I'm not sure why you are even discussing about this.
And I wouldn't be allowed to play because?
Oh, so since you dont really have something against, you are going to disallow me because someone else used my tzac and got me banned =) Sad story mr DDOS, am I such a big threat? Or are you getting hurt? =)))

*]Be recognizable ingame by using your IRC nick
[*]Use TZAC when playing
[*]Join up with your team on TeamSpeak!
[*]Do not leave the game unless you let us know and with a good reason
[*]Use !gameover when the gather is over[/list]

Love it when you just make seperate rules for people who dont like your asslicking low ass =)
since when you ban cheaters?
I am not even banned for cheaters, just a little ddossing kid who wants to get revenge somehow.
this is one of the most retarded comment of you so far.
keep it up pal
Yes keep browsing you'll reach 2008 journals soon
for attention ofc
Why not is the better question to ask yourself
He's not asking himself, he's asking you. It would be rather silly if he asked you "why not?".
So ppl can have some fun maybe? Games are after all meant to provide user with fun moments.
inb4 24/7 #et.gather spam.

Quote36191 (14:52:34) (Kenzi) Come on ladies 5 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
36250 (16:20:01) (Goku`) Come on ladies 2 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
36295 (17:32:51) (Kenzi) Come on ladies 4 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
36325 (18:24:53) (Goku`) Come on ladies 5 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
36342 (18:50:29) (Goku`) Come on ladies 1 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
36372 (19:25:21) (Kenzi) Come on ladies 3 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
36414 (20:40:08) (Goku`) Come on ladies 7 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
37737 (15:02:49) (Goku`) Come on ladies 5 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
37784 (16:04:25) (Goku`) Come on ladies a few spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
37908 (19:33:57) (xAeee) Come on ladies 3 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
38332 (21:52:43) (Goku`) Come on ladies 8 spots left in #et.gather to start the gather
38429 (17:47:41) (Goku) Come on guys, just a FEW SPOTS left on #ET.Gather!!
38477 (18:15:08) (Kenzi) Come on guys, just a FEW SPOTS left on #ET.Gather!! Add up! :)
38506 (19:39:23) (Goku) Come on guys, just a FEW SPOTS left on #ET.Gather!! Add up! :)
Yes, lets rather sit and watch no one doing anything for this community instead, don't even get it why're u so hating on this project anyway, hes trying to do something for the ppl left here and that enjoyed playing some gathers back at the past, instead of not giving a damn like most of ur sort.
Grow a fucking backbone.
grow pair of balls instead.
inb4 Frop being a cunt for a change
niceone kenzi
stop spamming and get rid of stary and you have another player here
What's so wrong with Stary?
GL with this project .. :)
stary admin

devoted to fail
Frop was here, all else is irrelevant.
i actually think stary isn't the kind of guy that should be an admin since i think hes actually pretty fucking biased
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