Croatia - the rose and its thorn

image: logo3(1)

Croatia Croatia, a country which combines its mediterranean climate with beautiful land and sky with the more negative side of it's still struggling economy and politics.The 4.5 million strong population is spread over both it's main land with boasting cities and over the 1100 islands who are nothing short of expirienced when it comes to war, revolting against our Yugoslavian occupiers up to the point when we gained our independence in 1991 and from then up till 1995 battling the Serbs in order to defend our homes, our territory and our beautiful nation; once again we are ready for combat proudly representing our nation. Some of you may not realise this but Croatia's Enemy Territory community is also six feet under, yet still we are battling our way out of the coma and with players representing teams such as Europe aMenti, Croatia Cortana and Croatia elite we will represent our nation with a lineup of:

Croatia aCoZz
Croatia amserious
Croatia calisto
Croatia FroZzeN
Croatia gumiflex
Croatia p4h
Croatia rimi
Croatia ZL1NkO

We aim to give each opponent a good, hard and fair fight and to reach the playoffs.We wish all the luck to other National teams and hope to see them in combat.

Team Croatia would like to thank Slovenia Astral for his help on the team's logo and to United Kingdom Mashed whom helped with some of the news construction.

IRC: #team-croatia
gl & hf

<3 Labin & Rabac
the girl is haaawt
I'm famous :o
The spam continues.
thats called tradition
You misspelled idiocy.
no, i didnt. and you failed to be funny
I wasn't even trying to be funny.
If any mix team gets front-page / major news, then so should any "real" team. And since it isn't even worth the news, it's idiocy.

This is all leading to yet another wave of inane news, flooding all of the more important news off the front-page. And as long as their country wins noone will actually care who played.
easy bash for croatia
Far better than the swiss one, and ofc has better players too! :>

Gl guys, and the women in the pic is hot :>
I would :D certainly her singing even makes your horrible language sound nice rofl xD

Lana Jur&#269;evi&#263; glazbom what a sexy name long live croatian language :D lol it wouldnt even display hahaa
Croatian is the language of Gods ultra mate :P

Now give me State of trance 2004 ffs !
Nice edit! and ill be doing it soon enough dont worry :P
omfg se is hot :O:O:O.. i want her on my background
i want her in my bed tbh not on my background :)
dr000000lllll ... :P
gl frozzen & zl1nko
I love NC time!

Good luck!
Ajmo hrvati!
hf loekino the 150 pinger <3
go rimi :D gl m8
ajmo gljive
"ok" your just sounding stupid now
Saying that i like news post purely for the fact that i like acozz, when imo the group of players on both pages (this and yours) the croatia team looks stronger (imo) and the fact that the actual news post, this one is nicer, more colourful and i actually learnt something from the text unlike yours which i found rather trivial tbh. Is that reason enough or is "iam a fanboy" going to stick with you. I'll have you know that i dont fanboy anyone that actually currently plays, i have my clans/players which i like and generally im friendly towards them nothing more. You make me a sad panda that i even have to write shit like this, just be happy with your skill and know that eveyone has different tastes/opinions and mine obviously doesnt match yours.

Sad panda out :(

First level: adlernest
in like a couple of hours+

Second level: sw_goldrush_te
some more maybe
gl egoballs
lowmid mAx. xD
be nice for rimi

<3 deef

U are maybe laughing, but in NA there is currently a vote to play 7vs7 :)
lol, are you living IN CANADA?? :O
no around canada
too bad qcon takes place in america!
gl mirkoti
veel geluk croatie
its not it's :l
gl gmx !
Where is chaplja?
collecting mushrooms
barrowing potatoes
gathering turnips
hoeing weeds
gl for the rest also.
Korcula > all and Karlovacko is nice too
idd serbs suck.

gl frozzen and acozz =p
it's hf only concerning this but ty =]
all this entire news post and many years of study has proved to me is that eastern europe and croatia (do you remember Zorans Wolfs) has the best porn ever.
Frozzen lol'd
Frozzen lol'd
swas lol'd

omg nigga you have been lol'd
btw this is probably going to get deleted faster than the world trade center queens english spelling for the win atleast that word anyway, i mean common like steel could melt at the tempreture that aviation fuel burns at in only 20 minutes wtf rofle so in conclusion you should by shares in xfire before bill gates comes knocks and screen shot the posts and put it on a poster card and send them to your loved ones for the festive period comming up and make liitle screen savers like the matrix code and make little forum pics that flash with the o'rly owl randomly.
gl croatie
i guess its Serbians instead of Serbs?
u guess wrong

Gl rimi ! :)
<3 croatia, i can see the plitvicka seas, i were there last on september ;p. There are minefields :o some cats runned over the minefields :s
Opet ste nam ukrali Zlinku :/. Ali ovaj put bez svadje momci kao prosli NC. GL & HF CROATIA.
NO DECIDER!! GL team Croatia
gl clst!
omg fruity fruity monster aka zlinko is here!
gl aCozz :)
nice lineup
puno srece braca hrvati! :)
gl zlinko
gl aCoZz :)
Viel Glück raptus zlinko and calisto!
gl Stankovic
Sretno likovi :)
gl acozzz
Gl! Rimi napp :O
pomfg it's zlinko and frozzen
zomgepomge (c) Kevin
that bitch on a photo <3
gl zlinko
gl frozzen
GL Hrvatska :D
GL!! Hope you come far. Zlinko ljubavi moja pwnaj to sve njubaro jedna.
i like croatian ppl, GL.
Is croatia the country in between AnonymousPoland and AnonymousIsrael?
did you work on it the whole day?
pls explain urself ...
Rimi: Jebem te blentavu.

Tell Gizmo he is Pickica!
Its nice to load crossfire and see that nice woman staring at you, maybe I should sticky this newspost
i agree, go for it!
Ii like the croatian girl in that picture! <:o
suker > prso.
Hrvati - underdog
dobar lineup imo, GL acozz, frozz, gmx i svi drugi
<3,steta sta ti nisi mogao igrat
gl nerds _)_ I love you with all my anus
hf guys nice lineup :*
gl frozzen, rimi, gmx (With tel aviv ping)
gl m8s <33333
hey lowbird,thx <3
where is Croatia danL?
HR should play 6on6 NC too ... ( with different ppl if needed? ) :D
gooo rimi
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