The Battle For Berlin Icemat Challenge!

image: bfb_icemat3

Battle For Berlin has teamed up with Icemat to annouce the Icemat Challenge!

The Icemat Challenge works like this: You go to the Icemat Challenge page and finish the quiz. The quiz is all about Icemat and all the answers can be found on their website. Your answers sit until October 31st ( when the challenge ends ) and then we randomly select two emails, check if they are the correct answers, and if they are, you win an Icemat Siberia In-Ear Headset. Quite a few people will enter the tournament, but only 2 will win!

Go to the Icemat Challenge page and fill out the survey for your chance to win the Icemat Siberia In-Ear Headset!

--- Do not attempt to fill out the survey twice, as it will result in you being eliminated from the challenge ---


Zach "Mortal" Hooper
Battle For Berlin Tournament Director
Also - Please note that the prizes have been updated. Steel Series sponsored us with 3 Steelpad Qck+ Gaming surfaces, and we also aquired some A-DATA 512MB USB Flash Drives. We rotated a few things around based off some concerns with the Icemats interfering with the Razer Diamondback mouse.

For a full update, go to the Prizes page.

Stuck on "Q: What game is featured on the custom-branded Icemat 2nd Edition?"


I hope whoever I send this to knows what a tittle is.
Random comment much?

If you wish to elaborate, do so.
rofl, just read the questions , liek what am i ? the-all-known-pro-about-icematshit, rofl. There is no price 99,9% i think, it just makes u see the product and buy it, and u know it :)
There is no prize? What are you talking about? The headsets are in boxes waiting to be sent out to the winners. The quiz is related to Icemat, because the prizes are given to us for free from an Icemat distributor. The quiz isn't hard. You open the Icemat website, take 5 minutes to navigate it, and send in your quiz. It's about as hard as putting your clothes on in the morning and brushing your teeth.

Anyways, this contest is 100% legitiment, and the quiz was created by me, with no direction of the Icemat distributor. They wanted banners, and their name in the quiz; other then that it could have been about eating pie, RtCW, or how vessaR assumes things without any backing. In the end, take the quiz, people will win later on today, and all is well.

Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life vessaR.
when do we find out the winners?
Today, they are posted on the Other News section now.
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