Today is the 4th edition of one.more Cup this time featuring 3on3! We have our minimum 8 teams signed up on what will hopefully be an enjoyable cup for all.
Semi Finals and Grand Final will be put on GamesTV and maybe third place game if teams are able to play that also. Grand Final is due to take place at roughly 20:00 CET.
Grand Final
Semi Finals
Quarter Finals
amped vs. tALENT
Second Massachussets vs. oldschoolers
w0bble vs. p2gfaction
eXe vs. LEGEND
eXe win one.more Cup #4
Semi Finals and Grand Final will be put on GamesTV and maybe third place game if teams are able to play that also. Grand Final is due to take place at roughly 20:00 CET.
Grand Final
Semi Finals
Quarter Finals
Second Massachussets vs. oldschoolers
w0bble vs. p2gfaction
eXe vs. LEGEND
IRC: #onesoldier