CB ET Summer 2013: Playoffs

The ClanBase ET Summer 2013 Playoffs are now online! Both cups officially begin on Monday the 8th of July.

image: summercup
image: kHlYr34

As previously announced, this season will operate on a Playoffs-only system with double elimination.

The 3on3 SC features 64 teams divided into 8 leagues, with each league containing 8 teams.

The 6on6 SC has 46 teams divided into 6 leagues, with 5 leagues of 8 teams and 1 league of 6 teams.

3on3 SummerCup

Premier League

Second League

Third League

Fourth League

Fifth League

Sixth League

Seventh League

Eighth League

6on6 SummerCup

Premier League

Second League

Third League

Fourth League

Fifth League

Sixth League

General Information

- The first matchweek (Upper Bracket Round 1) is from Monday 8th to Monday 15th.

- All games must be scheduled in advance. On the Thursday of each matchweek, unscheduled matches will be forced to the last proposal or to the deadline.

- Each team has 1 wildcard which can only be used before the official match time.

- All scores must be reported in the Cup Forum - read more about reporting scores on the cup page.

- Maps are not forced. In each round, both teams select 1 map from the map list. If the same map is selected by both teams, then the second map is decided by a cointoss and elimination of the remaining maps. The map lists for this season can be found below.


image: uB9zAQK

Map Lists

3on3 SummerCup:
  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • et_ice
  • et_ufo_final
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
6on6 SummerCup:


As always, we will allow teams to swap with each other if desired. Please note that you may only swap from one league to another, not from one spot in a league to another spot in the same league.

If you'd like to make a swap, first find another team with whom you could trade places. Both team captains must then provide us with links to each team and explain where you'd like to swap to and from. You may either leave a comment below or send Czech Republic t4Mj, Slovenia Aniky, or myself a PM here or on IRC with all information.

Swaps can be made until Sunday 7th at 23:59 CET.

Also, we may accept some late signups if any teams drop out. Please let us know if either your team will drop out or if you'd still like to sign up for the cup!

Good luck and have fun!

CB ET 3on3 SummerCup 2013: Cup Page - Playoffs - Roster
CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013: Cup Page - Playoffs - Roster

well that should be fast 2 weeks
If someone needs 3o3 pro players msg or if u have signed up a team and cant play pm me.
bsturz ec 4th playing 2nd div now gg...
probably ohurcool punishing, because the dorpout of last season:/

but indeed funny to see a team like frogz who just formed, higher then us
sad cunts are sad cunts cant change the fact
we can just remove your team from the cup instead if you'd prefer that
didn't u quit et already? wonder what are u still doing here

be happy u even landed at 2nd.
Hello Lord Aniky,

My team is overrated by admins, we want 3rd or 4th.

Yours faithfully, Sgt TOMOBRO devastation gaming
Frogz played ET before you know how to use a computer so please :)
oh come on, they have been inactive for over years now. and you werent even part of them, why should you defend.
Why did you say they have been inactive for years ? look at it, emorej is playing every NC atleast, same for pubpowner aka maxuh, what about karnaj ? :D and yeah they are playing for a long time even if I play with them recently :) they are friends, thats why I have to defend them, like you did for bSTURZ ;)
point is, they're good at the game.. you guys aren't.
coming from you: the guy who gets carried for ages and who always will be the lowest of the team. dunno why you hold such a grudge against us. The point is, they as team havent been active over a couple of years, and we've proven ourselves over and over and have been far more active.
What has activity to do anything when in reality every single one of their players is far superior in terms of skill as you are? What's the point of putting a lower skilled team into a group over someone that actually has a chance to win a game? Despite the fact that they ARE and HAVE been active, individually. maxuh, emorej, antho, karnaj, straf(if he's even part of it) have been playing in various cups over the past years, more so than you even.
Lately it has been proven that activity >> skill. So much newschoolers winning over oldschool players who just came back to roll ec fast with a bad attitude:

Like this ec: gmen winning over bf. and bf almost losing to erase.

So, your point is invalid and has been proven wrong way to often.
QuoteDespite the fact that they ARE and HAVE been active, individually. maxuh, emorej, antho, karnaj, straf(if he's even part of it) have been playing in various cups over the past years, more so than you even.
i guess we wont agree anyway. You say they have been active, i say they didnt.

even their NC lineup was way different then the frogz squad. only karnaj and an7ho played on a high level after frogz, the other ones barely played.


Every single one of those players is in the frogZ lineup.
actually yokoo is playing with us. + the rest of the tournament they played with bowler and karen
The fact is we are talking about performances from a team, not from a single player. Even if you manage to get good results during last cups/tournaments, Frogz deserves his spot on 1st division. That's a fact when you got player like emorej, maxuh or karnaj cause its a summercup. Summercup is a "fun" cup for ppl who can play during summer with friends. And I never say you dont deserve a spot on 1st division, just that if you play in 1st div, Frogz deserves a spot on same level also :)
straf mon frère, on t'attends ;)
Idd proven last EC
I don't think bsturz was in EC ..
If a 3rd division team wants to swap to 2nd league, PM me on #sticked.et thanks !
feels like same here xD
swapped, you're now in 3rd league
thanks bro, reactive as usual :)
Effectus nerds gonna play all summer lol
we dont even prac? its not like were playing 3on3's for a living like you :*
Wanna swap from 2nd to 3rd / 4th division in 3on3 /q me if interested
dev wants 3rd or 4th div. cheers
saKen vs devix
Jun 02 16:48:25 <Provok> we'll play summercup too
Jun 02 16:48:38 <Provok> put us in second again please :P

edit: swapped, you're now in 3rd league
Yeah I thought we were going to have the same lineup but we had to recruit 2 new guys and it's kinda hard to get back in shape with new players, 3rd div will be fine for us I think, thanks again :)
thanks, didn't know second div will be the same as open cup, and in one month we lost players, ,again :(
greejtsjot wants to switch from 2nd to 3rd in 3o3 /q

e: 6o6 too
looks like over half the teams from 2nd div want to switch division :D

(bsturz to upper; sticked, v56, dev and NiP to lower)
So it doesnt really matter if they switch or not :D:D
indeed, yet no one in premier or 3rd is complaining

can't make everyone happy :)
can sick6 be switched into 2nd? :<
ty need to beat up twidi for stabbings
playoffs-only seems like a bright idea
NiP for 4th or maybe 3rd div if possible... we need to prepare on bootcamp next week! :) Cheers!
rumours says that we gonna play it on wednesday when everyone is drunk/stoned anyway, think we can hardly beat 5th divison teams then!
if any 3on3 team wants to swap from 3rd division to 4th division
if any 6on6 team wants to swap from 5th to 6th div

pmme mIRC #c[_].et /q ETisMYlife
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